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Created September 14, 2016 00:42
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import Distributions: Binomial
function clt_ci(x)
m = mean(x)
s = std(x)
n = length(x)
se = s / sqrt(n)
return max(0.0, m - 1.96 * se), min(1.0, m + 1.96 * se)
function bootstrap_ci(x, n_replicates = 1_000)
means = Array(Float64, n_replicates)
n = length(x)
x_simulated = Array(Float64, n)
for rep in 1:n_replicates
for i in 1:n
j = rand(1:n)
x_simulated[i] = x[j]
means[rep] = mean(x_simulated)
lower = quantile(means, 0.025)
upper = quantile(means, 0.975)
return lower, upper
function simulate(n_sims, p)
coverage_clt, coverage_bootstrap = 0, 0
n_subs = 50
n_obs = 10
d = Array(Float64, n_subs)
for sim in 1:n_sims
for s in 1:n_subs
d[s] = rand(Binomial(n_obs, p)) / n_obs
lower, upper = clt_ci(d)
coverage_clt += Int(lower <= p <= upper)
lower, upper = bootstrap_ci(d)
coverage_bootstrap += Int(lower <= p <= upper)
return coverage_clt / n_sims, coverage_bootstrap / n_sims
julia> x, y = simulate(2_500, 0.90)
julia> x, y = simulate(2_500, 0.99)
julia> x, y = simulate(2_500, 0.999)
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