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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'th',
downArrow: '▼',
upArrow: '▲',
actions: {
sortBy(model, sortProperty, order) {
// Remove all selected classes from all the header links
// Add the selected class to our link
// Run the sort.
this.sendAction('action', model, sortProperty, order);
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
queryParams: ['deal_ids', 'date_from', 'date_to'],
actions: {
sortBy(model, property, order) {
console.log(model, property, order);
// generate an array with 'property:order'
let attrDirection = [`${property}:${order}`];
// Set the model sorting property to the
this.set(`computedProperties`, attrDirection);
Ember.computed.sort('model', `computedProperties`);
<div class="row full-width">
<div class="large-12 columns">
{{sortable-header model='' title='Link' sortProperty='link' action='sortBy'}}
{{sortable-header model='' title='IMP' sortProperty='impressions' action='sortBy'}}
{{sortable-header model='' title='CLI' sortProperty='click' action='sortBy'}}
{{sortable-header model='' title='REG' sortProperty='registrations' action='sortBy'}}
{{sortable-header model='' title='FTD' sortProperty='ftd' action='sortBy'}}
{{sortable-header model='' title='CLI/REG%' sortProperty='clicksVsRegistrations' action='sortBy'}}
{{sortable-header model='' title='REG/FTD%' sortProperty='registrationsVsFTD' action='sortBy'}}
{{sortable-header model='' title='CLI/FTD%' sortProperty='ftdVsClicks' action='sortBy'}}
{{sortable-header model='' title='EARNINGS' sortProperty='earnings' action='sortBy'}}
{{sortable-header model='' title='EPCLI' sortProperty='earningsPerClick' action='sortBy'}}
{{#each model as |report|}}
<td>{{humanize-number report.impressions}}</td>
<td>{{humanize-number report.registrations}}</td>
<td>{{humanize-number report.ftd}}</td>
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