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Created January 23, 2013 23:45
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'open-uri'
require 'mysql2'
#for vmta in mailgate actions newsletters backqueue invitations wish-solicitations action-updates transactions; do for mta in pmta01 pmta03; do for domain in aol yahoo gmail hotmail comcast bellsouth att sbcglobal; do echo -n "&target="; cat tpl | sed -e "s/%VMTA%/$vmta/g" -e "s/%MTA%/$mta/g" -e "s/%DOMAIN%/$domain/g" -e '/\n/d' | while read line ; do echo -n "$line";done ;done; done; echo '&colorList=A4A4A4%2CFFFFFF%2C5858FA%2C08088A%2C088A08%2C58FA58%2CB40404%2CF78181&lineMode=connected&minXStep=10&from=-7days&width=1600&height=800';done > /tmp/render
mysql2 =
:host => '',
:username => 'graphite',
:database => 'graphite',
:password => 'secret'
#%w[mailgate actions newsletters backqueue invitations wish-solicitations action-updates transactions].each do |vmta|
%w[invitations].each do |vmta|
update =
render = []
%w[aol yahoo gmail hotmail comcast att sbcglobal other].each do |domain|
render << %q{&target=alias(summarize(sumSeries(email.*.%{vmta}.%{domain}.delivered), "1hour"),"%{domain}")} % {
:vmta => vmta,
:domain => domain
uri = "" % [
# "&uniqueLegend=true&title=#{vmta}%20deliverability&hideLegend=false&colorList=FFF000%25FFFF00%25FFFFFF%252C5858FA%252C08088A%252C088A08%252C58FA58%252CB40404%252CF78181&lineMode=connected&minXStep=10&from=-7days&width=1600&height=800%0A"
sql = %Q{INSERT INTO account_mygraph (profile_id,name,url) VALUES (3,'#{mysql2.escape vmta}','#{mysql2.escape uri}')}
puts sql
# mysql2.query(sql)
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