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Created January 5, 2017 18:49
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Liquid number format with commas
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=1 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=12 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=123 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=1234 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=12345 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=123456 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=1234567 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=12345678 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=123456789 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=1234567890 %}
<!-- _include -->
{% assign digits = include.number | split:'' %}{% for digit in digits %}{% assign threeFromEnd = digits.size | minus:forloop.index | modulo: 3 %}{% if threeFromEnd == 2 and forloop.index != 1 %}{{ digit | prepend: ',' }}{% else %}{{ digit }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
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