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Created March 24, 2015 18:27
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Save johngrant/f3091413b3b594ea137d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Prototype code used to enumerate the files in a bundle at runtime then serialize to JS array the bundle or the contents based on the DEBUG symbols
var includes = "[]";
var bundleName = "~/bundles/agent-profile";
if (!BundleTable.EnableOptimizations)
var resolver = new BundleResolver();
var url = resolver.GetBundleContents(bundleName).Select(s => string.Format("'{0}'", Url.Content(s)));
includes = "[" + string.Join(",", url) + "]";
var location = Url.Content(bundleName);
includes = "['" + location + "']";
@section scriptloader {
var includes = @Html.Raw(includes);
$script(['@Url.Content("~/bundles/ko-js")'], 'knockout');
$script.ready('knockout', function() {
$script.ready('profile', function() {
var profile = new nplay.controllers.profile();
profile.initialize().done(function (app) { = app;
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