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Created June 27, 2014 12:13
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Bug with --optimize-pgf
john@Biskuttina:~/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/cnl$ ll
total 28056
drwxr-xr-x 23 john staff 782B Jun 27 14:04 ./
drwxr-xr-x 61 john staff 2.0K Jun 27 11:09 ../
-rw-r--r--@ 1 john staff 6.0K Apr 14 14:08 .DS_Store
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 80B May 5 13:06
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 145B Jun 27 14:03 CODiagFull.gfo
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 69B May 5 13:06
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 157B Jun 27 14:03 CODiagFullEng.gfo
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 226B May 5 13:29
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 173B Jun 27 14:03 CODiagFullEngParse.gfo
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 77B May 5 13:06
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 169B Jun 27 14:03 CODiagFullHaskell.gfo
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 2.4K May 5 09:29
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 3.6K Jun 27 14:03 CODiagram.gfo
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 13M Jun 27 14:04 CODiagram.pgf
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 15K Jun 27 13:49
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 272K Jun 27 14:03 CODiagramEng.gfo
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 5.5K May 5 13:25
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 179K Jun 27 14:03 CODiagramHaskell.gfo
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 1.9K Mar 19 08:30
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 2.1K Jun 27 14:03 List2.gfo
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 258B May 5 13:09 Makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 4.7K Mar 19 08:30 simple.trees
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 537B Jun 27 11:09 trs.trees
john@Biskuttina:~/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/cnl$ rm *.gfo
john@Biskuttina:~/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/cnl$ gf
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This is GF version 3.6-darcs.
One recorded change + 3 files with unrecorded changes since RELEASE-3.6
Last recorded change: Tue Jun 24 15:59:09 CEST 2014
Built on darwin/x86_64 with ghc-7.6, flags: interrupt server
License: see help -license.
Bug reports:
- compiling /Users/john/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/CNL/ write file /Users/john/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/CNL/CODiagram.gfo
- compiling /Users/john/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/CNL/ write file /Users/john/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/CNL/CODiagFull.gfo
- compiling /Users/john/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/CNL/ write file /Users/john/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/CNL/List2.gfo
- compiling /Users/john/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/CNL/ write file /Users/john/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/CNL/CODiagramEng.gfo
- compiling /Users/john/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/CNL/ write file /Users/john/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/CNL/CODiagFullEng.gfo
linking ... OK
Languages: CODiagFullEng
CODiagFull> p -cat=Action "eat somebody"
actionObj eat_V2 somebody_NP
5924 msec
See you.
0 msec
john@Biskuttina:~/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/cnl$ gf --make
linking ... OK
Writing CODiagFull.pgf...
john@Biskuttina:~/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/cnl$ gf CODiagFull.pgf
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This is GF version 3.6-darcs.
One recorded change + 3 files with unrecorded changes since RELEASE-3.6
Last recorded change: Tue Jun 24 15:59:09 CEST 2014
Built on darwin/x86_64 with ghc-7.6, flags: interrupt server
License: see help -license.
Bug reports:
Languages: CODiagFullEng
CODiagFull> p -cat=Action "eat somebody"
actionObj eat_V2 somebody_NP
2594 msec
See you.
0 msec
john@Biskuttina:~/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/cnl$ rm *.pgf
john@Biskuttina:~/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/cnl$ gf --make --optimize-pgf
linking ... OK
Writing CODiagFull.pgf...
john@Biskuttina:~/repositories/REMU/projects/contract-logic/cnl$ gf CODiagFull.pgf
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This is GF version 3.6-darcs.
One recorded change + 3 files with unrecorded changes since RELEASE-3.6
Last recorded change: Tue Jun 24 15:59:09 CEST 2014
Built on darwin/x86_64 with ghc-7.6, flags: interrupt server
License: see help -license.
Bug reports:
Languages: CODiagFullEng
CODiagFull> p -cat=Action "eat somebody"
The parser failed at token "somebody"
1340 msec
CODiagFull> l actionObj eat_V2 somebody_NP
Ix{Int}.index: Index (-1) out of range ((0,3))
See you.
0 msec
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