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Last active June 29, 2022 21:39
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Some users in Distru have not had their transfers cache updated since 06/28/2022. An example of this is this Asana ticket.


Impersonate user: Order ID not syncing: 495908


I tried tried to run a transfer update job in our production env for the license during the date of 06/28/2022 like so while having a bunch of logs in place in lib/distru/metrc/transfer/transfer.ex:

license = Distru.Repo.get!(Distru.License, 235592) |> Distru.Repo.preload(:company);

    Timex.shift(, hours: -23),

I found that we failed to update Order ID 495151 that crashed the transfer cache update. It turns out that the order had a line item which did not have a package associated, even though it was already matched to Metrc transfer with metrc_id=3680314.

I then checked the payload from Metrc on that transfer and noticed some oddities:

Transfer payload

  1. ReceivedPackageCount=19, ReceivedDeliveryCount=1

Transfer Deliveries Payload

  1. ActualArrivalDateTime=null, ReceivedDateTime=2022-06-28T20:50:37+00:00, DeliveryReceivedPackageCount=19

Transfer Packages Payload

  1. Every single package in here had ShipmentPackageState=Accepted


So it seems that the Metrc transfer 3680314 was received on 2022-06-28T20:50:37+00:00, and we tried to update the SO 495151, one of it's line items (id: 5759686) had no packages associated to it, causing our update job to crash.

distru_prod=> SELECT id, quantity, package_id FROM order_items WHERE order_id = 495151;
   id    |   quantity   | package_id
 5728749 | 20.000000000 |    2564924
 5728750 | 20.000000000 |    2564928
 5728751 | 20.000000000 |    2564935
 5728752 | 20.000000000 |    2564937
 5728753 | 20.000000000 |    2564941
 5728754 | 20.000000000 |    2564944
 5728755 | 16.000000000 |    2564946
 5728756 |  4.000000000 |    2564950
 5728757 | 20.000000000 |    2564957
 5728758 | 20.000000000 |    2564977
 5728759 | 20.000000000 |    2565002
 5728760 | 20.000000000 |    2565004
 5728761 | 10.000000000 |    2565005
 5728762 | 10.000000000 |    2565008
 5728763 | 10.000000000 |    2565009
 5728764 | 10.000000000 |    2565013
 5759686 | 11.000000000 |
 5728766 | 40.000000000 |    2565023
 5728767 | 40.000000000 |    2565026

UPDATE: The customer said that the specific line item where the package was removed (id: 5759686) from had it's received quantity be 10 instead of 11. However, this still doesn't explain how the package was removed from the line item

UPDATE #2: I checked further and it seems that the package has a transaction history item of being associated with the SO, and it even has a selling stock, but that stock does not have an order_item_id associated, however the stock does have an assembly_output_item_id associated:

-[ RECORD 5 ]-----------+------------------------------
id                      | 12172477
status                  | metrc_transferring
quantity                | 0.000000000
stock_transfer_item_id  |
order_item_id           |
assembly_input_item_id  |
assembly_output_item_id | 2074597
batch_id                | 554231
creator_id              |
user_id                 |
location_id             | 249307
inserted_at             | 2022-06-28 20:46:58.933411+00
updated_at              | 2022-06-28 20:47:47.414495+00
return_item_id          |
package_id              | 2565018
product_id              | 496542
package_quantity        | 0.0000
intake_order_item_id    |
plant_id                |
teardown_input_id       |
teardown_output_id      |
harvest_id              |
breakdown_input_id      |
breakdown_output_id     |

The assembly associated to the output item is Assembly ID: 2053051 which is a inline_repackage assembly.

UPDATE #3: In the meantime to fix the issue for the customer, I re-attached the selling stock to the order item, and reattached the package to the order item like so:

UPDATE stocks SET order_item_id = 5759686 WHERE id = 12172533;
UPDATE order_items SET package_id = 2565018 WHERE id = 5759686;

UPDATE #4: Apparently the transactions associated with the package also show 2 transactions of this package being added to the SO, but zero transactions of it being removed from the SO, and also neither transactions have the order_item_id filled

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