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Last active September 14, 2015 18:31
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Integrating a key/credentials auth service with the Flow XO SDK.
'use strict';
var sdk = require('flowxo-sdk'),
request = require('request'),
url = require('url');
var service = new sdk.Service({
serviceRoot: __dirname,
name: 'HipChat',
slug: 'hipchat',
auth: {
// We describe the fields that we want to collect. Sometimes
// just an auth key or a username & password, and sometimes
// extra fields such as the account's hostname too.
// In this case, we just need an 'Auth Token'.
type: 'credentials',
fields: [{
type: 'text',
key: 'auth_token',
label: 'Auth Token',
// Give a good description so the user knows exactly where to get an
// auth token from.
description: 'To create a token in HipChat, click your profile in the top ' +
'right-hand corner, click \'Account settings\', then \'API access\'. Choose a ' +
'label for your token and select at least \'Send Message\', \'Send Notification\', ' +
'\'View Messages\' and \'View Room\' scopes. Finally, copy your token into here.',
required: true
scripts: {
ping: require('./ping')
// We create a helper method to help us to make API
// calls and handle any errors.
service.request = function(options, done) {
var opt = {
url: url.format({
protocol: 'https',
host: '',
pathname: '/v2' + options.endpoint,
query: options.query || {}
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + options.token
method: options.method || 'GET',
json: options.json || true,
timeout: 30000
request(opt, function(err, res, body) {
if(err) {
// Retryable error - possibly network related.
return done(err);
if(res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode <= 299) {
// 2xx means it was a success!
return done(null, body);
if(res.statusCode === 401) {
// 401 is an auth error.
return done(new sdk.Error.AuthError('There was an authorization error, please connect again.'));
if(res.statusCode >= 400 && res.statusCode <= 499) {
// Any other 4xx is a client error.
// Return a ServiceError - don't run again.
return done(new sdk.Error.ServiceError(body.error.message));
// Some other, retryable error occurred.
return done(new Error(res.statusCode + ' ' + body));
module.exports = service;
'use strict';
// Our ping.js script is used to test whether the
// credentials the user gave are valid.
// Expects either done(err) or done().
module.exports = function(options, done) {
var opt = {
endpoint: '/oauth/token/' + options.credentials.auth_token,
token: options.credentials.auth_token
this.request(opt, done);
'use strict';
// An example of how to use the credentials to
// make a call to our API through our service.request()
// helper method in index.js.
// Simplified - a real run.js would at least need
// some input validation too.
module.exports = function(options, done) {
var opt = {
endpoint: '/room/' + options.input.room_id + '/message',
token: options.credentials.auth_token,
method: 'POST',
json: options.input
this.request(opt, done);
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