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Last active July 21, 2023 04:39
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Repository Stargazers Watchers
microk8s ⭐ 7536 πŸ”­ 7536
multipass ⭐ 6446 πŸ”­ 6446
lxd ⭐ 3985 πŸ”­ 3985
dqlite ⭐ 3476 πŸ”­ 3476
cloud-init ⭐ 2243 πŸ”­ 2243
raft ⭐ 858 πŸ”­ 858
vanilla-framework ⭐ 704 πŸ”­ 704
lightdm ⭐ 694 πŸ”­ 694
ubuntu-desktop-installer ⭐ 487 πŸ”­ 487
netplan ⭐ 457 πŸ”­ 457
subiquity ⭐ 404 πŸ”­ 404
go-dqlite ⭐ 360 πŸ”­ 360
pylxd ⭐ 243 πŸ”­ 243
operator ⭐ 227 πŸ”­ 227
packer-maas ⭐ 182 πŸ”­ 182
lxd-ui ⭐ 121 πŸ”­ 121
prometheus-openstack-exporter ⭐ 118 πŸ”­ 118
pebble ⭐ 97 πŸ”­ 97
firmware-updater ⭐ 93 πŸ”­ 93
chisel ⭐ 93 πŸ”­ 93
ubuntu-image-legacy ⭐ 86 πŸ”­ 86
bundle-kubeflow ⭐ 82 πŸ”­ 82
microceph ⭐ 81 πŸ”­ 81
sec-cvescan ⭐ 77 πŸ”­ 77
microcloud ⭐ 74 πŸ”­ 74
matter-pi-gpio-commander ⭐ 72 πŸ”­ 72
lxd-demo-server ⭐ 70 πŸ”­ 70
design-vanilla-framework ⭐ 61 πŸ”­ 61
ubuntu-core-desktop ⭐ 58 πŸ”­ 58
cloud-utils ⭐ 57 πŸ”­ 57
etrace ⭐ 56 πŸ”­ 56
charmcraft ⭐ 54 πŸ”­ 54
ubuntu-image ⭐ 54 πŸ”­ 54
workshops ⭐ 49 πŸ”­ 49
wizard_router ⭐ 48 πŸ”­ 48
curtin ⭐ 46 πŸ”­ 46
nrpe_exporter ⭐ 42 πŸ”­ 42
multipass-blueprints ⭐ 42 πŸ”­ 42
microk8s-community-addons ⭐ 42 πŸ”­ 42
ubuntu-pro-client ⭐ 39 πŸ”­ 39
candid ⭐ 39 πŸ”­ 39
landscape-client ⭐ 38 πŸ”­ 38
ubuntu-maintainers-handbook ⭐ 38 πŸ”­ 38
maas-ui ⭐ 32 πŸ”­ 32
ubuntu-flutter-plugins ⭐ 32 πŸ”­ 32
ubuntu-cooker ⭐ 31 πŸ”­ 31
hotsos ⭐ 24 πŸ”­ 24
dotrun ⭐ 23 πŸ”­ 23
autoinstall-generator ⭐ 23 πŸ”­ 23
iot-agent ⭐ 21 πŸ”­ 21
go-tpm2 ⭐ 20 πŸ”­ 20
microk8s-core-addons ⭐ 20 πŸ”­ 20
microovn ⭐ 20 πŸ”­ 20
k8s-dqlite ⭐ 19 πŸ”­ 19
kubeflow-examples ⭐ 19 πŸ”­ 19
probert ⭐ 18 πŸ”­ 18
desktop-design ⭐ 18 πŸ”­ 18
react-components ⭐ 18 πŸ”­ 18
juju-dashboard ⭐ 18 πŸ”­ 18
iot-management ⭐ 17 πŸ”­ 17
checkbox ⭐ 17 πŸ”­ 17
pycloudlib ⭐ 15 πŸ”­ 15
landscape-scripts ⭐ 15 πŸ”­ 15
ubuntu-core-docs ⭐ 14 πŸ”­ 14
ubuntu-desktop-hyper-v ⭐ 14 πŸ”­ 14
ubuntu-wsl-integration ⭐ 14 πŸ”­ 14
rockcraft ⭐ 14 πŸ”­ 14
Ubuntu-fonts ⭐ 14 πŸ”­ 14
sync-issues-github-jira ⭐ 13 πŸ”­ 13
iot-identity ⭐ 12 πŸ”­ 12
libssh ⭐ 12 πŸ”­ 12
maas-commissioning-scripts ⭐ 12 πŸ”­ 12
ubuntu-security-guide ⭐ 12 πŸ”­ 12
microk8s-addons-repo-template ⭐ 12 πŸ”­ 12
autoinstall-desktop ⭐ 12 πŸ”­ 12
ubuntu-com-security-api ⭐ 11 πŸ”­ 11
ubuntu-cloud-docs ⭐ 11 πŸ”­ 11
microcluster ⭐ 11 πŸ”­ 11
mini-iso-tools ⭐ 11 πŸ”­ 11
surl ⭐ 10 πŸ”­ 10
deployment-configs ⭐ 10 πŸ”­ 10
iot-devicetwin ⭐ 10 πŸ”­ 10
upptime ⭐ 10 πŸ”­ 10
maas-multipass ⭐ 10 πŸ”­ 10
cluster-api-bootstrap-provider-microk8s ⭐ 10 πŸ”­ 10
TWKubeSummit2022 ⭐ 10 πŸ”­ 10
ubuntu-copy-docs ⭐ 9 πŸ”­ 9
maas-xpath-tags ⭐ 9 πŸ”­ 9
robotics-blog-k8s ⭐ 9 πŸ”­ 9
apport ⭐ 9 πŸ”­ 9
setup-lxd ⭐ 9 πŸ”­ 9
acceptable ⭐ 8 πŸ”­ 8
server-test-scripts ⭐ 8 πŸ”­ 8
rust-libjuju ⭐ 8 πŸ”­ 8
craft-parts ⭐ 8 πŸ”­ 8
stsstack-bundles ⭐ 8 πŸ”­ 8
ubuntu-mir ⭐ 8 πŸ”­ 8
sqlair ⭐ 8 πŸ”­ 8
ceph-containers ⭐ 8 πŸ”­ 8
ubuntu-flavor-installer ⭐ 8 πŸ”­ 8
ops-scenario ⭐ 8 πŸ”­ 8
cookie-policy ⭐ 7 πŸ”­ 7
metrics ⭐ 7 πŸ”­ 7
kubernetes-dqlite ⭐ 7 πŸ”­ 7
cos-lite-bundle ⭐ 7 πŸ”­ 7
craft-cli ⭐ 7 πŸ”­ 7
operator-libs-linux ⭐ 7 πŸ”­ 7
Inclusive-naming ⭐ 7 πŸ”­ 7
charmed-magma-orchestrator ⭐ 7 πŸ”­ 7
ght ⭐ 7 πŸ”­ 7
landscape-docs ⭐ 6 πŸ”­ 6
documentation-builder ⭐ 6 πŸ”­ 6
phone-docs ⭐ 6 πŸ”­ 6 ⭐ 6 πŸ”­ 6
Fast-RTPS ⭐ 6 πŸ”­ 6
iot-deploy ⭐ 6 πŸ”­ 6
WSL-DistroLauncher ⭐ 6 πŸ”­ 6
lp-to-jira ⭐ 6 πŸ”­ 6
tcglog-parser ⭐ 6 πŸ”­ 6
charming-actions ⭐ 6 πŸ”­ 6
data-platform-libs ⭐ 6 πŸ”­ 6
UbuntuMono-fonts ⭐ 6 πŸ”­ 6
upload-charm-docs ⭐ 6 πŸ”­ 6
webteam-hubot ⭐ 5 πŸ”­ 5
basic-auth-service ⭐ 5 πŸ”­ 5
section_ops ⭐ 5 πŸ”­ 5
uss-tableflip ⭐ 5 πŸ”­ 5 ⭐ 5 πŸ”­ 5
konf ⭐ 5 πŸ”­ 5
ubuntu-wsl-oobe ⭐ 5 πŸ”­ 5
joule ⭐ 5 πŸ”­ 5
jepsen.dqlite ⭐ 5 πŸ”­ 5
craft-providers ⭐ 5 πŸ”­ 5
notebook-operators ⭐ 5 πŸ”­ 5
nullboot ⭐ 5 πŸ”­ 5
encrypt-cloud-image ⭐ 5 πŸ”­ 5
microk8s-cluster-agent ⭐ 5 πŸ”­ 5
operator-workflows ⭐ 5 πŸ”­ 5
launcher_entry ⭐ 5 πŸ”­ 5
task-creator ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
aws-marketplace-ubuntu-scraper ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
turtlebot3c ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
AutoCove ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
review-gator ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4 ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
ops-lib-pgsql ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
gazebo_snap ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
ubuntu-cloud-image-changelog ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
ubuntu-package-status ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
go-efilib ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
gadgets ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
chisel-releases ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
aws-secureboot-blob ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
django-rest-generator ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
gaming-graphics ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
charmed-magma ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
ov-slurm-charms ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
sphinx-docs-starter-pack ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
sprint-report ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
starbase ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
data-platform-workflows ⭐ 4 πŸ”­ 4
layer-filebeat ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
labels ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
global-nav ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
ubuntu-server-triage ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
make-system-user ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
dotrun-image ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
praecepta ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
server-dev-summary ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3 ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
lxd-pkg-chocolatey ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
multipass-sshfs ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
ust-download-cache ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
ssoauth ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
swiftmock ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
ubuntu-cooker-ingredients ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
observability-libs ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
ua-reviewkit ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
greenhouse-browser-scripts ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
testflinger ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
tls-certificates-interface ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
cluster-api-control-plane-provider-microk8s ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
canonical-indico-customization-files ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
postgresql-k8s-bundle ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
dqlite-docs ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
checkbox-provider-ce-oem ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
craft-application ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
ubuntu-packaging-guide ⭐ 3 πŸ”­ 3
layer-beats-base ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
server-test-build ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
discourse-markdown-note ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2 ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
fmt ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
ideahub ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
rmw_fastrtps ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
rmw_cyclonedds ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
snapcraft-poller-script ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
sros2 ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
istio-operators ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
rmw_connext ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
site-placeholder.docker ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2 ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
ossa ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
jenkins-job-linter ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
hyperkit ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
doc-docs ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
athena-core ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
packer-maas-windows-efi ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
go-sp800.90a-drbg ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
kubernetes-rapper ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
juju-verify ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
craft-store ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
ubuntu-advantage-desktop-daemon ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
dqlite-ppa ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
golua ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
lxd-sphinx-extensions ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
snapcraft-101-labs ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
observability ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
ops-lib-manifest ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
kserve-operators ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
maas-mock-server ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
is-charms-contributing-guide ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
microk8s-aws-addons ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
data-integrator ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
postgresql-bundle ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
core-base-desktop ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
setup-devstack-swift ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
lte-core-interface ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
gfxi ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
hpc-cluster ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
identity-platform-login-ui ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
oci-factory ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
iot-field-example-snaps ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2 ⭐ 2 πŸ”­ 2
asset-mapper ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
interface-jenkins-slave ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
cpc-image-customization-examples ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
archive-auth-mirror ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
zenhub-backlog-updater ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
unified-email-template ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
flask-openid ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
aws-ubuntu-advantage ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
snapcraft-email-comms ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
discoursifier ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
test-and-learn ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
serial-vault-ui ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
task-runner ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1 ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
latest-news ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
bundle-cert-manager ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
nodl-release ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
ament_nodl-release ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
layer-flask ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
canonical-mattermost-themes ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
swiftpath ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
ubuntu-security-lib ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
snapcraft-monthly-stats-email ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
launch_ros ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
ros ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
ros_comm ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
ctxtime ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
ubuntu-package-manifest ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
yaml-cpp ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
maas-docs ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
s3-integrator ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
promql-transform ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
craft-grammar ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
mysql-router-container ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
seg-verification-tools ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
testflinger-cli ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
operator-day-2022-charming-demos ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
testflinger-agent ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
kubeflow-ci ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
cos-tool ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
canonical-indico-themes ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
workplace-engineering-take-home-test ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
auto-upgrade-testing ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
x-go ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
kafka-bundle ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
tinyusb ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
multipass-blueprints-images ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
pc-amd64-gadget-desktop ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
mysql-k8s-bundle ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
inbrowser-encode-test ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
testflinger-docker ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
hermes ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
kubeflow-images ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
setup-maas ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
hpc-package-operators ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
hpc-node-operators ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
cloudstats ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
namespace-node-affinity ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
ubuntu-core-desktop-snapd ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
data-platform ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
kubeflow-aws-appliance ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
kafka-k8s-bundle ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
base-2204-python38 ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
software-inventory-collector ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
resource-dispatcher ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
netfilter-libmnl ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
upop ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
ubuntu-desktop-installer-screenshots ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
repo-policy-compliance ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
landscape-hostagent-api ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
rocks-toolbox ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
ces-rpi ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
juju-sdk-tutorial-k8s ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
cannon ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
containerd-app ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
mlflow-prometheus-exporter ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
gaming-graphics-test ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
ubuntu-welcome ⭐ 1 πŸ”­ 1
layer-metrics ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
layer-meter-status ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
juju-interface-basic-auth-check ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
openstack-on-lxd ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
interface-prometheus-rules ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
candidclient ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
python-libjuju ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
hostpath-provisioner ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
zaza ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
grpc ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
interface-ambassador ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
semver ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
juju-kubectl ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
juju-bundle ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
dotrun-test-project ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
contrail-charms ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
tempest ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
kvsql-dqlite ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
interface-oidc-client ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
trello-to-jira ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
dds_siem_bridge ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
bundle-modeldb ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
renovate-websites ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
test-gh-actions ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
cvelist ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
auto-abi-checker ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
pgconnstr ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ubuntu-desktop-installer-old ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
interface-service-mesh ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
governor ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
governor-broker ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ros2_documentation ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
community ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ctxtrace ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
actions ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
cdk-scripts ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
graphene ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ops-lib-nrpe ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
microk8s-integrator-windows ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
microk8s-integrator-macos ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
juju-topology ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ops-lib-mysql ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
kine ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
argo-operators ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
kubeflow-charms-old ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
serialized-data-interface ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
bundle-kubeflow-ui ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
has-signed-canonical-cla ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
bundle-mlflow ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ceph-csi-operators ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
go-sp800.108-kdf ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
kfp-operators ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
discourse-nav ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
operator-schemas ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
kubecon-2021 ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
go-service ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
pkcs7 ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
disk-util ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
offline-agent ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
logsync ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
argo-workflows ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
qemu ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
discourse-rad-plugin ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
gh-action-pypi-publish ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
discourse-rad-parser ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
pushgateway ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
upgraded-waddle ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
interface-bind-client ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
go-migrator ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
install-dotrun ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
azure-sub-sync ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
lightkube ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
interface-mysql-monitor ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
zaza-openstack-tests ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
nrpe-external-master-interface ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
pgbouncer-container ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
interface-jenkins-agent ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
charmed-magma-lite ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
knative-operators ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
nrped ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
postgresql-patroni-container ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
maas-loki-alert-rules ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
maas-prometheus-alert-rules ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
sandbox1 ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
sborl ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ops-lib-charmed-osm ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0 ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
dynamic-forms ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
appstream-cloud ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
nrpe-interface ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
aws-route53-integrator ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
nodl ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
interface-prometheus-manual ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
mayastor ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
mayastor-control-plane ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
waltz-integration-juju ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
usg_audit_failures_inspector ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
sqlair-prototype ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
interface-redis ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
interface-memcache ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
snappy-device-agents ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
microk8s-benchmarks ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ubuntu_ppa_package_version_report ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
charmed-kubeflow-chisme ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
katib-operators ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
maas-ui-testing ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
charming-actions-testers ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
olxcleaner ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
200-ok ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
certification-lab-manager ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
grafana-auth-interface ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
pretty ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
libopencm3 ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
loki ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
checkbox-kivu ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
doc-hub ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
packaging-automation ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
charmed-kubeflow-workflows ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ceph ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
aws-efs-csi-driver ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
api_demo_server ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
kubeflow-sandbox ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
mysql-bundle ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
observability-libs-1 ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
comsys-build-tools ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
kratos-external-idp-integrator ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
.github ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
openapi-httprequest ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
oem-qa-tools ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
acme-client-base ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
grafana-cloud-integrator ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ustreamer ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
cs-openfga ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
apptainer ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
prometheus-juju-exporter ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
openldap-charms ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
sphinx-docs-guide ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
matter-bridge-tapo ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
juju ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
prometheus-juju-backup-all-exporter ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
spring-boot-sample-apps ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
test_observer ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
bundle-kubeflow-management ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ubuntu-core-desktop-snapd-1 ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
store-components ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
craft-archives ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
automount-actions ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
craft-actions ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
maas-ui-performance ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
base-mlflow ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
CI-testing-grafana-agent-fork ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
kratos-ui-1 ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ros_snap_workshop_part2_multipass ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
deprecated_ce-oem-dut-checkbox-configuration ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ubuntu-core-riscv64 ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
cross-build-utils ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
penguinator-cli ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
test-controlled-daemons ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
test-controller-daemons ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0 ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ujoules ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ubuntu-autoinstall-ipxe ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
kubeflow-multi-node-dgx ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
iotdevice-device-controller ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
iotdevice-device-ui ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
bootstack-actions ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
software-inventory-exporter ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
mysql-test-app ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
cos-configuration-rules-dashboards ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
hotkdump ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
iam-bundle ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
buildkit ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
mayastor-extensions ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
kafka-test-app ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
go-flags ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
kubeflow-single-node-dgx ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ubuntu-old-fashioned ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
cos-alerter ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
resource-dispatcher-image ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
vanilla-web-components ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
postgresql-test-app ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
netfilter-iptables ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
netfilter-lbnftnl ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
netfilter-libnftnl ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
mutual-tls-interface ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
cs-interview-283556086 ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
storage-libs ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
kubeflow-rocks ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
pytest-interface-tester ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
charmed-5g-upf-interface ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ubuntu-old-fashioned-1 ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
mimir-bundle ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
colcon-in-container ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
argo-workflows-rocks ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
pipelines-rocks ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
katib-rocks ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
seldon-core-s2i-rocks ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
charmed-5g ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
gh-jira-sync-bot ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
seldonio-rocks ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
spark-k8s-toolkit-py ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
desktop-engineering ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
fiveg_nrf ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
kube-prom-stack-helm-charts ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
jaas-documentation ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
create-pull-request ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
kubernetes-charm-libraries ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
public-cloud-docs-1 ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
juju-dashboard-mock-server ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ranger ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
example-product-documentation ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
juju-dashboard-1 ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
charmed-openstack-upgrader ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
prometheus-hardware-exporter ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
postgresql-bundle-1 ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
snappy-device-agents-1 ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
dotnet-ubuntu-helper ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
jdkandersson-runner-testing-public ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
indico-plugin-event-countdown ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ubuntu-documentation-library ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
identity-platform-admin-ui ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
iam-bundle-integration ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
lxd-ci ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
charmed-gh-jira-sync-bot ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
slurmutils ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
is-charms-template-repo ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
hpc-docs ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
alpha-docs ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
pollen ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
ubuntu-desktop-provision ⭐ 0 πŸ”­ 0
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Grab token from here: <>
from github import Auth
from github import Github
from re import search
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from pytablewriter import MarkdownTableWriter
org_name = 'canonical'
stale_days = (4 * 365) # cutoff, in days, for old repos
token_file = './gh-canonical-token' # file containing GitHub app token
filters = [
# flutter packages
# snaps
# rockcraft
# charms
# IoT / telco / edge packages
# websites
emoji_star = "\U00002B50"
emoji_scope = "\U0001F52D"
with open(token_file, 'r') as fd:
auth = Auth.Token(fd.readline())
gh = Github(auth=auth)
org = gh.get_organization(org_name)
all_repos = org.get_repos(type='public')
# calculate the update date to cut off stale repositories
cutoff_date = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(stale_days)
# skim off old or filtered repositories
filtered_repos = [
repo for repo in all_repos
if repo.updated_at > cutoff_date and
not any(search(filter, for filter in filters)
# sort the fresh repositories by popularity
popular_repos = sorted(filtered_repos,
key=lambda r: (r.stargazers_count, r.watchers_count),
# build the table
writer = MarkdownTableWriter(
table_name=f"GitHub packages in the [`{org_name}`]({org.html_url}) org",
headers=["Repository", "Stargazers", "Watchers"],
f"{emoji_star} {repo.stargazers_count}",
f"{emoji_scope} {repo.watchers_count}"
] for repo in popular_repos
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