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Created January 20, 2013 21:53
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$ cd ~/Projects/retrograde/master_grade_script/
~/Projects/retrograde/master_grade_script $ ./ -h
usage: [-h]
instructor_dir assignment student_id student_file
[student_file ...]
positional arguments:
instructor_dir top level directory for instructor assignments
assignment specify the homework assignment (e.g. 'linked list')
student_id specify the student (e.g. '978675643')
student_file specify student input files (e.g. 'linked_list.cpp')
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
~/Projects/retrograde/master_grade_script $ ./ .. sample_homework ../sample_homework_student/cpp/linked_list.cpp
File paths: ['/Users/johnsogg/Projects/retrograde/sample_homework/description-common.json', '/Users/johnsogg/Projects/retrograde/sample_homework/cpp/description.json']
c++ -I/Users/johnsogg/Projects/retrograde/gtest-1.6.0/include -g -Wall -Wextra -c ./linked_list.cpp
c++ -I/Users/johnsogg/Projects/retrograde/gtest-1.6.0/include -g -Wall -Wextra -c ./linked_list_test.cpp
c++ -I/Users/johnsogg/Projects/retrograde/gtest-1.6.0/include -g -Wall -Wextra -c ./RetroPrinter.cpp
c++ -I/Users/johnsogg/Projects/retrograde/gtest-1.6.0/include -g -Wall -Wextra -lpthread linked_list.o linked_list_test.o RetroPrinter.o /Users/johnsogg/Projects/retrograde/gtest-1.6.0/make/gtest_main.a -o linked_list_test
Created a RetroGrade instance.
Assignment: sample_homework
Student Files: ../sample_homework_student/cpp/linked_list.cpp
File: ../sample_homework_student/cpp/linked_list.cpp
Determined language = cpp
About to copy files to working directory: /var/folders/yd/pnkyzl350tq4t0kf28tpm5rm0000gn/T/tmpu3Oj5i
Copying Student files...
... ../sample_homework_student/cpp/linked_list.cpp
Copied Student files.
Copying Instructor files...
... description.json
... linked_list.h
... linked_list_test.cpp
... Makefile
... RetroPrinter.cpp
... RetroPrinter.h
Copied Instructor files.
Copy files successful
Invoking grade script
Changing directory to /var/folders/yd/pnkyzl350tq4t0kf28tpm5rm0000gn/T/tmpu3Oj5i
... successfully changed directory.
Using description files: /Users/johnsogg/Projects/retrograde/sample_homework/description-common.json /Users/johnsogg/Projects/retrograde/sample_homework/cpp/description.json
... got assignment instance.
Invoking grade()...
Description File: /Users/johnsogg/Projects/retrograde/sample_homework/description-common.json
Description File: /Users/johnsogg/Projects/retrograde/sample_homework/cpp/description.json
Assignment: Linked Lists
Language: cpp
Points Possible: 10
Instructor file(s) in place.
Student file(s) in place.
Running Build command: make...
... return value: True
Running Unit Test command: ./linked_list_test...
... return value: False
Parsing outfile...
Checking for ommitted tests
No tests omitted.
Failure at ./linked_list_test.cpp:150:
Value of: 2
Expected: 1
This failure was manufactured for the sake of example.
Output is in the file: /private/var/folders/yd/pnkyzl350tq4t0kf28tpm5rm0000gn/T/tmpu3Oj5i/unit_test_output.txt
InsertRedundant : 1 / 1
InitNode : 1 / 1
Remove : 0 / 4
InsertEmpty : 1 / 1
InsertEnd : 1 / 1
Report : 1 / 1
InsertStart : 1 / 1
TOTAL : 6 / 10
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