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Created October 6, 2011 20:10
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Get animation data from a selected object
#!/usr/bin/env python
John P. Neumann
Needed to get animation data from an object that was being driven
via animation nodes so I scripted this real quick. It should put
the file into your home directory named keydata.txt, which you can
then pull into a script or whatever you wanna do.
import os, sys
def get_key_data(path, objects):
get_key_data is a function that gets key data and writes
it out to a file.
@type path: str
@param path: The path to the directory to write out to.
@type objects: list
@param objects: List of objects to write out the keydata for.
if not os.path.exists(path):
sys.stderr.write('Path "%s" does not exist!!!' % (path))
return False
if isinstance(objects, str):
new_obj = objects
for obj in objects:
dkey = []
key_data = cmds.keyframe(obj, q=True, vc=True)
time_data = cmds.keyframe(obj, q=True, tc=True)
for num, data in enumerate(key_data):
dkey.append([time_data[num], data])
full_path = os.path.join(path, obj)
f = open(full_path, 'w')
for key in dkey:
f.write('%s,\n' % (key))
return True
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