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Created August 11, 2010 22:33
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little test app to generate SHA1 hashes for HTTP uploads on the fly, without storing them on disk. Uses Rainbows and Revactor
# This little test app generates SHA1 hashes for HTTP uploads on the
# fly, without storing them on disk.
# By John Leach <> (with help from Eric Wong)
# Start the server like this:
# rainbows -c rainbows.conf.rb
# I've been testing this with Revactor, which requires Ruby 1.9
# Use with the following rainbows.conf.rb:
# ENV['RACK_ENV'] = nil # we don't want lint to be loaded
# worker_processes 2
# Rainbows! do
# use :Revactor
# client_max_body_size nil
# end
# You can upload files like this:
# curl -v -T /path/to/a/file/to/upload http://localhost:8080/
# You can upload infinite data to test concurrency like this:
# dd if=/dev/zero bs=16k | curl -v -T - http://localhost:8080/test.bin
# Spawn as many of these as you like :) You'll notice regular debug
# output from the server telling you the upload progress of each
# concurrent upload.
# If all is well, your disk space should not decrease during the
# uploads and the ram usage of the server should not balloon.
bs = ENV['bs'] ? ENV['bs'].to_i : 16384
require 'digest/sha1'
use Rack::CommonLogger
use Rack::ShowExceptions
use Rack::ContentLength
app = lambda do |env|
# Tell all expect requests we're happy to accept
/\A100-continue\z/i =~ env['HTTP_EXPECT'] and
return [ 100, {}, [] ]
input = env["rack.input"]
if input.respond_to?(:tmp)
tmp = input.tmp
# Hack to prevent request being written to disk
tmp.respond_to?(:reopen) and tmp.reopen('/dev/null', 'w+')
digest =
recv_bytes = 0
last_time =
last_recv_bytes = 0
req_id = rand(0xffff)
while buf =
recv_bytes += buf.size
if (recv_bytes / bs) % 10000 == 9999
time_diff = - last_time + 1
recv_bytes_diff = recv_bytes - last_recv_bytes
speed = (recv_bytes_diff / time_diff) / 1024
recv_meg = recv_bytes / 1024 / 1024
msg = "req #{req_id}: #{recv_meg}M so far, (#{speed}k/s)\n"
env['rack.errors'].write msg
last_time =
last_recv_bytes = recv_bytes
[ 200, {
'Content-Type' => 'text/plain',
'SHA1' => digest.hexdigest,
'Received-Bytes' => recv_bytes.to_s
}, [''] ]
run app
ENV['RACK_ENV'] = nil # we don't want lint to be loaded
worker_processes 2
Rainbows! do
use :Revactor
client_max_body_size nil
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