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Last active March 12, 2022 11:39
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VSCode snippet to help with creation of Elixir GenServers and addition of handle_call and handle_cast and related client API functions
"GenServer Template": {
"scope": "elixir",
"prefix": "gs",
"body": [
"defmodule ${1}.${2} do",
"\tuse GenServer",
"\t# Client",
"\tdef start_link(default) when is_list(default) do",
"\t\tGenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, default)",
"\tdef push(pid, element) do",
"\t\tGenServer.cast(pid, {:push, element})",
"\tdef pop(pid) do",
"\t\, :pop)",
"\t# Server (callbacks)",
"\t@impl true",
"\tdef init(stack) do",
"\t\t{:ok, stack}",
"\t@impl true",
"\tdef handle_call(:pop, _from, [head | tail]) do",
"\t\t{:reply, head, tail}",
"\t@impl true",
"\tdef handle_cast({:push, element}, state) do",
"\t\t{:noreply, [element | state]}",
"# Remember to add this to your supervision tree, e.g.",
"# children = [",
"# ${1].${2}",
"# ...",
"# Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_all)"
"description": "GenServer Template"
"GenServer Cast": {
"prefix": "gscast",
"body": [
"def ${1:function}(${2:args}) do",
"\tGenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:${1},{${2}}})",
"@impl true",
"def handle_cast({:${1}, {${2}}}, state) do",
"\t{:noreply, state}",
"description": "GenServer cast function"
"GenServer Call": {
"prefix": "gscall",
"body": [
"def ${1:function}(${2:args}) do",
"\, {:${1},{${2}}})",
"@impl true",
"def handle_call({:${1}, {${2}}}, state) do",
"\t{:reply, state}",
"description": "GenServer call function"
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johnknott commented Mar 9, 2022

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