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Created May 30, 2024 21:53
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No htmx todo app
from starlette.responses import FileResponse, RedirectResponse
from fastcore.utils import *
from fastcore.xml import *
from fasthtml import *
from sqlite_utils import Database
from fastlite import *
from import *
db = Database('todos.db')
todos = db['todos']
Todo = todos.dataclass()
def __xt__(self:Todo):
name = S(self.title) if self.done else B(self.title)
delete = A('delete', href=f'/delete_todo/{}')
edit = A('edit', href=f'/edit/{}')
done = '✓' if self.done else A('mark as done', href=f'/complete_todo/{}')
return Li(name, ' | ', done, ' | ', edit, ' | ', delete)
app = FastHTML(hdrs=(picolink,picolink))
async def static(fname:str, ext:str): return FileResponse(f'{fname}.{ext}')
async def get_todos():
add = Form(Group(
Input(id="new-title", name="title", placeholder="New Todo"),
Button("Add")), action="/add_todo")
card = Card(Ul(*todos()), header=add),
title = "TODO List"
return title, Main(H1(title), card, cls='container')
async def add_item(title:str):
return RedirectResponse("/")
async def del_todo(id:int):
return RedirectResponse("/")
async def complete_todo(id:int):
todo = todos.get(id)
todo.done = True
return RedirectResponse("/")
async def update_todo(id:int, title:str, done:bool):
todo = Todo(id=id, title=title, done=done)
print("Updating", todo)
return RedirectResponse("/")
async def edit_item(id:int):
f = Form(Group(Input(id="title"), Button("Save")),
Hidden(id="id"), Checkbox(id="done", label='Done'),
action = f'/update_todo')
f = fill_form(f, todos.get(id))
return "Editing TODO", Main(H1(f'Edit TODO {id}'), f, cls='container')
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