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Created June 2, 2020 13:53
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wrapper function for DBI /SQL Server that actually works - via
sqlFetchData <- function(connection, database, schema, table, nobs = 'All') {
#'wrap function to fetch data from SQL Server
#@ connection: an established odbc connection
#@ database: database name
#@ schema: a schema under the main database
#@ table: the name of the data table to be fetched.
#@ nobs: number of observation to be fetched. Either 'All' or an integer number.
# The default value is 'All'. It also supports the input of 'all', 'ALL' and
# etc. .
if (is.character(nobs)) {
if (toupper(nobs) == 'ALL') {
obs_text <- 'select'
} else {
stop("nobs could either be 'ALL' or a scalar integer number")
} else {
if (is.integer(nobs) && length(nobs) == 1) {
obs_text <- paste('select top ', nobs, sep = '')
} else {
stop("nobs could either be 'ALL' or a scalar integer number")
initial_sql <- paste("select * from ", database, '.', schema, ".", table,
sep = '')
dbquery <- dbSendQuery(connection, initial_sql)
cols <- dbColumnInfo(dbquery)
#' sort the rows by query type due to error message:
#' Invalid Descriptor Index
colInfo <- cols
colInfo$type <- as.integer(colInfo$type)
cols_neg <- colInfo[which(colInfo$type < 0), ]
cols_neg <- cols_neg[order(cols_neg[, 2]), ]
cols_pos <- colInfo[which(colInfo$type >= 0), ]
cols_pos <- cols_pos[order(cols_pos[, 2]), ]
cols <- rbind(cols_pos, cols_neg)
add_comma <- "c(cols$name[1], paste(',', cols$name[-1L], sep = ''))"
sql1 <- paste(c(obs_text, eval(parse(text = add_comma))),
collapse = ' ', sep = '')
data_sql <- paste(sql1, ' from ', database, '.', schema, '.', table,
sep = '')
dataFetch <- dbGetQuery(connection, data_sql)[, colInfo$name]
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NB - pass in the variables as character, assuming 'con' has been specified before, e.g. sqlFetchData(con,"database","dbo","tablename") and don't forget to pipe to dplyr::filter to ensure you don't return an entire table by default

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