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Created August 20, 2016 14:14
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script to parse and save heralding activity logs to sqlite
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2016 Johnny Vestergaard <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Parses all Heralding CSV files in a directory and stores the data in a sqlite database.
import sqlite3
import csv
import glob
import os
import time
from argparse import ArgumentParser
def parse_csv_file(file_name):
print 'Start parsing: {0}'.format(file_name)
with open(file_name, 'rb') as csvfile:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
row_count = 1
header = next(csv_reader)
for row in csv_reader:
row_count += 1
# old version of the csv file, need to inject destination_ip at the correct position
if 'destination_ip' not in header:
row = row[0:5] + [''] + row[5:]
yield row
except Exception as ex:
print "[!] Error in row: {0}".format(row_count + 1)
raise ex
def get_number_of_rows(cursor):
"SELECT COUNT(*) from auth")
return cursor.fetchone()[0]
def insert_many(cursor, to_insert):
cursor.executemany("insert or ignore into auth VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", to_insert)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Heralding actvity file processing')
group = parser.add_argument_group()
parser.add_argument('-d', '--delete_source', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Deletes source CSV file after parsing.')
parser.add_argument('path', help='Path to directory that contains heralding log files.')
args = parser.parse_args()
conn = sqlite3.connect('heralding.db')
conn.isolation_level = None
conn.text_factory = str
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Create table
# timestamp,auth_id,session_id,source_ip,source_port,destination_ip,destination_port,protocol,username,password
cursor.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL')
cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS auth
(timestamp text, auth_id text PRIMARY KEY, session_id text, source_ip text, source_port text,
destination_ip text, destination_port text, protocol text, username text, password text)''')
cursor.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS auth_id_index ON auth (auth_id)')
files_parsed = 0
total_rows_added = 0
print '[*] Starting file parsing'
for file_name in glob.glob("tmp/*.log"):
start = time.time()
files_parsed += 1
rows = 0
rows_before_insert = get_number_of_rows(cursor)
to_insert = []
for row in parse_csv_file(file_name):
for i in range(0,7):
if row[i] is '':
# row 5 is destination_ip
if i is 5:
print 'Warning: Auth id {0} has no destination ip.'.format(row[1])
print 'Error. Column {0} in {1} was empty. Total row: {2}'.format(i, file_name, row)
assert False
rows += 1
if rows % 5000 == 0:
insert_many(cursor, to_insert)
to_insert = []
# any leftovers?
if len(to_insert) > 0:
insert_many(cursor, to_insert)
rows_added = get_number_of_rows(cursor) - rows_before_insert
total_rows_added += rows_added
entries_per_second = 0
if rows_added > 0:
entries_per_second = rows_added / (time.time() - start)
end = time.time()
if args.delete_source:
if rows != rows_added:
print '[!] Not deleting csv file because not all rows was added'
print '[+] {0}: Had {1} rows with {2} new entries. Entries per second: {3}'.format(file_name, rows, rows_added, entries_per_second)
print '[*] {0} files parsed. A total of {1} rows was added, the database now contains {2} rows.'.format(files_parsed,
total_rows_added, get_number_of_rows(cursor))
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