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Created March 3, 2017 12:26
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""" Functions dealing with rectangular patch antenna."""
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sph2cart1 import sph2cart1
from cart2sph1 import cart2sph1
from math import cos, sin, sqrt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
def PatchFunction(thetaInDeg, phiInDeg, Freq, W, L, h, Er):
Taken from Design_patchr
Calculates total E-field pattern for patch as a function of theta and phi
Patch is assumed to be resonating in the (TMx 010) mode.
E-field is parallel to x-axis
W......Width of patch (m)
L......Length of patch (m)
h......Substrate thickness (m)
Er.....Dielectric constant of substrate
Refrence C.A. Balanis 2nd Edition Page 745
lamba = 3e8 / Freq
theta_in = math.radians(thetaInDeg)
phi_in = math.radians(phiInDeg)
ko = 2 * math.pi / lamba
xff, yff, zff = sph2cart1(999, theta_in, phi_in) # Rotate coords 90 deg about x-axis to match array_utils coord system with coord system used in the model.
xffd = zff
yffd = xff
zffd = yff
r, thp, php = cart2sph1(xffd, yffd, zffd)
phi = php
theta = thp
if theta == 0:
theta = 1e-9 # Trap potential division by zero warning
if phi == 0:
phi = 1e-9
Ereff = ((Er + 1) / 2) + ((Er - 1) / 2) * (1 + 12 * (h / W)) ** -0.5 # Calculate effictive dielectric constant for microstrip line of width W on dielectric material of constant Er
F1 = (Ereff + 0.3) * (W / h + 0.264) # Calculate increase length dL of patch length L due to fringing fields at each end, giving total effective length Leff = L + 2*dL
F2 = (Ereff - 0.258) * (W / h + 0.8)
dL = h * 0.412 * (F1 / F2)
Leff = L + 2 * dL
Weff = W # Calculate effective width Weff for patch, uses standard Er value.
heff = h * sqrt(Er)
# Patch pattern function of theta and phi, note the theta and phi for the function are defined differently to theta_in and phi_in
Numtr2 = sin(ko * heff * cos(phi) / 2)
Demtr2 = (ko * heff * cos(phi)) / 2
Fphi = (Numtr2 / Demtr2) * cos((ko * Leff / 2) * sin(phi))
Numtr1 = sin((ko * heff / 2) * sin(theta))
Demtr1 = ((ko * heff / 2) * sin(theta))
Numtr1a = sin((ko * Weff / 2) * cos(theta))
Demtr1a = ((ko * Weff / 2) * cos(theta))
Ftheta = ((Numtr1 * Numtr1a) / (Demtr1 * Demtr1a)) * sin(theta)
# Due to groundplane, function is only valid for theta values : 0 < theta < 90 for all phi
# Modify pattern for theta values close to 90 to give smooth roll-off, standard model truncates H-plane at theta=90.
# PatEdgeSF has value=1 except at theta close to 90 where it drops (proportional to 1/x^2) to 0
rolloff_factor = 0.5 # 1=sharp, 0=softer
theta_in_deg = theta_in * 180 / math.pi # theta_in in Deg
F1 = 1 / (((rolloff_factor * (abs(theta_in_deg) - 90)) ** 2) + 0.001) # intermediate calc
PatEdgeSF = 1 / (F1 + 1) # Pattern scaling factor
UNF = 1.0006 # Unity normalisation factor for element pattern
if theta_in <= math.pi / 2:
Etot = Ftheta * Fphi * PatEdgeSF * UNF # Total pattern by pattern multiplication
Etot = 0
return Etot
def GetPatchFields(PhiStart, PhiStop, ThetaStart, ThetaStop, Freq, W, L, h, Er):
Calculates the E-field for range of thetaStart-thetaStop and phiStart-phiStop
Returning a numpy array of form - fields[phiDeg][thetaDeg] = eField
W......Width of patch (m)
L......Length of patch (m)
h......Substrate thickness (m)
Er.....Dielectric constant of substrate
fields = np.ones((PhiStop, ThetaStop)) # Create initial array to hold e-fields for each position
for phiDeg in range(PhiStart, PhiStop):
for thetaDeg in range(ThetaStart, ThetaStop): # Iterate over all Phi/Theta combinations
eField = PatchFunction(thetaDeg, phiDeg, Freq, W, L, h, Er) # Calculate the field for current Phi, Theta
fields[phiDeg][thetaDeg] = eField # Update array with e-field
return fields
def PatchEHPlanePlot(Freq, W, L, h, Er, isLog=True):
Plot 2D plots showing E-field for E-plane (phi = 0°) and the H-plane (phi = 90°).
fields = GetPatchFields(0, 360, 0, 90, Freq, W, L, h, Er) # Calculate the field at each phi, theta
Xtheta = np.linspace(0, 90, 90) # Theta range array used for plotting
if isLog: # Can plot the log scale or normal
plt.plot(Xtheta, 20 * np.log10(abs(fields[90, :])), label="H-plane (Phi=90°)") # Log = 20 * log10(E-field)
plt.plot(Xtheta, 20 * np.log10(abs(fields[0, :])), label="E-plane (Phi=0°)")
plt.ylabel('E-Field (dB)')
plt.plot(Xtheta, fields[90, :], label="H-plane (Phi=90°)")
plt.plot(Xtheta, fields[0, :], label="E-plane (Phi=0°)")
plt.xlabel('Theta (degs)') # Plot formatting
plt.title("Patch: \nW=" + str(W) + " \nL=" + str(L) + "\nEr=" + str(Er) + " h=" + str(h) + " \n@" + str(Freq) + "Hz")
plt.xlim((0, 90))
start, end = plt.xlim()
plt.xticks(np.arange(start, end, 5))
plt.grid(b=True, which='major')
plt.legend() # Show plot
return fields # Return the calculated fields
def SurfacePlot(Fields, Freq, W, L, h, Er):
"""Plots 3D surface plot over given theta/phi range in Fields by calculating cartesian coordinate equivalent of spherical form."""
print("Processing SurfacePlot...")
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
phiSize = Fields.shape[0] # Finds the phi & theta range
thetaSize = Fields.shape[1]
X = np.ones((phiSize, thetaSize)) # Prepare arrays to hold the cartesian coordinate data.
Y = np.ones((phiSize, thetaSize))
Z = np.ones((phiSize, thetaSize))
for phi in range(phiSize): # Iterate over all phi/theta range
for theta in range(thetaSize):
e = Fields[phi][theta]
xe, ye, ze = sph2cart1(e, math.radians(theta), math.radians(phi)) # Calculate cartesian coordinates
X[phi, theta] = xe # Store cartesian coordinates
Y[phi, theta] = ye
Z[phi, theta] = ze
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, color='b') # Plot surface
plt.xlabel('X') # Plot formatting
plt.title("Patch: \nW=" + str(W) + " \nL=" + str(L) + "\nEr=" + str(Er) + " h=" + str(h) + " \n@" + str(Freq) + "Hz")
def DesignPatch(Er, h, Freq):
Returns the patch_config parameters for standard lambda/2 rectangular microstrip patch. Patch length L and width W are calculated and returned together with supplied parameters Er and h.
Returned values are in the same format as the global patchr_config variable, so can be assigned directly. The patchr_config variable is of the following form [Er,W,L,h].
Usage: patchr_config=design_patchr(Er,h,Freq)
Er.....Relative dielectric constant
h......Substrate thickness (m)
Freq...Frequency (Hz)
e.g. patchr_config=design_patchr(3.43,0.7e-3,2e9)
Eo = 8.854185e-12
lambd = 3e8 / Freq
lambdag = lambd / sqrt(Er)
W = (3e8 / (2 * Freq)) * sqrt(2 / (Er + 1))
Ereff = ((Er + 1) / 2) + ((Er - 1) / 2) * (1 + 12 * (h / W)) ** -0.5 # Calculate effictive dielectric constant for microstrip line of width W on dielectric material of constant Er
F1 = (Ereff + 0.3) * (W / h + 0.264) # Calculate increase length dL of patch length L due to fringing fields at each end, giving actual length L = Lambda/2 - 2*dL
F2 = (Ereff - 0.258) * (W / h + 0.8)
dL = h * 0.412 * (F1 / F2)
lambdag = lambd / sqrt(Ereff)
L = (lambdag / 2) - 2 * dL
print('Rectangular Microstrip Patch Design')
print("Frequency: " + str(Freq))
print("Dielec Const, Er : " + str(Er))
print("Patch Width, W: " + str(W) + "m")
print("Patch Length, L: " + str(L) + "m")
print("Patch Height, h: " + str(h) + "m")
return W, L, h, Er
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""Some example patches with various thickness & Er."""
freq = 14e9
Er = 3.66 # RO4350B
h = 0.101e-3
W, L, h, Er = DesignPatch(Er, h, freq)
fields = PatchEHPlanePlot(freq, W, L, h, Er)
SurfacePlot(fields, freq, W, L, h, Er)
h = 1.524e-3
W, L, h, Er = DesignPatch(Er, h, freq) # RO4350B
fields = PatchEHPlanePlot(freq, W, L, h, Er)
SurfacePlot(fields, freq, W, L, h, Er)
fields = PatchEHPlanePlot(freq, 10.7e-3, 10.47e-3, 3e-3, 2.5) # Random
SurfacePlot(fields, freq, W, L, h, Er)
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horwathbd commented Sep 21, 2020


sph2cart1 and cart2sph1 come from John's script. So, if you have that file in the same directory, change the imports to:

from Patch import sph2cart1
from Patch import cart2sph1

Or, add the definitions (don't forget to include acos and atan2 in the math import):

def sph2cart1(r, th, phi):
x = r * cos(phi) * sin(th)
y = r * sin(phi) * sin(th)
z = r * cos(th)

return x, y, z

def cart2sph1(x, y, z):
r = sqrt(x2 + y2 + z**2) + 1e-15
th = acos(z / r)
phi = atan2(y, x)

return r, th, phi

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