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Created June 19, 2012 22:00
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zephyr:murally johnny$ git azure init --serviceName murally --force
Starting at Tue Jun 19 2012 18:45:18 GMT-0300 (ART)
Running with the following configuration:
Windows Azure service settings
serviceName: murally
subscription: undefined
publishSettings: /Users/johnny/Downloads/johnnyhalife.publishsettings
serviceLocation: East US
instances: 1
Windows Azure storage settings
storageAccountName: murally
blobContainerName: murally
Windows Azure RDP and Management settings
username: tactivos
password: <hidden>
Git settings
remote_url: https://tactivosbot:<here goes the password>
branch: cannonicalize_operation_model
Git-azure settings
version: 0.3.0
Choosing subscription name 3-Month Free Trial with subscription a3074e59-f30d-4d71-ad9d-65ce44a0ba77
OK: *.publishSettings file processed.
OK: created scaffolding of git-azure runtime as a submodule at /Users/johnny/Documents/hacks/murally/.git-azure
OK: created scaffolding of git-azure runtime as a submodule at /Users/johnny/Documents/hacks/murally/.git-azure
OK: added scaffolding changes to Git index.
OK: commited scaffolding changes.
OK: pushed scaffolding changes to origin/cannonicalize_operation_model.
OK: created and pushed scaffolding of the git-azure runtime at /Users/johnny/Documents/hacks/murally/.git-azure
INFO: if you like coffee, now is the time to get yourself a cup. The process of provisioning your own VM in Windows Azure typically takes several minutes.
OK: obtained keys for storage account murally
OK: encrypted password for remote access to the Windows Azure service.
OK: service name murally is available under the subscription a3074e59-f30d-4d71-ad9d-65ce44a0ba77
OK: blob container murally exists or has been created.
OK: blob name bootstrap.cspkg already exists in container murally and will be replaced.
OK: bootstrap package /Users/johnny/Documents/hacks/murally/.git-azure/src/bootstrap/bootstrap.cspkg uploaded to blob bootstrap.cspkg in container murally under storage account murally.
OK: generated self-signed, master X.509 certificate for
OK: uploaded master SSL key to Windows Azure Blob Storage
OK: uploaded master SSL certificate to Windows Azure Blob Storage
OK: service configuration generated.
OK: created service murally under subscription a3074e59-f30d-4d71-ad9d-65ce44a0ba77.
OK: uploaded X.509 certificate to enable remote access to the murally service under subscription a3074e59-f30d-4d71-ad9d-65ce44a0ba77.
OK: created and initiated the start of production deployment of service murally.
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Waiting for a machine to be assigned... [StoppedVM]
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Waiting for a machine to be assigned... [StoppedVM]
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Waiting for a machine to be assigned... [StoppedVM]
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Provisioning virtual machine... [CreatingVM]
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Provisioning virtual machine... [CreatingVM]
Did you know Windows Azure SDK for node.js has everything you need to develop node.js apps on Windows?
Check out for more.
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Provisioning virtual machine... [CreatingVM]
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Provisioning virtual machine... [CreatingVM]
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Provisioning virtual machine... [CreatingVM]
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Starting virtual machine... [StartingVM]
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Starting virtual machine... [StartingVM]
Did you know you can store data in Windows Azure using blob storage, table storage, and MS SQL?
Visit to learn more.
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Starting virtual machine... [StartingVM]
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Starting virtual machine... [StartingVM]
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Starting virtual machine... [StartingVM]
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: RoleStateUnknown
Did you know you can host node.js applications in IIS along with other types of content?
Visit to get started.
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: RoleStateUnknown
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: RoleStateUnknown
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: RoleStateUnknown
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: RoleStateUnknown
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Running setup scripts... [BusyRole]
Waiting for role to start... System is initializing. [2012-06-19T21:49:59Z]
Did you know that node.js developers live on average 2.7 years longer than PHP devs? [Quotation needed]
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Running setup scripts... [BusyRole]
Waiting for role to start... System is initializing. [2012-06-19T21:49:59Z]
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Running setup scripts... [BusyRole]
Waiting for role to start... System is initializing. [2012-06-19T21:49:59Z]
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Running setup scripts... [BusyRole]
Waiting for role to start... System is initializing. [2012-06-19T21:49:59Z]
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Running setup scripts... [BusyRole]
Waiting for role to start... System is initializing. [2012-06-19T21:49:59Z]
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Running setup scripts... [BusyRole]
Waiting for role to start... System is initializing. [2012-06-19T21:49:59Z]
Did you know you can easily access Windows Azure services from node.js?
Check out for details.
Deployment status: Running. Status of machines in the farm:
bootstrap_IN_0: Running setup scripts... [BusyRole]
Waiting for role to start... Application startup task failed with exit code -5. [2012-06-19T21:51:37Z]
An error occurred when deploying the service to Windows Azure. You can find out more about the status of the deployment on the Windows Azure management portal at
To completely remove all billable Windows Azure artifacts that were deployed, run 'git azure destroy' or use the management portal.
Finished at Tue Jun 19 2012 18:52:14 GMT-0300 (ART)
Duration 6 min 56 sec.
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