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Last active February 16, 2019 18:41
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# This implements the ideas in the paper "Neural Ordinary Differential Equations"
# in as simple a form as possible, using only autograd. It is not efficient.
# It is not useful for any practical purpose.
# Use [torchdiffeq]( for any real use.
# > [1] Ricky T. Q. Chen, Yulia Rubanova, Jesse Bettencourt, David Duvenaud.
# "Neural Ordinary Differential Equations." *Advances in Neural Processing Information Systems.* 2018.
# [[arxiv]](
# The implementation is based on the
# [write up of Per Vognsen](
# in terms of the costate vector, which is a clear exposition of how the adjoint method works.
import scipy.integrate
import autograd.numpy as np
from autograd import jacobian, grad
from autograd.misc.flatten import flatten
odeint = scipy.integrate.odeint
# Define the forward and backward (adjoint) dynamics
def forward(x0, f, t0, t1):
# return only the result at t1, since we know t0
return odeint(f, y0=x0, t=[t0, t1])[1]
def backward(x1, dloss_dx_t1, f, df_dx, t0, t1):
x_partition = len(x1)
split = lambda xp: (xp[:x_partition], xp[x_partition:])
join = lambda x, p: np.concatenate([x, p])
def augmented_dynamics(xp, t):
# split the augmented vector [x | p] back into x and p
x_in, p_in = split(xp)
# [f(x,t) | -p(t) f'(x,t)]
return join(f(x_in, t), -p_in @ df_dx(x_in, t))
# get derivatives at time t=0, using the integrator
dx0, dp0 = split(forward(join(x1, dloss_dx_t1), augmented_dynamics, t1, t0))
return dp0
# Compute the gradient of the loss w.r.t weights, given a loss function
# at the output and the ODE function
def make_grad_loss(loss_fn, layer_fn):
f = lambda x, t, w=weights: layer_fn(x, t, w)
# with respect to x
df_dx = lambda x, t, w=weights: jacobian(layer_fn)(x, t, w)
# with respect to w
df_dw = lambda x, t, w=weights: jacobian(layer_fn, 2)(x, t, w)
# compute gradient of loss function w.r.t output/state
dloss_dx = grad(loss_fn)
def grad_loss(x0, x1):
x1_pred = forward(x0, f, t0, t1) # predict to t1
loss = loss_fn(x1_pred, x1) # loss at prediction
# compute gradient of loss of (x1_pred, x1)
dloss_dx_t1 = dloss_dx(x1_pred, x1)
# propagate covector backwards to compute dloss_dx at time t0
dloss_dx_t0 = backward(x1_pred, dloss_dx_t1, f, df_dx, t0, t1)
dloss_dw = df_dw(x0, 0).T @ dloss_dx_t0 # chain rule
return loss, dloss_dw
return grad_loss
# define a basic tanh -> linear layer
def random_init(n):
# create random weight matrix
# input is [x,t], output is same dimension as x
w1 = np.random.normal(0, 0.1, (n + 1, n + 1))
w2 = np.random.normal(0, 0.1, (n, n + 1))
b1 = np.random.normal(0, 0.1, (n + 1))
b2 = np.random.normal(0, 0.1, (n))
return flatten([w1, w2, b1, b2])
def tanh_layer(x, w, unflatten):
# compute activation for linear(tanh())
w1, w2, b1, b2 = unflatten(w)
return w2 @ np.tanh(w1 @ x + b1) + b2
def make_layer(n, init_fn=random_init, layer_fn=tanh_layer):
# weights assume a vector [x,t], where x has n elements, and t is a scalar
weights, unflatten = init_fn(n)
def layer(x, t, w):
# reshape to matrix, combine with t and bias
# then truncate to original dimension and apply activation
xtb = np.concatenate([x, [t]])
return layer_fn(xtb, w, unflatten)
return layer, weights
# Straightforward gradient descent
def gradient_descent(x0s, x1s, t0s, t1s, weights, grad_loss, steps, delta=1e-2):
f = lambda x, t, w=weights: layer(x, t, w)
# standard gradient descent
for i in range(steps + 1):
total_loss, total_grad = 0, np.zeros_like(weights)
# (very slowly) accumulate gradient
for x0, x1, t0, t1 in zip(x0s, x1s, t0s, t1s):
l, dl_dw = grad_loss(x0, x1)
total_grad += dl_dw
total_loss += l
weights -= delta * total_grad
if i % 20 == 0:
print("{i:8d} Loss {total_loss:.4f}".format(i=i, total_loss=total_loss))
return weights
# Simple test: fit a rotational vector field
if __name__ == "__main__":
# 10 random points in 3D
x0s = np.random.normal(0, 0.5, (10, 3))
# Learn a 90 degree rotation about the origin
x1s = x0s @ np.array([[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
t0, t1 = 0, 1
layer, weights = make_layer(3)
grad_loss = make_grad_loss(
loss_fn=lambda x, y: np.sum((x - y) ** 2), layer_fn=layer
t0s=np.full(10, 0),
t1s=np.full(10, 1),
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