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Created April 20, 2018 12:40
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Part 1

Using a loop, and the following list:

ages = [5, 15, 64, 27, 84, 26]
  • Find the sum total of the values in this list
  • Find the average (mean) value of the items in the list

Part 2

Using a single list comprehension, and the following list:

words = ["The", "quick", "brown", "fox", "jumped", "over", "the", "lazy", "dog"]
  • Build a new list, with the first letter from each word
  • Convert each letter to lower case

Expected output: ["t", "q", "b", "f", "j", "o", "t", "l", "d"]

Hint: Strings in Python work as if they were a tuple full of characters. How would you get the first element from a tuple or list?

Part 3

Implement a basic linear search algorithm using Python's for and if keywords.

Given the following data structure:

pupils = ["Alison", "James", "Stephen", "Mandy", "Henry"]

Search through the list and check if the name "Jack" is included. Print out an appropriate message.

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