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Orion SDK - Python Class
# orionsdk
from orionsdk import SwisClient
import re
import datetime
import requests
class Orion():
def __init__(self):
# start the connection
self.server = 'server fqdn or ip'
self.username = 'orion username'
self.password = 'orion password'
self.con = SwisClient(self.server,self.username,self.password)
def get_all_juniper_node_ids(self, **kwargs):
self.q = self.con.query('SELECT NodeID,Caption FROM Orion.Nodes WHERE Vendor LIKE @vendor', vendor='Juniper%')
return self.q
def get_all_cisco_node_ids(self, **kwargs):
self.q = self.con.query('SELECT NodeID,Caption FROM Orion.Nodes WHERE Vendor LIKE @vendor', vendor='Cisco')
return self.q
def npm_add_node(self, **kwargs):
# first check this device isn't already in Orion
self.ip_check = self.con.query('SELECT NodeID FROM Orion.Nodes WHERE IPAddress=@ip_address', ip_address=kwargs.get('ip_address'))
self.hostname_check = self.con.query('SELECT NodeID FROM Orion.Nodes WHERE Caption=@hostname', hostname=kwargs.get('hostname'))
if len(self.ip_check['results']) > 0 or len(self.hostname_check['results']) > 0:
# if this is greater than 0, then the device already exists in orion
# assign the device poperties for adding to the database
# support only for SNMPv2 at this stage = {
'Caption': kwargs.get('hostname'),
'IPAddress': kwargs.get('ip_address'),
'DynamicIP': False,
'EngineID': kwargs.get('engine_id') or 1,
'Status': 1,
'Allow64BitCounters': 1,
'ObjectSubType': 'SNMP',
'SNMPVersion': kwargs.get('snmp_version') or 2,
'Community': kwargs.get('community'),
# Set NextRediscovery to now + 2 mins so that rediscovery happens at the next rediscovery interval, default 30mins
'NextRediscovery': + datetime.timedelta(minutes = 2)
# create the node
self.results = self.con.create('Orion.Nodes', **
# get the NodeID
self.node_id ='(\d+)$', self.results).group(0)
# setup device pollers
self.pollers_enabled = {
'N.Status.ICMP.Native': True,
'N.Status.SNMP.Native': False,
'N.ResponseTime.ICMP.Native': True,
'N.ResponseTime.SNMP.Native': False,
'N.Details.SNMP.Generic': True,
'N.Uptime.SNMP.Generic': True,
'N.Cpu.SNMP.HrProcessorLoad': True,
'N.Memory.SNMP.NetSnmpReal': True,
'N.AssetInventory.Snmp.Generic': True,
'N.Topology_Layer3.SNMP.ipNetToMedia': False,
'N.Routing.SNMP.Ipv4CidrRoutingTable': False
# create a list of dictionarys for each poller
self.pollers = []
for self.k in self.pollers_enabled:
'PollerType': self.k,
'NetObject': 'N:' + self.node_id,
'NetObjectType': 'N',
'NetObjectID': self.node_id,
'Enabled': self.pollers_enabled[self.k]
# loop through pollers and turn them on
for self.poller in self.pollers:
self.response = self.con.create('Orion.Pollers', **self.poller)
# add the custom properties
self.results = self.con.query(
"SELECT Uri FROM Orion.Nodes WHERE NodeID=@id",
# grab the uri - whatever this is
self.uri = self.results['results'][0]['Uri']
# update the custom properties
self.uri + '/CustomProperties',
City = kwargs.get('city'),
Site = kwargs.get('site'),
Network = kwargs.get('network')
return self.node_id
def npm_add_interfaces(self, node_id):
# run interface discovery
self.interfaces = self.con.invoke('Orion.NPM.Interfaces', 'DiscoverInterfacesOnNode', node_id)
# imports only interfaces with a description
# alternatively any physical Cisco interfaces with and up status could be added
self.descr_only = [
self.x for self.x
in self.interfaces['DiscoveredInterfaces']
if'\xb7', self.x['Caption'])
# add the interfaces
self.execute = self.con.invoke(
def npm_poll_now(self, node_id, **kwargs):
self.con.invoke('Orion.Nodes', 'PollNow', 'N:%s' % self.node_id)
def ncm_add_node(self, node_id, **kwargs):
# check that device isn't already managed in Orion NCM
self.ip_check = self.con.query('SELECT NodeID FROM Cirrus.Nodes WHERE AgentIP=@ip_address', ip_address=kwargs.get('ip_address'))
self.hostname_check = self.con.query('SELECT NodeID FROM Cirrus.Nodes WHERE NodeCaption=@hostname', hostname=kwargs.get('hostname'))
if len(self.ip_check['results']) > 0 or len(self.hostname_check['results']) > 0:
# if this is greater than 0, then the device already exists in orion
self.con.invoke('Cirrus.Nodes', 'AddNodeToNCM', node_id)
# now update the selected columns to ensure we can log into this device
# first using rhe NodeID from Orion.NPM get the Guid
self.ncm_node_id = self.con.query('SELECT NodeID FROM Cirrus.Nodes WHERE CoreNodeID=@node', node=node_id)['results'][0]['NodeID']
# fetch the NCM Node Object
self.ncm_node_data = self.con.invoke('Cirrus.Nodes', 'GetNode', self.ncm_node_id)
# verfify that the submitted connection_profile exists
# if it doesn't set the profile to '-1'
self.profiles = self.con.invoke('Cirrus.Nodes', 'GetAllConnectionProfiles')
for in self.profiles:
if['ID'] == kwargs.get('connection_profile'):
self.connection_profile_id = kwargs.get('connection_profile')
self.connection_profile_id = -1
# modify the device properties but only if the submitted profile is valid
if self.connection_profile_id != -1:
self.ncm_node_data['Username'] = ''
self.ncm_node_data['Password'] = ''
self.ncm_node_data['ConnectionProfile'] = self.connection_profile_id
# Commit our changes
self.con.invoke('Cirrus.Nodes', 'UpdateNode', self.ncm_node_data)
def ncm_get_guid(self, hostname):
# used to determine the guid for a hostname as it exists in Orion NCM
self.node_id = self.con.query("SELECT NodeID FROM Cirrus.Nodes WHERE NodeCaption=@node", node=hostname)
if self.node_id is not None:
return self.node_id
return False
def ncm_download_configs(self, hostname):
# cannot be called until a device has been discovered, this action in Orion depends on a known sysObjectID OID
# get the System.Guid[] into a list, if submitted as a simple string the API errors out
# HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Verb Cirrus.ConfigArchive.DownloadConfig cannot unpackage parameter 0 with type System.Guid[] \
# for url:
self.node_ids = []
self.node_data = self.con.query("SELECT NodeID FROM Cirrus.Nodes WHERE NodeCaption=@node", node=hostname)
configs = ['Active', 'Set', 'Rescue']
for c in configs:
self.con.invoke("Cirrus.ConfigArchive", "DownloadConfig", self.node_ids, c)
def get_connection_profiles(self):
self.profiles = self.con.invoke('Cirrus.Nodes', 'GetAllConnectionProfiles')
return self.profiles
def ncm_remove_node(self, hostname):
# used to unmange a node from Orion NCM
# called pre-delete node from Orion NPM
self.node_id = self.ncm_get_guid(hostname)
if self.node_id is not False:
self.con.invoke("Cirrus.Nodes", "RemoveNode", self.node_id)
def npm_get_uri(self, hostname):
# used to get the node_id of a pre-existing node in Orion NPM
self.node_uri = self.con.query("SELECT Uri FROM Orion.Nodes WHERE Caption=@hostname", hostname=hostname)
return self.node_uri
def npm_delete_node(self, hostname):
# get the devices uri. This is a list of dictionaries
self.node_uri = self.npm_get_uri(hostname)
# call swis to delete the node
if self.node_uri is not False:
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