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Last active July 22, 2021 00:30
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A prize splitter for hackathon team to split prize evenly from the sponsors.
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/structs/EnumerableSet.sol";
contract PriceSplitter {
using EnumerableSet for EnumerableSet.AddressSet;
// ======================================= STATE VARIABLES =======================================
address public immutable owner;
EnumerableSet.AddressSet private payees;
mapping(address => bool) public isSpent;
enum State {
State public state = State.Waiting;
uint256 public division = 0;
// ======================================= EVENTS =======================================
event Finalized();
event Withdrawable();
event PrizeReceived(address, uint256);
event PrizeWithdrawn(address, uint256);
// ======================================= CONSTRUCTOR AND MODIFIERS =======================================
constructor(address _owner, address[] memory _payees) {
owner = _owner;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _payees.length; i++) {
require(_payees[i] != address(0), "PrizeSplitter: account is the zero address");
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner, "PrizeSplitter: caller is not the owner");
modifier requireState(State _state) {
require(state == _state, "PrizeSplitter: not in required state");
// ======================================= METHODS =======================================
// @todo how to emit event while receiving ERC20 token?
receive() external payable {
emit PrizeReceived(msg.sender, msg.value);
function totalPayees() public view returns (uint256) {
return payees.length();
function checkPayee(uint256 _index) public view returns (address) {
function isPayee(address _payee) public view returns (bool) {
return payees.contains(_payee);
// @todo add check payee with address
function addPayee(address _payee) public onlyOwner requireState(State.Waiting) {
require(_payee != address(0), "PrizeSplitter: account is the zero address");
bool success = payees.add(_payee);
require(success, "PrizeSplitter: fail to add payee");
function removePayee(address _payee) public onlyOwner requireState(State.Waiting) {
require(_payee != address(0), "PrizeSplitter: account is the zero address");
bool success = payees.remove(_payee);
require(success, "PrizeSplitter: fail to remove the payee");
function finalize() public onlyOwner requireState(State.Waiting) {
state = State.Finalized;
emit Finalized();
function enableWithdraw() public onlyOwner requireState(State.Finalized) {
require(!isSpent[msg.sender], "PrizeSplitter: account is spent");
(, division) = SafeMath.tryDiv(address(this).balance, payees.length());
state = State.Withdrawable;
emit Withdrawable();
function withdrawPrize(address payable _recipient) public requireState(State.Withdrawable) {
require(division > 0, "PrizeSplitter: division is zero");
require(payees.contains(_recipient), "PrizeSplitter: caller is not payee");
(bool success, ) ={value: division}("");
require(success, "PrizeSplitter: payment to _recipient did not go thru");
isSpent[_recipient] = true;
emit PrizeWithdrawn(_recipient, division);
function withdrawAll() public onlyOwner requireState(State.Withdrawable) {
require(isLiquidated(), "PrizeSplitter: not yet liquidation");
(bool success, ) ={value: address(this).balance}("");
require(success, "PrizeSplitter: payment to owner did not go thru");
function isLiquidated() public view requireState(State.Withdrawable) returns (bool) {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < payees.length(); i++) {
if (!isSpent[]) {
return false;
return true;
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