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Created February 15, 2022 20:17
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Googlebot whitelist nginx map generator
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Cron daily with this format:
# 0 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/ reload &>/dev/null
# Update GOOGLE_WHITELIST_CONF to point to a configuration file that is included
# Update RELOAD_CMD with the command used to reload the nginx configuration
RELOAD_CMD="systemctl reload nginx"
# Check for dependencies, this process requires curl and jq:
if ! type -P curl &>/dev/null; then
echo "ERROR: install curl to retrieve google IP address list"
exit 1
elif ! type -P jq &>/dev/null; then
echo "ERROR: install jq to parse json"
exit 1
echo "###############################################"
echo "# Nginx map variable for Googlebot whitelist: #"
echo "###############################################"
# Create the nginx map variable based on $remote_addr.
# NOTE: If nginx is operating behind a CDN, update this map to use a header
# or other variable that contains the real client IP address. For example,
# Akamai can enable the 'True-Client-IP header' to hold the real client IP
# address, so $http_true_client_ip would be used instead of $remote_addr.
# The RealIP module can also be used to find the correct client IP address.
echo 'geo $remote_addr $is_google {' | tee "$GOOGLE_WHITELIST_CONF"
# Parse and format Googlebot address blocks:
echo ' # GoogleBot CIDRs' | tee -a "$GOOGLE_WHITELIST_CONF"
echo " # See: ${WL_URI}" | tee -a "$GOOGLE_WHITELIST_CONF"
while read cidr; do
printf " %-32s %s;\n" "$cidr" "1" | tee -a "$GOOGLE_WHITELIST_CONF"
done< <(curl -s "${WL_URI}" | jq '.prefixes[] | .[]')
# Parse and format additional Google Crawler address blocks:
echo ' # Google Crawler CIDRs' | tee -a "$GOOGLE_WHITELIST_CONF"
echo " # See: ${WL_URI}" | tee -a "$GOOGLE_WHITELIST_CONF"
while read cidr; do
printf " %-32s %s;\n" "$cidr" "1" | tee -a "$GOOGLE_WHITELIST_CONF"
done< <(curl -s "${WL_URI}" | jq '.prefixes[] | .[]')
# Close the nginx map block with a default
echo " # Default: do not whitelist" | tee -a "$GOOGLE_WHITELIST_CONF"
printf " %-32s %s;\n" "default" "0" | tee -a "$GOOGLE_WHITELIST_CONF"
echo "}" | tee -a "$GOOGLE_WHITELIST_CONF"
# Reload nginx if requested
if [ -n "$1" ] && [ "$1" == "reload" ]; then
(( EUID == 0 )) && $RELOAD_CMD || sudo $RELOAD_CMD
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