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Created July 1, 2020 16:27
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Gretel Sync API Response Example
"data": {
"records": [
"data": {
"Unnamed: 0": 2135731,
"Unnamed: 0.1": 2135731,
"id": null,
"member_id": null,
"loan_amnt": 12000,
"funded_amnt": 12000,
"funded_amnt_inv": 11840.11,
"term": " 36 months",
"int_rate": 18.84,
"installment": 438.93,
"grade": "G",
"sub_grade": "G1",
"emp_title": "My Basic Photography",
"emp_length": "8 years",
"home_ownership": "MORTGAGE",
"annual_inc": 50000.0,
"verification_status": "Verified",
"issue_d": "Jun-2009",
"loan_status": "Fully Paid",
"pymnt_plan": "n",
"url": null,
"desc": "Hello my name is Karen Rogers. I own a photography/videography company that is based in Atlanta( My company has been around for 8 years. We service middle to highend clients with our services. Our client list include entertainers, NFL players, NBA players and many major corporate companies. My formal education is in fashion merchandising. I am starting a new company called XXXX. I am willing to disclose the business plan after confidentiality agreements have been signed. This company will sell custom designed t-shirts with a focus on philanthropy and self-empowerment for women. We will provide donations to the charity that we are sponsoring from the sale of every t-shirt. We will provide motivational seminars to high schools, womens shelters and other organizations that focus on helping women. The funds requested will provide working capital, marketing and the product to sell online. To minimize costs, this product will only be available online. The reason why I chose this opportunity is because 1.4 billion t-shirts are sold every year. It is a 20 billion dollar industry. The costs to produce the product is low. We already have a great community based following. By using social media, our current online following and our current client base we will be successful. For those who are interested in receiving my business plan, please contact me at 770-777-7777 or email me at Thank you for your time and consideration!",
"purpose": "small_business",
"title": "XXXX Business Loan",
"zip_code": "301xx",
"addr_state": "GA",
"dti": 12.6,
"delinq_2yrs": 0.0,
"earliest_cr_line": "May-1999",
"inq_last_6mths": 2.0,
"mths_since_last_delinq": null,
"mths_since_last_record": null,
"open_acc": 11.0,
"pub_rec": 0.0,
"revol_bal": 11957,
"revol_util": 43.5,
"total_acc": 16.0,
"initial_list_status": "f",
"out_prncp": 0.0,
"out_prncp_inv": 0.0,
"total_pymnt": 15801.0128715717,
"total_pymnt_inv": 15523.03,
"total_rec_prncp": 12000.0,
"total_rec_int": 3801.01,
"total_rec_late_fee": 0.0,
"recoveries": 0.0,
"collection_recovery_fee": 0.0,
"last_pymnt_d": "Jul-2012",
"last_pymnt_amnt": 459.63,
"next_pymnt_d": null,
"last_credit_pull_d": "Jul-2012",
"collections_12_mths_ex_med": 0.0,
"mths_since_last_major_derog": null,
"policy_code": 1,
"application_type": "Individual",
"annual_inc_joint": null,
"dti_joint": null,
"verification_status_joint": null,
"acc_now_delinq": 0.0,
"tot_coll_amt": null,
"tot_cur_bal": null,
"open_acc_6m": null,
"open_act_il": null,
"open_il_12m": null,
"open_il_24m": null,
"mths_since_rcnt_il": null,
"total_bal_il": null,
"il_util": null,
"open_rv_12m": null,
"open_rv_24m": null,
"max_bal_bc": null,
"all_util": null,
"total_rev_hi_lim": null,
"inq_fi": null,
"total_cu_tl": null,
"inq_last_12m": null,
"acc_open_past_24mths": null,
"avg_cur_bal": null,
"bc_open_to_buy": null,
"bc_util": null,
"chargeoff_within_12_mths": 0.0,
"delinq_amnt": 0.0,
"mo_sin_old_il_acct": null,
"mo_sin_old_rev_tl_op": null,
"mo_sin_rcnt_rev_tl_op": null,
"mo_sin_rcnt_tl": null,
"mort_acc": null,
"mths_since_recent_bc": null,
"mths_since_recent_bc_dlq": null,
"mths_since_recent_inq": null,
"mths_since_recent_revol_delinq": null,
"num_accts_ever_120_pd": null,
"num_actv_bc_tl": null,
"num_actv_rev_tl": null,
"num_bc_sats": null,
"num_bc_tl": null,
"num_il_tl": null,
"num_op_rev_tl": null,
"num_rev_accts": null,
"num_rev_tl_bal_gt_0": null,
"num_sats": null,
"num_tl_120dpd_2m": null,
"num_tl_30dpd": null,
"num_tl_90g_dpd_24m": null,
"num_tl_op_past_12m": null,
"pct_tl_nvr_dlq": null,
"percent_bc_gt_75": null,
"pub_rec_bankruptcies": 0.0,
"tax_liens": 0.0,
"tot_hi_cred_lim": null,
"total_bal_ex_mort": null,
"total_bc_limit": null,
"total_il_high_credit_limit": null,
"revol_bal_joint": null,
"sec_app_earliest_cr_line": null,
"sec_app_inq_last_6mths": null,
"sec_app_mort_acc": null,
"sec_app_open_acc": null,
"sec_app_revol_util": null,
"sec_app_open_act_il": null,
"sec_app_num_rev_accts": null,
"sec_app_chargeoff_within_12_mths": null,
"sec_app_collections_12_mths_ex_med": null,
"sec_app_mths_since_last_major_derog": null,
"hardship_flag": "N",
"hardship_type": null,
"hardship_reason": null,
"hardship_status": null,
"deferral_term": null,
"hardship_amount": null,
"hardship_start_date": null,
"hardship_end_date": null,
"payment_plan_start_date": null,
"hardship_length": null,
"hardship_dpd": null,
"hardship_loan_status": null,
"orig_projected_additional_accrued_interest": null,
"hardship_payoff_balance_amount": null,
"hardship_last_payment_amount": null,
"disbursement_method": "Cash",
"debt_settlement_flag": "N",
"debt_settlement_flag_date": null,
"settlement_status": null,
"settlement_date": null,
"settlement_amount": null,
"settlement_percentage": null,
"settlement_term": null
"metadata": {
"gretel_id": "d066f4e475ee41099788dda02db5372f",
"fields": {
"desc": {
"ner": {
"labels": [
"text": "",
"start": 1444,
"end": 1476,
"label": "email_address",
"source": "regex_email",
"score": 0.75
"text": "770-777-7777",
"start": 1416,
"end": 1428,
"label": "phone_number",
"source": "regex_us_phone",
"score": 0.8,
"field": "desc"
"text": "Karen Rogers",
"start": 17,
"end": 29,
"label": "person_name",
"source": "spacy_en",
"score": null,
"field": "desc"
"received_at": "2020-07-01T16:02:13.090566Z"
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