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Created July 20, 2013 15:06
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Stable distribution sampler in Julia -- forced to have scale of 1 instead of root 2.
# Utilities needed in rand()
# (exp(x) - 1) / x
function d2(z::Real)
const p1 = 0.840066852536483239e3
const p2 = 0.200011141589964569e2
const q1 = 0.168013370507926648e4
const q2 = 0.18013370407390023e3
const q3 = 1.0
if abs(z) > 0.1
return (exp(z) - 1) / z
zz = z * z
pv = p1 + zz * p2
return 2 * pv / (q1 + zz * (q2 + zz * q3) - z * pv)
# tan(x) / x
function tan2(xarg::Real)
const p0 = 0.129221035e3
const p1 = -0.887662377e1
const p2 = 0.528644456e-1
const q0 = 0.164529332e3
const q1 = -0.451320561e2
const q2 = 1.0
const piby4 = π / 4
x = abs(xarg)
if x > piby4
return tan(xarg) / xarg
x /= piby4
xx = x * x
return (p0 + xx * (p1 + xx * p2)) /
(piby4 * (q0 + xx * (q1 + xx * q2)))
immutable Stable <: ContinuousUnivariateDistribution
alpha::Float64 # Characteristic exponent
beta::Float64 # Skewness in standard parameterization
bprime::Float64 # Skewness in revised parameterization
gamma::Float64 # Scale
delta::Float64 # Location
function Stable(a::Real, b::Real, g::Real, d::Real)
0 < a <= 2 || throw(ArgumentError("alpha must be in (0, 2]"))
abs(b) <= 1 || throw(ArgumentError("beta must be in [-1, 1]"))
g > 0 || throw(ArgumentError("gamma must be non-negative"))
phi0 = pi / 2 * b * ((1 - abs(1 - a)) / a) # Always zero for a = 2
bprime = a == 1.0 ? b : -tan(pi / 2 * (1 - a)) * tan(a * phi0)
new(float64(a), float64(b), float64(bprime), float64(g), float64(d))
# 2-parameter stable distribution
Stable(a::Real, b::Real) = Stable(a, b, 1.0, 0.0)
# Algorithm from Mallows
function Distributions.rand(d::Stable)
const piby2 = π / 2
α, β, γ, δ = d.alpha, d.bprime, d.gamma,
u = rand()
w = rand(Exponential())
ε = 1 - α
# Compute some tangents
phiby2 = piby2 * (u - 0.5)
a = phiby2 * tan2(phiby2)
bb = tan2(ε * phiby2)
b = ε * phiby2 * bb
if ε > -0.99
τ = β / (tan2(ε * piby2) * piby2)
τ = β * piby2 * ε * (1 - ε) * tan2((1 - ε) * piby2)
# Compute some necessary subexpressions
da = a^2
db = b^2
a2 = 1.0 - da
a2p = 1.0 + da
b2 = 1.0 - db
b2p = 1.0 + db
# compute coefficient
z = a2p * (b2 + 2 * phiby2 * bb * τ) / (w * a2 * b2p)
# compute the exponential-type expression
logz = log(z)
d = d2(ε * logz / (1 - ε)) * (logz / (1 - ε))
# compute "standard" stable with std = sqrt(2)
s = (1 + ε * d) * 2 *
((a - b) * (1 + a * b) - phiby2 * τ * bb * (b * a2 - 2 * a))
s /= (a2 * b2p)
s += τ * d
# shift scale and location
s = s / sqrt(2) * γ + δ
return s
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