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Last active March 30, 2020 23:25
Hugo shortcode to resize an image and rotate using Exif data
{{ $src := .Page.Resources.GetMatch (printf "*%s*" (.Get "src")) }}
{{ if eq $src nil }}
{{ $src = .Page.Parent.Resources.GetMatch (printf "*%s*" (.Get "src")) }}
{{ end }}
{{ if not (eq $src nil) }}
{{ $rotateBy := default "" }}
{{ $thumb := "150x150" }}
{{ $default := "400x" }}
{{ with $src }}
{{/* If the exif data is missing */}}
{{ $orientation := 1 }}
{{ if in "jpg tiff" .MediaType.SubType }}
{{ with .Exif }}
{{ $orientation = .Tags.Orientation }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if eq $orientation 1 }}
{{/* Do nothing, image is right-side up */}}
{{ else if (eq $orientation 2) }}
{{/* Do nothing back to front */}}
{{ else if (eq $orientation 3) }}
{{/* Upside down */}}
{{ $rotateBy = "r180" }}
{{ else if (eq $orientation 4) }}
{{/* Upside down and back to front */}}
{{ $rotateBy = "r180" }}
{{ else if (eq $orientation 5) }}
{{/* On its side */}}
{{ $rotateBy = "r270" }}
{{ else if (eq $orientation 6) }}
{{/* On its side and back to front */}}
{{ $rotateBy = "r270" }}
{{ else if (eq $orientation 7) }}
{{ $rotateBy = "r90" }}
{{ else if (eq $orientation 8) }}
{{ $rotateBy = "r90" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "thumb" ($src.Resize (printf "%s %s" $thumb $rotateBy)) }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "default" ($src.Resize (printf "%s %s" $default $rotateBy)) }}
{{ $thumb := .Scratch.Get "thumb" }}
{{ $default := .Scratch.Get "default" }}
{{ $type := "default" }}
{{ with .Get "type" }}
{{ $type = . }}
{{ end }}
{{ if eq $type "thumb" }}
src="{{ $thumb.RelPermalink }}"
{{ else }}
src="{{ $default.RelPermalink }}"
{{ end }}
{{ with .Get "alt" }}alt="{{.}}"{{ else }}alt=""{{ end }}
{{ with .Get "class" }}class="{{.}}"{{ end }}
{{ end }}
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