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Created June 18, 2012 03:41
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partial main.js
// 3rd party libraries
// 3rd party plugins - they don't return modules
'activity-indicator', // jquery plugin
'sammy.title', // sammy plugin
'amplify.request', // amplify plugin
'', // amplify plugin
'jquery.mockjson', // jquery plugin
'jquery.activity-ex', // jquery plugin
'ko.utils', // Knockout custom utilities
'ko.bindingHandlers', // Knockout custom binding handlers
'ko.bindingHandlers.activity', // Knockout custom binding handlers
'ko.bindingHandlers.command', // Knockout custom binding handlers
'ko.asyncCommand', // Knockout custom asyncCommand
'debug.helpers' // our app's ko debugging plugin
], function (json2, $, _, moment, sammy, amplify, ko, toastr, bootstrapper,
activityIndicator, sammyTitle, amplifyRequest, amplifyStore,
jqueryMockJson, jqueryActivityEx, koUtils, koBindingHandlers,
koBindingHandlersActivity, koBindingHandlersCommand, koAsyncCommand,
koExternalTemplateEngine, knockoutChangeTracker, debugHelpers)
//WARD: no need for plugin params as they are always undefined
//PAPA: When I added the plugin parametes, I stopped getting load
// errors on some of the plugins (like koChangeTracker's ko.DirtyFlag)
//debugger; //TODO: uncomment to confirm that these dependencies are loaded.
// PAPA: Will this force all bootstrapper dedpendencies to load first? I hope so!
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