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Created February 18, 2017 15:16
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from io import StringIO
from itertools import chain
from os import chdir, curdir, path
from subprocess import CalledProcessError, check_output, PIPE
from sys import argv, stderr
from report import benchmarks_from_buffer, csv_from_report, table_from_benchmarks
def run_command(dir, command):
return check_output(command, stderr=PIPE).decode('ascii')
def run_from_repo(args, command):
return run_command(args.repo, command)
def run_from_build(args, command):
return run_command(, command)
def run_benchmarks(args):
# configure
run_from_build(args, ["cmake", args.repo, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"])
# build
run_from_build(args, ["make", "fp_benchmark", "-j", str( or 1)])
# benchmark
benchmark_args = [
buffer = run_from_build(args, ["./fp_benchmark"] + benchmark_args)
# clean
run_from_build(args, ["make", "clean"])
return buffer
def extract_names(collection):
return sorted(set(chain.from_iterable(benchmarks for commit, benchmarks in collection)))
def make_row(commit, benchmarks, names):
return [commit] + [benchmarks.get(name, '-') for name in names]
# get a list of the commit SHAs in ascending chronological order
def get_commits(args):
watch_files = ["--", "include", "src/benchmarks/*", "CMakeLists.txt", "*.cmake"]
git_log_args = (["--merges"] if args.merges else []) + (["--no-merges"] if args.no_merges else []) + [
args.range or "--all"
] + (["-{}".format(args.max_commits)] if args.max_commits else []) + ([] if args.merges else watch_files)
return run_from_repo(args, ["git", "log"] + git_log_args).split('\n')
def benchmark(args, commit, commits):
# print progress indicator
stderr.write("\r{}/{} {}".format(commits.index(commit), len(commits), commit))
# checkout the given commit
run_from_repo(args, ["git", "checkout", "--force", commit])
# run the benchmarks and store results as a stream
stream = StringIO(run_benchmarks(args))
except CalledProcessError as e:
# failure likely means a commit from before the benchmarks existed
return {}
# decode stream as CSV table
benchmarks = benchmarks_from_buffer(stream)
# refine table
report = table_from_benchmarks(benchmarks)
# determine the columns to extract
title_row = report[0]
name_index = title_row.index('name')
cpu_time_index = title_row.index('cpu_time')
# return list of tuples of benchmark test name to result
return {cell[name_index]: cell[cpu_time_index] for cell in report[1:]}
def collect(args, commits):
return [(commit, benchmark(args, commit, commits)) for commit in commits]
def collate(collection):
names = extract_names(collection)
return [["commit"] + names] + [make_row(commit, benchmarks, names) for commit, benchmarks in collection if benchmarks]
def main(args):
commits = get_commits(args)
collection = collect(args, commits)
table = collate(collection)
return csv_from_report(table)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = ArgumentParser(description="For each commit (chronologically) of the repository, run the benchmarking target and chart results as a table of benchmarks by commit.")
parser.add_argument("repo", help="path to the fixed_point repository - preferably a different copy than the one from which this script is run")
parser.add_argument("--build", help="path to cmake build folder; defaults to current folder", default=curdir)
parser.add_argument("--range", help="range or revisions to visit")
parser.add_argument("--filter", help="filters benchmarks based on regex pattern", default=".*")
parser.add_argument("--merges", help="visit only merge commits", type=bool, default=False)
parser.add_argument("--no-merges", help="skip merge commits", type=bool, default=False)
parser.add_argument("--max_commits", help="maximum number of commits to test (going back from most recent)", type=int)
parser.add_argument("-j", "--jobs", help="number of parallel build jobs", type=int, default=1)
args = parser.parse_args()
args.repo = path.abspath(args.repo) = path.abspath(
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