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Created April 4, 2010 22:18
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Save johnnyhalife/355749 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# On the hosts file use the same spa cing between entries using
# 7 as the constant spaces between "words" but compensating length
function tabulate {
$longest, $source = 1, $args[0]
$contents = (gc $source)
#find the longest word
clear-content $source
$contents | %{ [regex]::match($_, "^[^#](\S+)\s*(\S+).*$").Groups[1].Value } | %{ if($_.length -gt $longest) { $longest = $_.length } }
$contents | where-object {[regex]::match($_, "^([^#\s]+)\s*(\S+).*$").success -eq $false } | add-content $source
# add the contents to da file
$contents |
%{[regex]::match($_, "^([^#\s]+)\s*(\S+).*$") } |
where-object { $_.success -eq $true } |
%{($_.Groups[1].Value + (new-object String " ", ($longest - $_.Groups[1].Value.Length + $INTIAL_SPACE)) + $_.Groups[2].Value).trim() } |
add-content $source
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