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Created November 9, 2011 21:00
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Save johnnykv/1353011 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Implementation of the pathfinding algorithm to solve the 2011 Prosa CTF AMazeing Steganography challenge.
#Johnny Vestergaard - 2011
#Implementation of the pathfinding ( algorithm to solve
#the 2011 Prosa CTF AMazeing Steganography challenge.
from PIL import Image
import cProfile
import signal
import pdb
from numpy import zeros
IMG ="maze_0896ece965ea014e4887fe2685426511.png").load()
#a usefull manhole!
def siguser1_handler(sig, frame):
print "pdf due to SIGUSR1"
#a usefull manhole!
def register_runtime_debug_listener():
signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, siguser1_handler)
def find_path():
new_added = [(14999, 14999, 0)]
new_added_length = 1
valueArray = zeros((15000, 15000), int)
blah = 0
breakall = False
#len(new_added) might be too slow to use here... whatever...
while (new_added_length > 0):
p = new_added.pop()
new_added_length = new_added_length - 1
blah = blah + 1
if (blah % 200000 == 0):
print "Still working sir - " + str(p)
newCounter = p[2] + 1
for x, y in ((p[0], p[1]+1), (p[0]+1, p[1]), (p[0], p[1]-1), (p[0]-1, p[1])):
if (x == 1 and y == 1):
print "Start point found! (this is good!)"
breakall = True
#3 is a wall
if not IMG[x, y] == 3:
if valueArray[x, y] == 0:
valueArray[x, y] = newCounter
new_added.append((x, y, newCounter))
new_added_length = new_added_length + 1
elif valueArray[x, y] > newCounter:
valueArray[x, y] = newCounter
new_added.append((x, y, newCounter))
new_added_length = new_added_length + 1
if breakall:
print "Tracking from start to end - work work all day. Hang on!"
#start at maze entrance.
sol = [(1, 1)]
x = 1
y = 1
#14999,14999 is the exit!
while (x != 14999 and y != 14999):
down = 999999999999
right = 999999999999
up = 999999999999
left = 999999999999
if not valueArray[x, y+1] == 0:
down = valueArray[x, y+1]
if not valueArray[x+1, y] == 0:
right = valueArray[x+1, y]
if not valueArray[x, y-1] == 0:
up = valueArray[x, y-1]
if not valueArray[x-1, y] == 0:
left = valueArray[x-1, y]
#pick the tile with the lowest value.
if down < right and down < up and down < left:
y = y + 1
sol.append((x, y))
elif right < down and right < up and right < left:
x = x + 1
sol.append((x, y))
elif up < left and up < down and up < right:
y = y - 1
sol.append((x, y))
elif left < down and left < right and left < up:
x = x - 1
sol.append((x, y))
return sol
def assemble_bits(sol):
oArray = []
bitCounter = 0
bitByte = ""
prefixBytesCounter = 0
prefixByte = ""
dataBytes = 0
#assemble bits to bytes and write them to file. (first 4 bytes are length of data)
for i in range(0, len(sol)):
if IMG[sol[i][0], sol[i][1]] == 0 or IMG[sol[i][0], sol[i][1]] == 1:
if IMG[sol[i][0], sol[i][1]] == 0:
c = 1
c = 0
bitByte = bitByte + str(c)
bitCounter = bitCounter + 1
if bitCounter == 8:
if prefixBytesCounter < 4:
prefixByte = prefixByte + bitByte
prefixBytesCounter = prefixBytesCounter + 1
#aye aye lamer
dataBytes = int(prefixByte, 2)
oArray.append(int(bitByte, 2))
if (dataBytes == len(oArray)):
bitCounter = 0
bitByte = ""
return (oArray, prefixByte)
def write_to_file(bytes, length):
print "Writing to file!"
print "Length of data: " + str(int(length, 2))
fil = open("out.dat", "wb")
for item in bytes:
map = find_path()
data = assemble_bits(map)
write_to_file(data[0], data[1])
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