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SQL Server on Mac via virtualization
SQL Server on Mac via virtualization
Goal: I want to be able to spin up generic instances of sql server on-demand
* [Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview (Core) is installed on virtualbox](
* Typical defaults: 4096MB RAM, 32 GB fixed space
* The image name is "sql server"
* The network is "bridged adapter"
* Guest additions are installed via `D:\VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe`
#### 1. Install Container Feature
The container feature needs to be enabled before working with Windows containers. To do so run the following command in an elevated PowerShell session.
Install-WindowsFeature containers
When the feature installation has completed, reboot the computer.
Restart-Computer -Force
#### 2. Install Docker
Docker is required in order to work with Windows containers. Docker consists of the Docker Engine, and the Docker client. For this exercise, both will be installed.
Create a folder for the Docker executables.
New-Item -Type Directory -Path 'C:\Program Files\docker\'
Download the Docker daemon.
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:ProgramFiles\docker\dockerd.exe -UseBasicParsing
Download the Docker client.
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:ProgramFiles\docker\docker.exe -UseBasicParsing
Add the Docker directory to the system path. When complete, restart the PowerShell session so that the modified path is recognized.
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";C:\Program Files\docker", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
Restart-Computer -Force
To install Docker as a Windows service, run the following.
dockerd --register-service
Once installed, the service can be started.
Start-Service docker
#### 3. Install Base Container Images
Windows containers are deployed from templates or images. Before a container can be deployed, a base OS image needs to be downloaded. The following commands will download the Windows Server Core base image.
First, install the container image package provider.
Install-PackageProvider ContainerImage -Force
Next, install the Windows Server Core image. This process can take some time, so take a break and pick back up once the download has completed.
Install-ContainerImage -Name WindowsServerCore
After the base image has been installed, the Docker service needs to be restarted.
Restart-Service docker
At this stage, running docker images will return a list of installed images, in this case the Windows Server Core image.
docker images
windowsservercore 10.0.14300.1000 dbfee88ee9fd 7 weeks ago 9.344 GB
Before proceeding, this image needs to be tagged with a version of ‘latest’. To do so, run the following command.
docker tag windowsservercore:10.0.14300.1000 windowsservercore:latest
#### 4. Install git
New-Item -Type Directory -Path 'C:\Program Files\git\'
Invoke-WebRequest<some-version>/<some-binary>.exe -OutFile 'C:\Program Files\git\git.exe' -UseBasicParsing
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";C:\Program Files\git", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
Restart-Computer -Force
Install-Module posh-git
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser -Confirm
cd C:\ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\posh-git\<some-version>
rm C:\Program Files\git\git.exe
#### 4. Build SQL Server 2014 express
git clone
cd Dockerfiles-for-windows/sqlexpress/
docker build -t sqlexpress .
#### 5. Expose SQL Server
if (!(Get-NetFirewallRule | where {$_.Name -eq "SQL Server 1433"})) { New-NetFirewallRule -Name "SQL Server 1433" -DisplayName "SQL Server 1433" -Protocol tcp -LocalPort 1433 -Action Allow -Enabled True}
docker run -d -p 1433:1433 sqlexpress
If you see `Error response from daemon: failed to create endpoint <image_name> on network nat: HNS failed with error : Failed to create endpoint.`, then do
Stop-Service docker
Get-ContainerNetwork | Remove-ContainerNetwork
Start-Service docker
If you want to connect to the sql server instance, do the following:
docker run -ti sqlexpress "powershell.exe"
sqlcmd -S .\SQL
#### 6. Connect to SQL Server from local machine
Set a static IP for the VM.
Add the following file via `vim Set-StaticIP.ps1` and then execute it:
$IP = ""
$MaskBits = 24 # This means subnet mask =
$Gateway = ""
$DNS = ""
$IPType = "IPv4"
# Retrieve the network adapter that you want to configure
$adapter = Get-NetAdapter | ? {$_.Status -eq "up"}
# Remove any existing IP, gateway from our ipv4 adapter
If (($adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).IPv4Address.IPAddress) {
$adapter | Remove-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily $IPType -Confirm:$false
If (($adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).Ipv4DefaultGateway) {
$adapter | Remove-NetRoute -AddressFamily $IPType -Confirm:$false
# Configure the IP address and default gateway
$adapter | New-NetIPAddress `
-AddressFamily $IPType `
-IPAddress $IP `
-PrefixLength $MaskBits `
-DefaultGateway $Gateway
# Configure the DNS client server IP addresses
$adapter | Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ServerAddresses $DNS
Test this on your local machine. View IPs:
VBoxManage guestproperty enumerate "sql server" | grep -i ip
nc -zv 1433
found 0 associations
found 1 connections:
outif en0
src port 59395
dst port 1433
rank info not available
TCP aux info available
Connection to port 1433 [tcp/ms-sql-s] succeeded!
Assuming `docker-machine ip dev` is ``, edit the following line of the docker-compose.yml like so:
- ""
Test that this mapping works like so:
docker-compose run app bash -c "apt-get install netcat -y && nc -zv 1433"
The last line of output should say something like `blah blah [] 1433 (ms-sql-s) open`
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