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Created February 27, 2024 21:51
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Using the GitHub graphql API, set the read-only setting on an existing protection rule for a branch. When true, no one can merge pull requests to it.
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# Using the GitHub graphql API, set the read-only setting on an existing
# protection rule for a branch. When true, no one can merge pull requests to
# it.
# Dependencies:
# * gh (
# * A fine-grained GitHub personal access token, set as `GH_TOKEN` in the
# environment.
# *
# * Token settings:
# * Resource owner: ...
# * Repository: ...
# * Repository Permissions: Administration read and write
# Credit:
set -euo pipefail
# Check if the lockBranch argument is provided.
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Error: No argument provided for lockBranch."
echo "Usage: $0 <lockBranch>"
exit 1
# Prepare the query to get the ID and branch name pattern of the first branch
# protection rule of the repository.
branchProtectionRuleQuery=$(cat <<EOF
repository(owner: "$repositoryOwner", name: "$repositoryName") {
branchProtectionRules(first: 100) {
nodes {
# Execute the query and scan the results, looking for the branch protection
# rule that has a pattern matching the branchNamePattern, extracting the ID.
branchProtectionRuleId=$( \
gh api graphql \
-f query="$branchProtectionRuleQuery" \
-q ".data.repository.branchProtectionRules.nodes[] | select(.pattern == \"$branchNamePattern\") | .id"
# Check if a branch protection rule ID was found and exit if not.
if [ -z "$branchProtectionRuleId" ]; then
echo "No branch protection rule found matching the pattern: $branchNamePattern"
exit 1
# Prepare the mutation to set the read-only flag on the branch protection rule.
setReadOnlyMutation=$(cat <<'EOF'
mutation($branchProtectionRuleId: ID!, $lockBranch: Boolean!) {
updateBranchProtectionRule(input: {
branchProtectionRuleId: $branchProtectionRuleId
lockBranch: $lockBranch
}) {
# Set the read-only flag on the branch protection rule.
gh api graphql \
-H "X-Github-Next-Global-ID: 1" \
--silent \
-f query="$setReadOnlyMutation" \
-f branchProtectionRuleId="$branchProtectionRuleId" \
-F lockBranch=$lockBranch
echo "Branch protection rule updated to lockBranch=$lockBranch"
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brew install gh
GH_TOKEN=... ./set-read-only.bash false

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