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Created June 3, 2012 17:35
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30 helpful Android development Tips/Tricks
1) ListView=>Use android:cacheColorHint=”@android:color/transparent” to avoid black highlighting while Scrolling.
2) To resolve this issue “Failed to install *.apk on device timeout Launch canceled! , increase ADB connection timeout
3) use setError() to display error message for your EditText
4) To Block the default animation for startActivity() For ex: myIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION);
5) Android Action Bar Style Generator
6) create library with reusable code and reference it in future projects.
7) Don’t use right-pointing carets on line items
8) 10 amazing Android development tips
9) Define these attributes for displaying multiline EditText => android:singleLine=”false”, android:lines=”5″
10) Follow Dashboard design pattern. Easy to implement and handle Navigation.
11) Before starting with android app development, should read Android Building Blocks
12) You can create your custom views by extending View class.
13) use android:weight=”1″ and android:layout_width=”0″ to define equal width of widgets inside LinearLayout.
14) With Android 4.0 you cant use http connection or make web call without using a Thread (with a runnable, AsyncTask )
15) Tutorial , Tips/Trick for Android
16) What should be the package name of android app?
17) GraphView Library for Android to programmatically create flexible and nice-looking diagramms
18) how to limit seekbar
19) Do you know? => Android: maximum length of url
20) How To Create a Android App With ICS UI That Works With Gingerbread and Froyo?
21) Switch widget is available from API 14
22) How to design tab icons?
23) rating bar padding problem
24) Anyone ever seen this exception when loading bitmaps in Android?… #BitmapVMSizeExceed
25) To capture screen shot from real android device, simply Press Home button + Back key
26) use android:installLocation=”auto” to enable move to SD-card feature for Android app
27) Use SimpleDateFormat class to change format of date/time.
28) How to view the SQLite database on your Android Emulator
29) you can check the status of AsyncTask by using getStatus() method, or like AsyncTask.Status.FINISHED
30) Stop developing countdown algorithms, use the built-in CountDownTimer (
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