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Last active March 26, 2023 11:13
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Type level tic tac toe using match types
sealed trait Bool
object Bool:
sealed trait True extends Bool
sealed trait False extends Bool
sealed trait Nat
object Nat:
sealed trait _0 extends Nat
sealed trait Succ[N <: Nat] extends Nat
type _1 = Succ[_0]
type _2 = Succ[_1]
object TicTacToe:
sealed trait T3Player
object T3Player:
sealed trait O extends T3Player
sealed trait X extends T3Player
sealed trait T3Result
object T3Result:
sealed trait Win[P <: T3Player] extends T3Result
sealed trait Tie extends T3Result
sealed trait Invalid extends T3Result
type V = T3Player | Unit
type T3Row = (V, V, V)
type EmptyT3Row = (Unit, Unit, Unit)
type T3Board = (T3Row, T3Row, T3Row)
type EmptyT3Board = (EmptyT3Row, EmptyT3Row, EmptyT3Row)
type PlayResult = T3Result | T3Board
type ReplaceRow[R <: Tuple, P <: T3Player, X <: Nat] <: Tuple | Unit = (R, X) match
case (EmptyTuple, _) => Unit
case (T3Player *: _, Nat._0) => Unit
case (Unit *: nextR, Nat._0) => P *: nextR
case (t *: nextR, Nat.Succ[nextX]) => ReplaceRow[nextR, P, nextX] match
case Id[res] => res match
case Unit => Unit
case Tuple => t *: ReplaceRow[nextR, P, nextX]
type ReplaceBoard[T <: Tuple, P <: T3Player, Y <: Nat, X <: Nat] <: Tuple | Unit = (T, Y) match
case (EmptyTuple, _) => Unit
case (row *: nextT, Nat._0) => ReplaceRow[row, P, X] *: nextT
case (row *: nextT, Nat.Succ[nextY]) =>
ReplaceBoard[nextT, P, nextY, X] match
case Id[res] => res match
case Unit => Unit
case Tuple => row *: res
type Id[X] = X
type Rw[X] = (X, X, X)
type HasWon[B <: T3Board, P <: T3Player] <: Bool = B match
case ((P,P,P), _, _) => Bool.True
case (_, (P,P,P), _) => Bool.True
case (_, _, (P,P,P)) => Bool.True
case ((P,_,_), (P,_,_), (P,_,_)) => Bool.True
case ((_,P,_), (_,P,_), (_,P,_)) => Bool.True
case ((_,_,P), (_,_,P), (_,_,P)) => Bool.True
case ((P,_,_), (_,P,_), (_,_,P)) => Bool.True
case ((_,_,P), (_,P,_), (P,_,_)) => Bool.True
case _ => Bool.False
type HasEmpty[B <: Tuple] <: Bool = B match
case Unit *: _ => Bool.True
case (h *: t) *: next => HasEmpty[h *: t] match
case Bool.True => Bool.True
case _ => HasEmpty[next]
case _ *: next => HasEmpty[next]
type ExecuteMove[B <: T3Board, P <: T3Player, Y <: Nat, X <: Nat] <: PlayResult =
ReplaceBoard[B, P, Y, X] match
case Id[b] => b match
case T3Board => (HasWon[b, T3Player.X], HasWon[b, T3Player.O]) match
case (Bool.True, Bool.True) => T3Result.Invalid
case (Bool.True, _) => T3Result.Win[T3Player.X]
case (_, Bool.True) => T3Result.Win[T3Player.O]
case _ => HasEmpty[b] match
case Bool.True => b & T3Board
case _ => T3Result.Tie
case _ => T3Result.Invalid
sealed trait Move
sealed trait Mv[P <: T3Player, Y <: Nat, X <: Nat] extends Move
type >>>[B <: T3Board, M <: Move] = M match
case Mv[p, y, x] => ExecuteMove[B, p, y, x]
trait Show[X]:
def show: String
object Show:
// Note -- produces string, not just type class
def apply[T](using sh: Show[T]): String =
given u: Show[Unit] with { def show: String = " "}
given x: Show[T3Player.X] with { def show: String = "X" }
given o: Show[T3Player.O] with { def show: String = "O" }
given win[X <: T3Player](using x: Show[X]): Show[T3Result.Win[X]] with { def show: String = s"${} wins!"}
given tie: Show[T3Result.Tie] with { def show: String = "Tie!" }
given inv: Show[T3Result.Invalid] with { def show: String = "Invalid move!"}
given all[A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I](using a:Show[A],b:Show[B],c:Show[C],d:Show[D],e:Show[E],f:Show[F],g:Show[G],h:Show[H],i:Show[I]): Show[((A,B,C),(D,E,F),(G,H,I))] with {
def show: String = s""" ${} | ${} | ${} \n---+---+---\n ${} | ${} | ${} \n---+---+---\n ${} | ${} | ${} """
object Main:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
import TicTacToe.*
import Nat.*
import T3Player.*
type Res = EmptyT3Board
>>> Mv[O, _0, _0]
>>> Mv[X, _1, _1]
>>> Mv[O, _1, _0]
>>> Mv[X, _2, _0]
>>> Mv[O, _2, _1]
// Uncomment line below to show win
// >>> Mv[X, _0, _2]
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