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Created January 26, 2018 14:48
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export function h (nodeName, attributes, ...children) {
children = [].concat.apply([], children)
attributes = attributes || {}
return typeof nodeName === 'function'
? nodeName(attributes, children)
: { nodeName, attributes, children }
export function render (parent, newNode, oldNode) {
const patches = diff(newNode, oldNode)
patch(parent, patches)
function createElement (vnode) {
let node = typeof vnode === "string" || typeof vnode === "number"
? document.createTextNode(vnode)
: document.createElement(vnode.nodeName)
if (vnode.attributes) {
setAttributes(node, vnode.attributes)
return node
function setAttribute (node, name, value) {
if (name === 'className')
node.setAttribute('class', value)
else if (name === '__html')
node.innerHTML = value
node.setAttribute(name, value)
function removeAttribute (node, name, value) {
if (name === 'className')
else if (name === '__html')
node.innerHTML = ''
function setAttributes (node, attributes) {
for (let name in attributes) {
if (/^on/.test(name))
setEventListener(node, name, attributes[name])
setAttribute(node, name, attributes[name])
function setEventListener (node, name, value) {
name.slice(2).toLowerCase(), value
function diffChildren (newNode, oldNode) {
const patches = []
const patchesLength = Math.max(
for (let i = 0; i < patchesLength; i++) {
patches[i] = diff(
return patches
function diffAttributes (newNode, oldNode) {
const patches = []
const attributes = Object.assign({}, newNode.attributes, oldNode.attributes)
Object.keys(attributes).forEach(name => {
const newVal = newNode.attributes[name]
const oldVal = oldNode.attributes[name]
if (!newVal)
patches.push({ type: 'REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE', name, value: oldVal })
else if (!oldVal || oldVal !== newVal)
patches.push({ type: 'SET_ATTRIBUTE', name, value: newVal })
return patches
function diff (newNode, oldNode) {
if (!oldNode)
return { type: 'CREATE', newNode }
if (!newNode)
return { type: 'REMOVE' }
if (changed(newNode, oldNode))
return { type: 'REPLACE', newNode }
if (newNode.nodeName)
return {
type: 'UPDATE',
children: diffChildren(newNode, oldNode),
attributes: diffAttributes(newNode, oldNode)
function patchAttributes (parent, patches) {
for (let i = 0; i < patches.length; i ++) {
const attribute = patches[i]
const { type, name, value } = attribute
if (type === 'SET_ATTRIBUTE')
setAttribute(parent, name, value)
else if (type === 'REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE')
removeAttribute(parent, name, value)
function patch (parent, patches, index = 0) {
if (!patches) return
const el = parent.childNodes[index]
switch(patches.type) {
case 'CREATE': {
const { newNode } = patches
const newElement = createElement(newNode)
return parent.appendChild(newElement)
case 'REMOVE':
return parent.removeChild(el)
case 'REPLACE': {
const { newNode } = patches
const newElement = createElement(newNode)
return parent.replaceChild(newElement, el)
case 'UPDATE': {
const { children, attributes } = patches
patchAttributes(el, attributes)
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
patch(el, children[i], i)
function changed (node1, node2) {
return typeof node1 !== typeof node2 ||
typeof node1 === 'string' && node1 !== node2 ||
node1.nodeName !== node2.nodeName ||
node1.attributes && node1.attributes.forceUpdate
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