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Last active June 8, 2019 16:31
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using GR, Random, Memoize
xmin = ymin = -3
xmax = ymax = 3
resx = resy = 400
setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1)
setwindow(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
# Hodge podge parameters
n = 100 # Number of states
k1 = 3 # Contagion for infected cells
k2 = 3 # Contagion factor for ill cells
g = 25 # Infection evolution speed
# Initialise grids - 2 for alternation
cells1 = Array{UInt32}(undef, resx, resy)
rand!(cells1, 0:n)
cells2 = copy(cells1)
cells = [cells1, cells2]
# Evolution functions
@inline isHealthy(t, i, j) = cells[t][i,j] == 0
@inline isInfected(t, i, j) = cells[t][i,j] > 0 && cells[t][i,j] < n
@inline isIll(t, i, j) = cells[t][i,j] >= n
@inline cx(x) = x <= 0 ? resx + x : x > resx ? x - resx : x
@inline cy(y) = y <= 0 ? resy + y : y > resy ? y - resy : y
@memoize neighbours(i, j) = [[cx(i - 1), cy(j - 1)], [cx(i), cy(j - 1)], [cx(i + 1), cy(j - 1)],
[cx(i - 1), cy(j)], [cx(i + 1), cy(j)],
[cx(i - 1), cy(j + 1)], [cx(i), cy(j + 1)], [cx(i + 1), cy(j + 1)]]
@inline a(t, i, j) = count(c -> isInfected(t, c[1], c[2]), neighbours(i,j))
@inline b(t, i, j) = count(c -> isIll(t, c[1], c[2]), neighbours(i,j))
@inline s(t, i, j) = sum(c -> cells[t][c[1], c[2]], neighbours(i,j)) + cells[t][i, j]
t = 1
while true
# Display grid with scaled colour map (this slows down sumulation considerably)
cellarray(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, resx, resy, floor.(8 .+ 64*cells[t]/n) )
# Update next time step, alternating between in-memory grids
tnext = (t == 1) ? 2 : 1
for i in 1:resx
for j in 1:resy
# (a) If the cell is healthy (i.e., in state 0) then its new state is [a/k1] + [b/k2],
# where a is the number of infected cells among its eight neighbors, b is the number of
# ill cells among its neighbors, and k1 and k2 are constants. Here “[]” means the
# integer part of the number enclosed, so that, for example, [7/3] = [2+1/3] = 2.
cells[tnext][i,j] = floor(a(t,i,j) / k1) + floor(b(t,i,j) / k2)
# (b) If the cell is ill (i.e., in state n) then it miraculously becomes healthy (i.e.,
# its state becomes 0).
cells[tnext][i,j] = 0
# (c) If the cell is infected (i.e., in a state other than 0 and n) then its new state
# is [s/(a+b+1)] + g, where a and b are as above, s is the sum of the states of the cell
# and of its neighbors and g is a constant.
cells[tnext][i,j] = floor(s(t,i,j) / (a(t,i,j) + b(t,i,j) + 1)) + g
# Alternate grids
global t
t = tnext
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