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Created March 17, 2022 09:31
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from PyP100 import PyP110
import json
from pprint import pprint
import pymongo
with open("/home/pi/.mongo_uri.txt") as f:
uri = f.readline().strip()
mongoclient = pymongo.MongoClient(uri)
tapoplugs = {
"dryer": "",
"malawi tank": "",
"television": "",
"guppy tank": "",
"freezer": "",
with open("/home/pi/.tapopass") as f:
password = f.readline().strip()
devices = []
for plug in tapoplugs:
ip = tapoplugs[plug]
p110 = PyP110.P110(
ip, "", password
) # Creating a P110 plug object
p110.handshake() # Creates the cookies required for further methods
p110.login() # Sends credentials to the plug and creates AES Key and IV for further methods
# PyP110 has all PyP100 functions and additionally allows to query energy usage infos
data = p110.getEnergyUsage() # Returns dict with all the energy usage
if data["result"]["current_power"] > 1500:
# It's Milliwatts
rec = {
"name": plug,
"n": "plug",
"on": True,
"watts": (data["result"]["current_power"]) / 1000,
except Exception as e:
if len(devices) > 0:
# Append this to an array in the latest electicity reading
collection =
query = {"type": "electric"}
sort = [("date", -1)]
update = {"$push": {"devices": {"$each": devices}}}
collection.find_one_and_update(query, update, sort=sort)
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