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Last active March 4, 2016 21:02
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  • Save johnnyman727/74f05269429fb53fcf1f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save johnnyman727/74f05269429fb53fcf1f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

What I did to get the leaf project running on my Macbook Air (which has an Intel GPU):

  • git clone // Checkout the library for abstracting GPU/Native implementations
  • cd collenchyma; git remote add j; git fetch j; git checkout correct-commit // Check out commit that fixes OSX builds
  • Open Cargo.toml in a text editor and remove "cuda" from this line // Macbook Air's don't have NVidia GPUs so CUDA is useless
  • cd ../; git clone; cd collenchyma-blas // Enter our BLAS Plugin directory
  • Open Cargo.toml in a text editor and add path = "../collenchyma" as a property to this line // Use our local version with fix for OSX
  • Once again, remove "cuda" from this line in Cargo.tml // Don't try to use CUDA
  • cd ../; cargo new leaf-example --bin; cd leaf-example // Enter our new project directory
  • Open Cargo.toml in a text editor and add the following section at the bottom:
collenchyma = { path = "../collenchyma", version = "0.0.8" }
collenchyma-blas = { path = "../collenchyma-blas", version = "0.2.0" }
  • Open src/ in a text editor and replace contents with the following:
extern crate collenchyma as co;
extern crate collenchyma_blas as blas;
use co::prelude::*;
use blas::plugin::Dot;

fn write_to_memory<T: Copy>(mem: &mut MemoryType, data: &[T]) {
    if let &mut MemoryType::Native(ref mut mem) = mem {
        let mut mem_buffer = mem.as_mut_slice::<T>();
        for (index, datum) in data.iter().enumerate() {
            mem_buffer[index] = *datum;

fn main() {
    // Initialize a CUDA Backend.
    let backend = Backend::<Native>::default().unwrap();
    // Initialize two SharedTensors.
    let mut x = SharedTensor::<f32>::new(backend.device(), &(2,2)).unwrap();
    let mut y = SharedTensor::<f32>::new(backend.device(), &(2,2)).unwrap();
    let mut result = SharedTensor::<f32>::new(backend.device(), &(2,2)).unwrap();
    // Fill `x` with some data.
    let payload_x: &[f32] = &::std::iter::repeat(2f32).take(x.capacity()).collect::<Vec<f32>>();
    let payload_y: &[f32] = &::std::iter::repeat(3f32).take(y.capacity()).collect::<Vec<f32>>();
    let native = Backend::<Native>::default().unwrap();
    // x.add_device(native.device()).unwrap(); // Add native host memory

    x.sync(native.device()).unwrap(); // Sync to native host memory
    y.sync(native.device()).unwrap(); // Sync to native host memory
    write_to_memory(x.get_mut(native.device()).unwrap(), payload_x); // Write to native host memory.
    write_to_memory(y.get_mut(native.device()).unwrap(), payload_y); // Write to native host memory.
    x.sync(backend.device()).unwrap(); // Sync the data to the CUDA device.
    // Run the sigmoid operation, provided by the NN Plugin, on your CUDA enabled GPU.
    // backend.sigmoid(&mut x, &mut result).unwrap();
    let res = x, &mut y, &mut result).unwrap();
    // See the result.
    // result.add_device(native.device()).unwrap(); // Add native host memory
    result.sync(native.device()).unwrap(); // Sync the result to host memory.
    println!("{:?}", result.get(native.device()).unwrap().as_native().unwrap().as_slice::<f32>());
  • cargo run and you should see output of 24, 0, 0, 0.
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