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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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ClojureScript Collections Performance
function sumXsAndYsJs(data) {
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
x += data[i].x;
y += data[i].y;
return [x, y];
(ns cljs.benchmark-runner
(:refer-clojure :exclude [println]))
(def println print)
(set! *print-fn* js/print)
(defrecord XY [x y])
(def NUM 10000)
(def array-data (into-array
(for [i (range NUM)]
(let [o (js-obj)]
(set! (.-x o) (rand))
(set! (.-y o) (rand))
(def vec-data (mapv #(hash-map :x (.-x %) :y (.-y %)) array-data))
(def vec-data-array-map (mapv #(into cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap/EMPTY %) vec-data))
(def vec-data-records (mapv #(XY. (:x %) (:y %)) vec-data))
(def array-data-records (into-array vec-data-records))
(defn sumXsAndYsWithLoop [data]
(loop [x 0 y 0 data data]
(if (seq data)
(let [o (first data)]
(recur (+ x (:x o)) (+ y (:y o)) (rest data)))
[x y])))
(defn sumXsAndYsWithLoopAndNativeFieldAccess [data]
(loop [x 0 y 0 data data]
(if (seq data)
(let [o (first data)]
(recur (+ x (.-x o)) (+ y (.-y o)) (rest data)))
[x y])))
(defn sumsXsAndYsWithDotimesNativeFieldAccessAndMutableLocals [data]
(let [x (doto (make-array 1)
(aset 0 0))
y (doto (make-array 1)
(aset 0 0))]
(dotimes [i (count data)]
(let [o (data i)]
(aset x 0 (+ (aget x 0) (.-x o)))
(aset y 0 (+ (aget y 0) (.-y o)))))
[(aget x 0) (aget y 0)]))
(defn sumsXsAndYsWithDotimesOnArrayNativeFieldAccessAndMutableLocals [data]
(let [x (doto (make-array 1)
(aset 0 0))
y (doto (make-array 1)
(aset 0 0))]
(dotimes [i (alength data)]
(let [o (aget data i)]
(aset x 0 (+ (aget x 0) (.-x o)))
(aset y 0 (+ (aget y 0) (.-y o)))))
[(aget x 0) (aget y 0)]))
(defn sumXsAndYsWithReduce [data]
(reduce (fn [[x y] d]
[(+ x (:x d)) (+ y (:y d))])
[0 0]
(defn sumXsAndYsWithLoopAndSubvec [data]
(loop [x 0 y 0 data data]
(if (seq data)
(let [o (first data)]
(recur (+ x (:x o)) (+ y (:y o)) (subvec data 1)))
[x y])))
(simple-benchmark [data array-data] (js/sumXsAndYsJs data) 1000)
(simple-benchmark [data array-data] (sumsXsAndYsWithDotimesOnArrayNativeFieldAccessAndMutableLocals data) 1000)
(simple-benchmark [data array-data-records] (sumsXsAndYsWithDotimesOnArrayNativeFieldAccessAndMutableLocals data) 1000)
(simple-benchmark [data vec-data-records] (sumsXsAndYsWithDotimesNativeFieldAccessAndMutableLocals data) 1000)
(simple-benchmark [data vec-data-records] (sumXsAndYsWithLoopAndNativeFieldAccess data) 1000)
(simple-benchmark [data vec-data-records] (sumXsAndYsWithLoop data) 1000)
(simple-benchmark [data vec-data-array-map] (sumXsAndYsWithLoop data) 1000)
(simple-benchmark [data vec-data] (sumXsAndYsWithLoop data) 1000)
(simple-benchmark [data vec-data] (sumXsAndYsWithReduce data) 1000)
(simple-benchmark [data vec-data] (sumXsAndYsWithLoopAndSubvec data) 1000)
function sumXsAndYsJs(data) {
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
x += data[i].x;
y += data[i].y;
return [x, y];
var f;
function k(a) {
var b = typeof a;
if ("object" == b) {
if (a) {
if (a instanceof Array) {
return "array";
if (a instanceof Object) {
return b;
var c =;
if ("[object Window]" == c) {
return "object";
if ("[object Array]" == c || "number" == typeof a.length && "undefined" != typeof a.splice && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("splice")) {
return "array";
if ("[object Function]" == c || "undefined" != typeof && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("call")) {
return "function";
} else {
return "null";
} else {
if ("function" == b && "undefined" == typeof {
return "object";
return b;
var aa = "closure_uid_" + (1E9 * Math.random() >>> 0), ba = 0;
function ca(a, b) {
for (var c in a) { 0, a[c], c, a);
;function da(a, b) {
null != a && this.append.apply(this, arguments);
} = "";
da.prototype.append = function(a, b, c) { += a;
if (null != b) {
for (var d = 1;d < arguments.length;d++) { += arguments[d];
return this;
da.prototype.toString = function() {
var fa;
function ga() {
throw Error("No *print-fn* fn set for evaluation environment");
var ha = null;
function ia() {
return new ja(null, 5, [ka, !0, ma, !0, na, !1, oa, !1, pa, null], null);
function n(a) {
return null != a && !1 !== a;
function qa(a) {
return n(a) ? !1 : !0;
function r(a, b) {
return a[k(null == b ? null : b)] ? !0 : a._ ? !0 : t ? !1 : null;
function ra(a) {
return null == a ? null : a.constructor;
function u(a, b) {
var c = ra(b), c = n(n(c) ? c.jb : c) ? c.ib : k(b);
return Error(["No protocol method ", a, " defined for type ", c, ": ", b].join(""));
function sa(a) {
var b = a.ib;
return n(b) ? b : "" + v(a);
function w(a) {
for (var b = a.length, c = Array(b), d = 0;;) {
if (d < b) {
c[d] = a[d], d += 1;
} else {
return c;
var ua = function() {
function a(a, b) {
return ta.c ? ta.c(function(a, b) {
return a;
}, [], b) :, function(a, b) {
return a;
}, [], b);
function b(a) {
return c.a(null, a);
var c = null, c = function(d, c) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 1:
return, d);
case 2:
return, 0, c);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.d = b;
c.a = a;
return c;
}(), va = {}, wa = {};
function y(a) {
if (a ? a.F : a) {
return a.F(a);
var b;
b = y[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!b && (b = y._, !b)) {
throw u("ICounted.-count", a);
return, a);
function xa(a) {
if (a ? a.H : a) {
return a.H(a);
var b;
b = xa[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!b && (b = xa._, !b)) {
throw u("IEmptyableCollection.-empty", a);
return, a);
function ya(a, b) {
if (a ? a.D : a) {
return a.D(a, b);
var c;
c = ya[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!c && (c = ya._, !c)) {
throw u("ICollection.-conj", a);
return, a, b);
var za = {}, z = function() {
function a(a, b, c) {
if (a ? a.T : a) {
return a.T(a, b, c);
var h;
h = z[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!h && (h = z._, !h)) {
throw u("IIndexed.-nth", a);
return, a, b, c);
function b(a, b) {
if (a ? a.Q : a) {
return a.Q(a, b);
var c;
c = z[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!c && (c = z._, !c)) {
throw u("IIndexed.-nth", a);
return, a, b);
var c = null, c = function(d, c, g) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return, d, c);
case 3:
return, d, c, g);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.a = b;
c.c = a;
return c;
}(), Aa = {};
function A(a) {
if (a ? a.P : a) {
return a.P(a);
var b;
b = A[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!b && (b = A._, !b)) {
throw u("ISeq.-first", a);
return, a);
function B(a) {
if (a ? a.R : a) {
return a.R(a);
var b;
b = B[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!b && (b = B._, !b)) {
throw u("ISeq.-rest", a);
return, a);
var Ba = {}, Da = {}, C = function() {
function a(a, b, c) {
if (a ? a.A : a) {
return a.A(a, b, c);
var h;
h = C[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!h && (h = C._, !h)) {
throw u("ILookup.-lookup", a);
return, a, b, c);
function b(a, b) {
if (a ? a.w : a) {
return a.w(a, b);
var c;
c = C[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!c && (c = C._, !c)) {
throw u("ILookup.-lookup", a);
return, a, b);
var c = null, c = function(c, e, g) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return, c, e);
case 3:
return, c, e, g);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.a = b;
c.c = a;
return c;
function Ea(a, b) {
if (a ? a.Ha : a) {
return a.Ha(a, b);
var c;
c = Ea[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!c && (c = Ea._, !c)) {
throw u("IAssociative.-contains-key?", a);
return, a, b);
function Fa(a, b, c) {
if (a ? a.oa : a) {
return a.oa(a, b, c);
var d;
d = Fa[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!d && (d = Fa._, !d)) {
throw u("IAssociative.-assoc", a);
return, a, b, c);
var Ga = {};
function Ha(a, b) {
if (a ? a.Da : a) {
return a.Da(a, b);
var c;
c = Ha[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!c && (c = Ha._, !c)) {
throw u("IMap.-dissoc", a);
return, a, b);
var Ia = {};
function Ja(a) {
if (a ? a.$a : a) {
return a.$a();
var b;
b = Ja[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!b && (b = Ja._, !b)) {
throw u("IMapEntry.-key", a);
return, a);
function Ka(a) {
if (a ? a.eb : a) {
return a.eb();
var b;
b = Ka[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!b && (b = Ka._, !b)) {
throw u("IMapEntry.-val", a);
return, a);
var La = {}, Ma = {};
function Na(a, b, c) {
if (a ? a.ab : a) {
return a.ab(a, b, c);
var d;
d = Na[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!d && (d = Na._, !d)) {
throw u("IVector.-assoc-n", a);
return, a, b, c);
var Oa = {};
function Pa(a) {
if (a ? a.I : a) {
return a.I(a);
var b;
b = Pa[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!b && (b = Pa._, !b)) {
throw u("IMeta.-meta", a);
return, a);
var Qa = {};
function Ra(a, b) {
if (a ? a.G : a) {
return a.G(a, b);
var c;
c = Ra[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!c && (c = Ra._, !c)) {
throw u("IWithMeta.-with-meta", a);
return, a, b);
var Sa = {}, Ta = function() {
function a(a, b, c) {
if (a ? a.M : a) {
return a.M(a, b, c);
var h;
h = Ta[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!h && (h = Ta._, !h)) {
throw u("IReduce.-reduce", a);
return, a, b, c);
function b(a, b) {
if (a ? a.L : a) {
return a.L(a, b);
var c;
c = Ta[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!c && (c = Ta._, !c)) {
throw u("IReduce.-reduce", a);
return, a, b);
var c = null, c = function(c, e, g) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return, c, e);
case 3:
return, c, e, g);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.a = b;
c.c = a;
return c;
function Ua(a, b) {
if (a ? a.t : a) {
return a.t(a, b);
var c;
c = Ua[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!c && (c = Ua._, !c)) {
throw u("IEquiv.-equiv", a);
return, a, b);
function Va(a) {
if (a ? a.v : a) {
return a.v(a);
var b;
b = Va[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!b && (b = Va._, !b)) {
throw u("IHash.-hash", a);
return, a);
var Wa = {};
function Xa(a) {
if (a ? a.B : a) {
return a.B(a);
var b;
b = Xa[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!b && (b = Xa._, !b)) {
throw u("ISeqable.-seq", a);
return, a);
var Ya = {};
function E(a, b) {
if (a ? a.hb : a) {
return a.hb(0, b);
var c;
c = E[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!c && (c = E._, !c)) {
throw u("IWriter.-write", a);
return, a, b);
var Za = {};
function $a(a, b, c) {
if (a ? a.u : a) {
return a.u(a, b, c);
var d;
d = $a[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!d && (d = $a._, !d)) {
throw u("IPrintWithWriter.-pr-writer", a);
return, a, b, c);
function ab(a) {
if (a ? : a) {
var b;
b = ab[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!b && (b = ab._, !b)) {
throw u("IEditableCollection.-as-transient", a);
return, a);
function bb(a, b) {
if (a ? a.xa : a) {
return a.xa(a, b);
var c;
c = bb[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!c && (c = bb._, !c)) {
throw u("ITransientCollection.-conj!", a);
return, a, b);
function cb(a) {
if (a ? a.ya : a) {
return a.ya(a);
var b;
b = cb[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!b && (b = cb._, !b)) {
throw u("ITransientCollection.-persistent!", a);
return, a);
function db(a, b, c) {
if (a ? a.wa : a) {
return a.wa(a, b, c);
var d;
d = db[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!d && (d = db._, !d)) {
throw u("ITransientAssociative.-assoc!", a);
return, a, b, c);
function eb(a, b, c) {
if (a ? : a) {
return, b, c);
var d;
d = eb[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!d && (d = eb._, !d)) {
throw u("ITransientVector.-assoc-n!", a);
return, a, b, c);
function fb(a) {
if (a ? : a) {
var b;
b = fb[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!b && (b = fb._, !b)) {
throw u("IChunk.-drop-first", a);
return, a);
function gb(a) {
if (a ? a.Ja : a) {
return a.Ja(a);
var b;
b = gb[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!b && (b = gb._, !b)) {
throw u("IChunkedSeq.-chunked-first", a);
return, a);
function hb(a) {
if (a ? a.Ka : a) {
return a.Ka(a);
var b;
b = hb[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!b && (b = hb._, !b)) {
throw u("IChunkedSeq.-chunked-rest", a);
return, a);
function ib(a) {
if (a ? a.Ia : a) {
return a.Ia(a);
var b;
b = ib[k(null == a ? null : a)];
if (!b && (b = ib._, !b)) {
throw u("IChunkedNext.-chunked-next", a);
return, a);
function jb(a) {
this.ub = a;
this.n = 0;
this.f = 1073741824;
jb.prototype.hb = function(a, b) {
return this.ub.append(b);
function G(a) {
var b = new da;
a.u(null, new jb(b), ia());
return "" + v(b);
function kb(a, b) {
if (n(lb.a ? lb.a(a, b) :, a, b))) {
return 0;
var c = qa(;
if (n(c ? : c)) {
if (n( {
if (qa( {
return 1;
c = mb.a ? mb.a(, :,,;
return 0 === c ? mb.a ? mb.a(, :,, : c;
return nb ? mb.a ? mb.a(, :,, : null;
function H(a) {
if (null == a) {
return null;
if (a && (a.f & 8388608 || a.Ab)) {
return a.B(null);
if (a instanceof Array || "string" === typeof a) {
return 0 === a.length ? null : new ob(a, 0);
if (r(Wa, a)) {
return Xa(a);
if (t) {
throw Error([v(a), v("is not ISeqable")].join(""));
return null;
function I(a) {
if (null == a) {
return null;
if (a && (a.f & 64 || a.Ea)) {
return a.P(null);
a = H(a);
return null == a ? null : A(a);
function J(a) {
return null != a ? a && (a.f & 64 || a.Ea) ? a.R(null) : (a = H(a)) ? B(a) : K : K;
function L(a) {
return null == a ? null : a && (a.f & 128 || a.fb) ? a.U(null) : H(J(a));
var lb = function() {
function a(a, b) {
return null == a ? null == b : a === b || Ua(a, b);
var b = null, c = function() {
function a(b, d, l) {
var m = null;
2 < arguments.length && (m = M(, 2), 0));
return, b, d, m);
function c(a, d, e) {
for (;;) {
if (b.a(a, d)) {
if (L(e)) {
a = d, d = I(e), e = L(e);
} else {
return b.a(d, I(e));
} else {
a.o = 2;
a.k = function(a) {
var b = I(a);
a = L(a);
var d = I(a);
a = J(a);
return c(b, d, a);
a.i = c;
return a;
}(), b = function(b, e, g) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 1:
case 2:
return, b, e);
return c.i(b, e, M(arguments, 2));
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
b.o = 2;
b.k = c.k;
b.d = function() {
b.a = a;
b.i = c.i;
return b;
wa["null"] = !0;
y["null"] = function() {
return 0;
Date.prototype.t = function(a, b) {
return b instanceof Date && this.toString() === b.toString();
Ua.number = function(a, b) {
return a === b;
Oa["function"] = !0;
Pa["function"] = function() {
return null;
va["function"] = !0;
Va._ = function(a) {
return a[aa] || (a[aa] = ++ba);
var pb = function() {
function a(a, b, c, d) {
for (var m = y(a);;) {
if (d < m) {
c = b.a ? b.a(c, z.a(a, d)) :, c, z.a(a, d)), d += 1;
} else {
return c;
function b(a, b, c) {
for (var d = y(a), m = 0;;) {
if (m < d) {
c = b.a ? b.a(c, z.a(a, m)) :, c, z.a(a, m)), m += 1;
} else {
return c;
function c(a, b) {
var c = y(a);
if (0 === c) {
return b.s ? b.s() :;
for (var d = z.a(a, 0), m = 1;;) {
if (m < c) {
d = b.a ? b.a(d, z.a(a, m)) :, d, z.a(a, m)), m += 1;
} else {
return d;
var d = null, d = function(d, g, h, l) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return, d, g);
case 3:
return, d, g, h);
case 4:
return, d, g, h, l);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
d.a = c;
d.c = b;
d.l = a;
return d;
}(), qb = function() {
function a(a, b, c, d) {
for (var m = a.length;;) {
if (d < m) {
c = b.a ? b.a(c, a[d]) :, c, a[d]), d += 1;
} else {
return c;
function b(a, b, c) {
for (var d = a.length, m = 0;;) {
if (m < d) {
c = b.a ? b.a(c, a[m]) :, c, a[m]), m += 1;
} else {
return c;
function c(a, b) {
var c = a.length;
if (0 === a.length) {
return b.s ? b.s() :;
for (var d = a[0], m = 1;;) {
if (m < c) {
d = b.a ? b.a(d, a[m]) :, d, a[m]), m += 1;
} else {
return d;
var d = null, d = function(d, g, h, l) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return, d, g);
case 3:
return, d, g, h);
case 4:
return, d, g, h, l);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
d.a = c;
d.c = b;
d.l = a;
return d;
function rb(a) {
return a ? a.f & 2 || a.mb ? !0 : a.f ? !1 : r(wa, a) : r(wa, a);
function sb(a) {
return a ? a.f & 16 || a.cb ? !0 : a.f ? !1 : r(za, a) : r(za, a);
function ob(a, b) {
this.b = a;
this.j = b;
this.n = 0;
this.f = 166199550;
f = ob.prototype;
f.v = function() {
return tb.d ? tb.d(this) :, this);
f.U = function() {
return this.j + 1 < this.b.length ? new ob(this.b, this.j + 1) : null;
f.D = function(a, b) {
return N.a ? N.a(b, this) :, b, this);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
f.L = function(a, b) {
return qb.l(this.b, b, this.b[this.j], this.j + 1);
f.M = function(a, b, c) {
return qb.l(this.b, b, c, this.j);
f.B = function() {
return this;
f.F = function() {
return this.b.length - this.j;
f.P = function() {
return this.b[this.j];
f.R = function() {
return this.j + 1 < this.b.length ? new ob(this.b, this.j + 1) : K;
f.t = function(a, b) {
return P.a ? P.a(this, b) :, this, b);
f.Q = function(a, b) {
var c = b + this.j;
return c < this.b.length ? this.b[c] : null;
f.T = function(a, b, c) {
a = b + this.j;
return a < this.b.length ? this.b[a] : c;
f.H = function() {
return K;
var ub = function() {
function a(a, b) {
return b < a.length ? new ob(a, b) : null;
function b(a) {
return c.a(a, 0);
var c = null, c = function(c, e) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 1:
return, c);
case 2:
return, c, e);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.d = b;
c.a = a;
return c;
}(), M = function() {
function a(a, b) {
return ub.a(a, b);
function b(a) {
return ub.a(a, 0);
var c = null, c = function(c, e) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 1:
return, c);
case 2:
return, c, e);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.d = b;
c.a = a;
return c;
Ua._ = function(a, b) {
return a === b;
var vb = function() {
function a(a, b) {
return null != a ? ya(a, b) : ya(K, b);
var b = null, c = function() {
function a(b, d, l) {
var m = null;
2 < arguments.length && (m = M(, 2), 0));
return, b, d, m);
function c(a, d, e) {
for (;;) {
if (n(e)) {
a = b.a(a, d), d = I(e), e = L(e);
} else {
return b.a(a, d);
a.o = 2;
a.k = function(a) {
var b = I(a);
a = L(a);
var d = I(a);
a = J(a);
return c(b, d, a);
a.i = c;
return a;
}(), b = function(b, e, g) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return, b, e);
return c.i(b, e, M(arguments, 2));
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
b.o = 2;
b.k = c.k;
b.a = a;
b.i = c.i;
return b;
function Q(a) {
if (null != a) {
if (a && (a.f & 2 || a.mb)) {
a = a.F(null);
} else {
if (a instanceof Array) {
a = a.length;
} else {
if ("string" === typeof a) {
a = a.length;
} else {
if (r(wa, a)) {
a = y(a);
} else {
if (t) {
a: {
a = H(a);
for (var b = 0;;) {
if (rb(a)) {
a = b + y(a);
break a;
a = L(a);
b += 1;
a = void 0;
} else {
a = null;
} else {
a = 0;
return a;
var wb = function() {
function a(a, b, c) {
for (;;) {
if (null == a) {
return c;
if (0 === b) {
return H(a) ? I(a) : c;
if (sb(a)) {
return z.c(a, b, c);
if (H(a)) {
a = L(a), b -= 1;
} else {
return t ? c : null;
function b(a, b) {
for (;;) {
if (null == a) {
throw Error("Index out of bounds");
if (0 === b) {
if (H(a)) {
return I(a);
throw Error("Index out of bounds");
if (sb(a)) {
return z.a(a, b);
if (H(a)) {
var c = L(a), h = b - 1;
a = c;
b = h;
} else {
if (t) {
throw Error("Index out of bounds");
return null;
var c = null, c = function(c, e, g) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return, c, e);
case 3:
return, c, e, g);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.a = b;
c.c = a;
return c;
}(), xb = function() {
function a(a, b, c) {
if (null != a) {
if (a && (a.f & 16 || a.cb)) {
return a.T(null, b, c);
if (a instanceof Array || "string" === typeof a) {
return b < a.length ? a[b] : c;
if (r(za, a)) {
return z.a(a, b);
if (t) {
if (a ? a.f & 64 || a.Ea || (a.f ? 0 : r(Aa, a)) : r(Aa, a)) {
return wb.c(a, b, c);
throw Error([v("nth not supported on this type "), v(sa(ra(a)))].join(""));
return null;
return c;
function b(a, b) {
if (null == a) {
return null;
if (a && (a.f & 16 || a.cb)) {
return a.Q(null, b);
if (a instanceof Array || "string" === typeof a) {
return b < a.length ? a[b] : null;
if (r(za, a)) {
return z.a(a, b);
if (t) {
if (a ? a.f & 64 || a.Ea || (a.f ? 0 : r(Aa, a)) : r(Aa, a)) {
return wb.a(a, b);
throw Error([v("nth not supported on this type "), v(sa(ra(a)))].join(""));
return null;
var c = null, c = function(c, e, g) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return, c, e);
case 3:
return, c, e, g);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.a = b;
c.c = a;
return c;
}(), yb = function() {
function a(a, b, c) {
return null != a ? a && (a.f & 256 || a.nb) ? a.A(null, b, c) : a instanceof Array ? b < a.length ? a[b] : c : "string" === typeof a ? b < a.length ? a[b] : c : r(Da, a) ? C.c(a, b, c) : t ? c : null : c;
function b(a, b) {
return null == a ? null : a && (a.f & 256 || a.nb) ? a.w(null, b) : a instanceof Array ? b < a.length ? a[b] : null : "string" === typeof a ? b < a.length ? a[b] : null : r(Da, a) ? C.a(a, b) : null;
var c = null, c = function(c, e, g) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return, c, e);
case 3:
return, c, e, g);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.a = b;
c.c = a;
return c;
}(), Ab = function() {
function a(a, b, c) {
return null != a ? Fa(a, b, c) : zb.a ? zb.a([b], [c]) :, [b], [c]);
var b = null, c = function() {
function a(b, d, l, m) {
var p = null;
3 < arguments.length && (p = M(, 3), 0));
return, b, d, l, p);
function c(a, d, e, m) {
for (;;) {
if (a = b.c(a, d, e), n(m)) {
d = I(m), e = I(L(m)), m = L(L(m));
} else {
return a;
a.o = 3;
a.k = function(a) {
var b = I(a);
a = L(a);
var d = I(a);
a = L(a);
var m = I(a);
a = J(a);
return c(b, d, m, a);
a.i = c;
return a;
}(), b = function(b, e, g, h) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 3:
return, b, e, g);
return c.i(b, e, g, M(arguments, 3));
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
b.o = 3;
b.k = c.k;
b.c = a;
b.i = c.i;
return b;
}(), Bb = function() {
function a(a, b) {
return null == a ? null : Ha(a, b);
var b = null, c = function() {
function a(b, d, l) {
var m = null;
2 < arguments.length && (m = M(, 2), 0));
return, b, d, m);
function c(a, d, e) {
for (;;) {
if (null == a) {
return null;
a = b.a(a, d);
if (n(e)) {
d = I(e), e = L(e);
} else {
return a;
a.o = 2;
a.k = function(a) {
var b = I(a);
a = L(a);
var d = I(a);
a = J(a);
return c(b, d, a);
a.i = c;
return a;
}(), b = function(b, e, g) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 1:
return b;
case 2:
return, b, e);
return c.i(b, e, M(arguments, 2));
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
b.o = 2;
b.k = c.k;
b.d = function(a) {
return a;
b.a = a;
b.i = c.i;
return b;
function Cb(a) {
var b = "function" == k(a);
return b ? b : a ? n(n(null) ? null : ? !0 : a.Fb ? !1 : r(va, a) : r(va, a);
var Fb = function Db(b, c) {
return Cb(b) && !(b ? b.f & 262144 || b.Eb || (b.f ? 0 : r(Qa, b)) : r(Qa, b)) ? Db(function() {
"undefined" === typeof fa && (fa = function(b, c, g, h) {
this.g = b;
this.Ca = c;
this.vb = g;
this.tb = h;
this.n = 0;
this.f = 393217;
}, fa.jb = !0, fa.ib = "cljs.core/t5002", = function(b) {
return E(b, "cljs.core/t5002");
}, = function() {
function b(d, h) {
d = this;
var l = null;
1 < arguments.length && (l = M(, 1), 0));
return, d, l);
function c(b, d) {
return Eb.a ? Eb.a(b.Ca, d) :, b.Ca, d);
b.o = 1;
b.k = function(b) {
var d = I(b);
b = J(b);
return c(d, b);
b.i = c;
return b;
}(), fa.prototype.apply = function(b, c) {
return, [this].concat(w(c)));
}, fa.prototype.a = function() {
function b(d) {
var h = null;
0 < arguments.length && (h = M(, 0), 0));
return, h);
function c(b) {
return Eb.a ? Eb.a(self__.Ca, b) :, self__.Ca, b);
b.o = 0;
b.k = function(b) {
b = H(b);
return c(b);
b.i = c;
return b;
}(), = !0, fa.prototype.I = function() {
return this.tb;
}, fa.prototype.G = function(b, c) {
return new fa(this.g, this.Ca, this.vb, c);
return new fa(c, b, Db, null);
}(), c) : null == b ? null : Ra(b, c);
function Hb(a) {
var b = null != a;
return(b ? a ? a.f & 131072 || a.pb || (a.f ? 0 : r(Oa, a)) : r(Oa, a) : b) ? Pa(a) : null;
var Ib = {}, Jb = 0;
function R(a) {
if (a && (a.f & 4194304 || a.yb)) {
a = a.v(null);
} else {
if ("number" === typeof a) {
a = Math.floor(a) % 2147483647;
} else {
if (!0 === a) {
a = 1;
} else {
if (!1 === a) {
a = 0;
} else {
if ("string" === typeof a) {
255 < Jb && (Ib = {}, Jb = 0);
var b = Ib[a];
if ("number" !== typeof b) {
for (var c = b = 0;c < a.length;++c) {
b = 31 * b + a.charCodeAt(c), b %= 4294967296;
Ib[a] = b;
Jb += 1;
a = b;
} else {
a = null == a ? 0 : t ? Va(a) : null;
return a;
function Kb(a) {
return a ? a.f & 16384 || a.Db ? !0 : a.f ? !1 : r(Ma, a) : r(Ma, a);
function Lb(a) {
return a ? a.n & 512 || a.wb ? !0 : !1 : !1;
function Mb(a) {
var b = [];
ca(a, function(a, d) {
return b.push(d);
return b;
function Nb(a, b, c, d, e) {
for (;0 !== e;) {
c[d] = a[b], d += 1, e -= 1, b += 1;
var S = {};
function Ob(a) {
return n(a) ? !0 : !1;
function mb(a, b) {
if (a === b) {
return 0;
if (null == a) {
if (null == b) {
return 1;
if (ra(a) === ra(b)) {
return a && (a.n & 2048 || a.La) ? a.Ma(null, b) : a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0;
if (t) {
throw Error("compare on non-nil objects of different types");
return null;
var Pb = function() {
function a(a, b, c, h) {
for (;;) {
var l = mb(xb.a(a, h), xb.a(b, h));
if (0 === l && h + 1 < c) {
h += 1;
} else {
return l;
function b(a, b) {
var g = Q(a), h = Q(b);
return g < h ? -1 : g > h ? 1 : t ? c.l(a, b, g, 0) : null;
var c = null, c = function(c, e, g, h) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return, c, e);
case 4:
return, c, e, g, h);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.a = b;
c.l = a;
return c;
}(), U = function() {
function a(a, b, c) {
for (c = H(c);;) {
if (c) {
b = a.a ? a.a(b, I(c)) :, b, I(c)), c = L(c);
} else {
return b;
function b(a, b) {
var c = H(b);
return c ? ta.c ? ta.c(a, I(c), L(c)) :, a, I(c), L(c)) : a.s ? a.s() :;
var c = null, c = function(c, e, g) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return, c, e);
case 3:
return, c, e, g);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.a = b;
c.c = a;
return c;
}(), ta = function() {
function a(a, b, c) {
return c && (c.f & 524288 || c.rb) ? c.M(null, a, b) : c instanceof Array ? qb.c(c, a, b) : "string" === typeof c ? qb.c(c, a, b) : r(Sa, c) ? Ta.c(c, a, b) : t ? U.c(a, b, c) : null;
function b(a, b) {
return b && (b.f & 524288 || b.rb) ? b.L(null, a) : b instanceof Array ? qb.a(b, a) : "string" === typeof b ? qb.a(b, a) : r(Sa, b) ? Ta.a(b, a) : t ? U.a(a, b) : null;
var c = null, c = function(c, e, g) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return, c, e);
case 3:
return, c, e, g);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.a = b;
c.c = a;
return c;
function Qb(a) {
return 0 <= a ? Math.floor.d ? Math.floor.d(a) :, a) : Math.ceil.d ? Math.ceil.d(a) :, a);
var Rb = function() {
function a(a) {
return a * c.s();
function b() {
return Math.random.s ? Math.random.s() :;
var c = null, c = function(c) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
return, c);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.s = b;
c.d = a;
return c;
function Sb(a) {
a -= a >> 1 & 1431655765;
a = (a & 858993459) + (a >> 2 & 858993459);
return 16843009 * (a + (a >> 4) & 252645135) >> 24;
var v = function() {
function a(a) {
return null == a ? "" : a.toString();
var b = null, c = function() {
function a(b, d) {
var l = null;
1 < arguments.length && (l = M(, 1), 0));
return, b, l);
function c(a, d) {
for (var e = new da(b.d(a)), m = d;;) {
if (n(m)) {
e = e.append(b.d(I(m))), m = L(m);
} else {
return e.toString();
a.o = 1;
a.k = function(a) {
var b = I(a);
a = J(a);
return c(b, a);
a.i = c;
return a;
}(), b = function(b, e) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 0:
return "";
case 1:
return, b);
return c.i(b, M(arguments, 1));
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
b.o = 1;
b.k = c.k;
b.s = function() {
return "";
b.d = a;
b.i = c.i;
return b;
function P(a, b) {
return Ob((b ? b.f & 16777216 || b.Bb || (b.f ? 0 : r(Ya, b)) : r(Ya, b)) ? function() {
for (var c = H(a), d = H(b);;) {
if (null == c) {
return null == d;
if (null == d) {
if (lb.a(I(c), I(d))) {
c = L(c), d = L(d);
} else {
return t ? !1 : null;
}() : null);
function Tb(a, b) {
return a ^ b + 2654435769 + (a << 6) + (a >> 2);
function tb(a) {
if (H(a)) {
var b = R(I(a));
for (a = L(a);;) {
if (null == a) {
return b;
b = Tb(b, R(I(a)));
a = L(a);
} else {
return 0;
function Ub(a) {
var b = 0;
for (a = H(a);;) {
if (a) {
var c = I(a), b = (b + (R(Vb.d ? Vb.d(c) :, c)) ^ R(Wb.d ? Wb.d(c) :, c)))) % 4503599627370496;
a = L(a);
} else {
return b;
function Xb(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.g = a; = b;
this.ia = c;
this.count = d;
this.h = e;
this.n = 0;
this.f = 65937646;
f = Xb.prototype;
f.v = function() {
var a = this.h;
return null != a ? a : this.h = a = tb(this);
f.U = function() {
return 1 === this.count ? null : this.ia;
f.D = function(a, b) {
return new Xb(this.g, b, this, this.count + 1, null);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
f.L = function(a, b) {
return U.a(b, this);
f.M = function(a, b, c) {
return U.c(b, c, this);
f.B = function() {
return this;
f.F = function() {
return this.count;
f.P = function() {
f.R = function() {
return 1 === this.count ? K : this.ia;
f.t = function(a, b) {
return P(this, b);
f.G = function(a, b) {
return new Xb(b,, this.ia, this.count, this.h);
f.I = function() {
return this.g;
f.H = function() {
return K;
function Yb(a) {
this.g = a;
this.n = 0;
this.f = 65937614;
f = Yb.prototype;
f.v = function() {
return 0;
f.U = function() {
return null;
f.D = function(a, b) {
return new Xb(this.g, b, null, 1, null);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
f.L = function(a, b) {
return U.a(b, this);
f.M = function(a, b, c) {
return U.c(b, c, this);
f.B = function() {
return null;
f.F = function() {
return 0;
f.P = function() {
return null;
f.R = function() {
return K;
f.t = function(a, b) {
return P(this, b);
f.G = function(a, b) {
return new Yb(b);
f.I = function() {
return this.g;
f.H = function() {
return this;
var K = new Yb(null);
function Zb(a, b, c, d) {
this.g = a; = b;
this.ia = c;
this.h = d;
this.n = 0;
this.f = 65929452;
f = Zb.prototype;
f.v = function() {
var a = this.h;
return null != a ? a : this.h = a = tb(this);
f.U = function() {
return null == this.ia ? null : H(this.ia);
f.D = function(a, b) {
return new Zb(null, b, this, this.h);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
f.L = function(a, b) {
return U.a(b, this);
f.M = function(a, b, c) {
return U.c(b, c, this);
f.B = function() {
return this;
f.P = function() {
f.R = function() {
return null == this.ia ? K : this.ia;
f.t = function(a, b) {
return P(this, b);
f.G = function(a, b) {
return new Zb(b,, this.ia, this.h);
f.I = function() {
return this.g;
f.H = function() {
return Fb(K, this.g);
function N(a, b) {
var c = null == b;
return(c ? c : b && (b.f & 64 || b.Ea)) ? new Zb(null, a, b, null) : new Zb(null, a, H(b), null);
function V(a, b, c, d) { = a; = b; = c;
this.Fa = d;
this.f = 2153775105;
this.n = 4096;
f = V.prototype;
f.u = function(a, b) {
return E(b, [v(":"), v(].join(""));
f.v = function() {
null == this.Fa && (this.Fa = Tb(R(, R( + 2654435769);
return this.Fa;
}; = function() {
var a = null;
return a = function(a, c, d) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return yb.a(c, this);
case 3:
return yb.c(c, this, d);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
f.apply = function(a, b) {
return, [this].concat(w(b)));
f.d = function(a) {
return yb.a(a, this);
f.a = function(a, b) {
return yb.c(a, this, b);
f.t = function(a, b) {
return b instanceof V ? === : !1;
f.toString = function() {
return[v(":"), v(].join("");
function $b(a, b) {
return a === b ? !0 : a instanceof V && b instanceof V ? === : !1;
var ac = function() {
function a(a, b) {
return new V(a, b, [v(n(a) ? [v(a), v("/")].join("") : null), v(b)].join(""), null);
function b(a) {
var b;
return a instanceof V ? a : "string" === typeof a ? (b = a.split("/"), 2 === b.length ? new V(b[0], b[1], a, null) : new V(null, b[0], a, null)) : null;
var c = null, c = function(c, e) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 1:
return, c);
case 2:
return, c, e);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.d = b;
c.a = a;
return c;
function bc(a, b, c, d) {
this.g = a; = b;
this.q = c;
this.h = d;
this.n = 0;
this.f = 32374988;
f = bc.prototype;
f.v = function() {
var a = this.h;
return null != a ? a : this.h = a = tb(this);
f.U = function() {
return null == this.q ? null : L(this.q);
f.D = function(a, b) {
return N(b, this);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
function cc(a) {
null != && (a.q = ? :, = null);
return a.q;
f.L = function(a, b) {
return U.a(b, this);
f.M = function(a, b, c) {
return U.c(b, c, this);
f.B = function() {
if (null == this.q) {
return null;
for (var a = this.q;;) {
if (a instanceof bc) {
a = cc(a);
} else {
return this.q = a, H(this.q);
f.P = function() {
return null == this.q ? null : I(this.q);
f.R = function() {
return null != this.q ? J(this.q) : K;
f.t = function(a, b) {
return P(this, b);
f.G = function(a, b) {
return new bc(b,, this.q, this.h);
f.I = function() {
return this.g;
f.H = function() {
return Fb(K, this.g);
function dc(a, b) {
this.Ga = a;
this.end = b;
this.n = 0;
this.f = 2;
dc.prototype.F = function() {
return this.end;
dc.prototype.add = function(a) {
this.Ga[this.end] = a;
return this.end += 1;
dc.prototype.X = function() {
var a = new ec(this.Ga, 0, this.end);
this.Ga = null;
return a;
function ec(a, b, c) {
this.b = a;
this.r = b;
this.end = c;
this.n = 0;
this.f = 524306;
f = ec.prototype;
f.L = function(a, b) {
return qb.l(this.b, b, this.b[this.r], this.r + 1);
f.M = function(a, b, c) {
return qb.l(this.b, b, c, this.r);
}; = function() {
if (this.r === this.end) {
throw Error("-drop-first of empty chunk");
return new ec(this.b, this.r + 1, this.end);
f.Q = function(a, b) {
return this.b[this.r + b];
f.T = function(a, b, c) {
return 0 <= b && b < this.end - this.r ? this.b[this.r + b] : c;
f.F = function() {
return this.end - this.r;
var fc = function() {
function a(a, b, c) {
return new ec(a, b, c);
function b(a, b) {
return new ec(a, b, a.length);
function c(a) {
return new ec(a, 0, a.length);
var d = null, d = function(d, g, h) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 1:
return, d);
case 2:
return, d, g);
case 3:
return, d, g, h);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
d.d = c;
d.a = b;
d.c = a;
return d;
function gc(a, b, c, d) {
this.X = a;
this.aa = b;
this.g = c;
this.h = d;
this.f = 31850732;
this.n = 1536;
f = gc.prototype;
f.v = function() {
var a = this.h;
return null != a ? a : this.h = a = tb(this);
f.U = function() {
if (1 < y(this.X)) {
return new gc(fb(this.X), this.aa, this.g, null);
var a = Xa(this.aa);
return null == a ? null : a;
f.D = function(a, b) {
return N(b, this);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
f.B = function() {
return this;
f.P = function() {
return z.a(this.X, 0);
f.R = function() {
return 1 < y(this.X) ? new gc(fb(this.X), this.aa, this.g, null) : null == this.aa ? K : this.aa;
f.Ia = function() {
return null == this.aa ? null : this.aa;
f.t = function(a, b) {
return P(this, b);
f.G = function(a, b) {
return new gc(this.X, this.aa, b, this.h);
f.I = function() {
return this.g;
f.H = function() {
return Fb(K, this.g);
f.Ja = function() {
return this.X;
f.Ka = function() {
return null == this.aa ? K : this.aa;
function hc(a, b) {
return 0 === y(a) ? b : new gc(a, b, null, null);
function ic(a) {
for (var b = [];;) {
if (H(a)) {
b.push(I(a)), a = L(a);
} else {
return b;
function jc(a, b) {
if (rb(a)) {
return Q(a);
for (var c = a, d = b, e = 0;;) {
if (0 < d && H(c)) {
c = L(c), d -= 1, e += 1;
} else {
return e;
var lc = function kc(b) {
return null == b ? null : null == L(b) ? H(I(b)) : t ? N(I(b), kc(L(b))) : null;
}, mc = function() {
function a(a, b) {
return new bc(null, function() {
var c = H(a);
return c ? Lb(c) ? hc(gb(c), d.a(hb(c), b)) : N(I(c), d.a(J(c), b)) : b;
}, null, null);
function b(a) {
return new bc(null, function() {
return a;
}, null, null);
function c() {
return new bc(null, function() {
return null;
}, null, null);
var d = null, e = function() {
function a(c, d, e) {
var g = null;
2 < arguments.length && (g = M(, 2), 0));
return, c, d, g);
function b(a, c, e) {
return function s(a, b) {
return new bc(null, function() {
var c = H(a);
return c ? Lb(c) ? hc(gb(c), s(hb(c), b)) : N(I(c), s(J(c), b)) : n(b) ? s(I(b), L(b)) : null;
}, null, null);
}(d.a(a, c), e);
a.o = 2;
a.k = function(a) {
var c = I(a);
a = L(a);
var d = I(a);
a = J(a);
return b(c, d, a);
a.i = b;
return a;
}(), d = function(d, h, l) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
return, d);
case 2:
return, d, h);
return e.i(d, h, M(arguments, 2));
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
d.o = 2;
d.k = e.k;
d.s = c;
d.d = b;
d.a = a;
d.i = e.i;
return d;
}(), nc = function() {
function a(a, b, c, d) {
return N(a, N(b, N(c, d)));
function b(a, b, c) {
return N(a, N(b, c));
var c = null, d = function() {
function a(c, d, e, p, q) {
var s = null;
4 < arguments.length && (s = M(, 4), 0));
return, c, d, e, p, s);
function b(a, c, d, e, g) {
return N(a, N(c, N(d, N(e, lc(g)))));
a.o = 4;
a.k = function(a) {
var c = I(a);
a = L(a);
var d = I(a);
a = L(a);
var e = I(a);
a = L(a);
var q = I(a);
a = J(a);
return b(c, d, e, q, a);
a.i = b;
return a;
}(), c = function(c, g, h, l, m) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 1:
return H(c);
case 2:
return N(c, g);
case 3:
return, c, g, h);
case 4:
return, c, g, h, l);
return d.i(c, g, h, l, M(arguments, 4));
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.o = 4;
c.k = d.k;
c.d = function(a) {
return H(a);
c.a = function(a, b) {
return N(a, b);
c.c = b;
c.l = a;
c.i = d.i;
return c;
function oc(a) {
return cb(a);
function pc(a, b, c) {
var d = H(c);
if (0 === b) {
return a.s ? a.s() :;
c = A(d);
var e = B(d);
if (1 === b) {
return a.d ? a.d(c) : a.d ? a.d(c) :, c);
var d = A(e), g = B(e);
if (2 === b) {
return a.a ? a.a(c, d) : a.a ? a.a(c, d) :, c, d);
var e = A(g), h = B(g);
if (3 === b) {
return a.c ? a.c(c, d, e) : a.c ? a.c(c, d, e) :, c, d, e);
var g = A(h), l = B(h);
if (4 === b) {
return a.l ? a.l(c, d, e, g) : a.l ? a.l(c, d, e, g) :, c, d, e, g);
h = A(l);
l = B(l);
if (5 === b) {
return a.O ? a.O(c, d, e, g, h) : a.O ? a.O(c, d, e, g, h) :, c, d, e, g, h);
a = A(l);
var m = B(l);
if (6 === b) {
return a.fa ? a.fa(c, d, e, g, h, a) : a.fa ? a.fa(c, d, e, g, h, a) :, c, d, e, g, h, a);
var l = A(m), p = B(m);
if (7 === b) {
return ?, d, e, g, h, a, l) : ?, d, e, g, h, a, l) :, c, d, e, g, h, a, l);
var m = A(p), q = B(p);
if (8 === b) {
return a.Ya ? a.Ya(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m) : a.Ya ? a.Ya(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m) :, c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m);
var p = A(q), s = B(q);
if (9 === b) {
return a.Za ? a.Za(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p) : a.Za ? a.Za(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p) :, c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p);
var q = A(s), x = B(s);
if (10 === b) {
return a.Na ? a.Na(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q) : a.Na ? a.Na(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q) :, c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q);
var s = A(x), D = B(x);
if (11 === b) {
return a.Oa ? a.Oa(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s) : a.Oa ? a.Oa(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s) :, c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s);
var x = A(D), F = B(D);
if (12 === b) {
return a.Pa ? a.Pa(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x) : a.Pa ? a.Pa(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x) :, c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x);
var D = A(F), O = B(F);
if (13 === b) {
return a.Qa ? a.Qa(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D) : a.Qa ? a.Qa(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D) :, c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D);
var F = A(O), T = B(O);
if (14 === b) {
return a.Ra ? a.Ra(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F) : a.Ra ? a.Ra(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F) :, c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F);
var O = A(T), ea = B(T);
if (15 === b) {
return a.Sa ? a.Sa(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O) : a.Sa ? a.Sa(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O) :, c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O);
var T = A(ea), la = B(ea);
if (16 === b) {
return a.Ta ? a.Ta(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O, T) : a.Ta ? a.Ta(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O, T) :, c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O, T);
var ea = A(la), Ca = B(la);
if (17 === b) {
return a.Ua ? a.Ua(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O, T, ea) : a.Ua ? a.Ua(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O, T, ea) :, c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O, T, ea);
var la = A(Ca), Gb = B(Ca);
if (18 === b) {
return a.Va ? a.Va(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O, T, ea, la) : a.Va ? a.Va(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O, T, ea, la) :, c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O, T, ea, la);
Ca = A(Gb);
Gb = B(Gb);
if (19 === b) {
return a.Wa ? a.Wa(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O, T, ea, la, Ca) : a.Wa ? a.Wa(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O, T, ea, la, Ca) :, c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O, T, ea, la, Ca);
var tc = A(Gb);
if (20 === b) {
return a.Xa ? a.Xa(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O, T, ea, la, Ca, tc) : a.Xa ? a.Xa(c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O, T, ea, la, Ca, tc) :, c, d, e, g, h, a, l, m, p, q, s, x, D, F, O, T, ea, la, Ca, tc);
throw Error("Only up to 20 arguments supported on functions");
var Eb = function() {
function a(a, b, c, d, e) {
b = nc.l(b, c, d, e);
c = a.o;
return a.k ? (d = jc(b, c + 1), d <= c ? pc(a, d, b) : a.k(b)) : a.apply(a, ic(b));
function b(a, b, c, d) {
b = nc.c(b, c, d);
c = a.o;
return a.k ? (d = jc(b, c + 1), d <= c ? pc(a, d, b) : a.k(b)) : a.apply(a, ic(b));
function c(a, b, c) {
b = nc.a(b, c);
c = a.o;
if (a.k) {
var d = jc(b, c + 1);
return d <= c ? pc(a, d, b) : a.k(b);
return a.apply(a, ic(b));
function d(a, b) {
var c = a.o;
if (a.k) {
var d = jc(b, c + 1);
return d <= c ? pc(a, d, b) : a.k(b);
return a.apply(a, ic(b));
var e = null, g = function() {
function a(c, d, e, g, h, D) {
var F = null;
5 < arguments.length && (F = M(, 5), 0));
return, c, d, e, g, h, F);
function b(a, c, d, e, g, h) {
c = N(c, N(d, N(e, N(g, lc(h)))));
d = a.o;
return a.k ? (e = jc(c, d + 1), e <= d ? pc(a, e, c) : a.k(c)) : a.apply(a, ic(c));
a.o = 5;
a.k = function(a) {
var c = I(a);
a = L(a);
var d = I(a);
a = L(a);
var e = I(a);
a = L(a);
var g = I(a);
a = L(a);
var h = I(a);
a = J(a);
return b(c, d, e, g, h, a);
a.i = b;
return a;
}(), e = function(e, l, m, p, q, s) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return, e, l);
case 3:
return, e, l, m);
case 4:
return, e, l, m, p);
case 5:
return, e, l, m, p, q);
return g.i(e, l, m, p, q, M(arguments, 5));
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
e.o = 5;
e.k = g.k;
e.a = d;
e.c = c;
e.l = b;
e.O = a;
e.i = g.i;
return e;
function qc(a, b) {
for (;;) {
if (null == H(b)) {
if (n(a.d ? a.d(I(b)) :, I(b)))) {
var c = a, d = L(b);
a = c;
b = d;
} else {
return t ? !1 : null;
function rc(a) {
return a;
var sc = function() {
function a(a, b, c, e) {
return new bc(null, function() {
var p = H(b), q = H(c), s = H(e);
return p && q && s ? N(a.c ? a.c(I(p), I(q), I(s)) :, I(p), I(q), I(s)), d.l(a, J(p), J(q), J(s))) : null;
}, null, null);
function b(a, b, c) {
return new bc(null, function() {
var e = H(b), p = H(c);
return e && p ? N(a.a ? a.a(I(e), I(p)) :, I(e), I(p)), d.c(a, J(e), J(p))) : null;
}, null, null);
function c(a, b) {
return new bc(null, function() {
var c = H(b);
if (c) {
if (Lb(c)) {
for (var e = gb(c), p = Q(e), q = new dc(Array(p), 0), s = 0;;) {
if (s < p) {
var x = a.d ? a.d(z.a(e, s)) :, z.a(e, s));
s += 1;
} else {
return hc(q.X(), d.a(a, hb(c)));
return N(a.d ? a.d(I(c)) :, I(c)), d.a(a, J(c)));
return null;
}, null, null);
var d = null, e = function() {
function a(c, d, e, g, s) {
var x = null;
4 < arguments.length && (x = M(, 4), 0));
return, c, d, e, g, x);
function b(a, c, e, g, h) {
return d.a(function(b) {
return Eb.a(a, b);
}, function D(a) {
return new bc(null, function() {
var b = d.a(H, a);
return qc(rc, b) ? N(d.a(I, b), D(d.a(J, b))) : null;
}, null, null);
}(vb.i(h, g, M([e, c], 0))));
a.o = 4;
a.k = function(a) {
var c = I(a);
a = L(a);
var d = I(a);
a = L(a);
var e = I(a);
a = L(a);
var g = I(a);
a = J(a);
return b(c, d, e, g, a);
a.i = b;
return a;
}(), d = function(d, h, l, m, p) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return, d, h);
case 3:
return, d, h, l);
case 4:
return, d, h, l, m);
return e.i(d, h, l, m, M(arguments, 4));
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
d.o = 4;
d.k = e.k;
d.a = c;
d.c = b;
d.l = a;
d.i = e.i;
return d;
function uc(a, b) {
return null != a ? a && (a.n & 4 || a.xb) ? oc(ta.c(bb, ab(a), b)) : ta.c(ya, a, b) : ta.c(vb, K, b);
var wc = function() {
function a(a, b, c, d) {
return uc(vc, sc.l(a, b, c, d));
function b(a, b, c) {
return uc(vc, sc.c(a, b, c));
function c(a, b) {
return oc(ta.c(function(b, c) {
var d = a.d ? a.d(c) :, c);
return bb(b, d);
}, ab(vc), b));
var d = null, e = function() {
function a(c, d, e, g, s) {
var x = null;
4 < arguments.length && (x = M(, 4), 0));
return, c, d, e, g, x);
function b(a, c, d, e, g) {
return uc(vc, Eb.i(sc, a, c, d, e, M([g], 0)));
a.o = 4;
a.k = function(a) {
var c = I(a);
a = L(a);
var d = I(a);
a = L(a);
var e = I(a);
a = L(a);
var g = I(a);
a = J(a);
return b(c, d, e, g, a);
a.i = b;
return a;
}(), d = function(d, h, l, m, p) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return, d, h);
case 3:
return, d, h, l);
case 4:
return, d, h, l, m);
return e.i(d, h, l, m, M(arguments, 4));
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
d.o = 4;
d.k = e.k;
d.a = c;
d.c = b;
d.l = a;
d.i = e.i;
return d;
function xc(a, b) {
this.m = a;
this.b = b;
function yc(a) {
return new xc(a, [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]);
function zc(a) {
a = a.e;
return 32 > a ? 0 : a - 1 >>> 5 << 5;
function Ac(a, b, c) {
for (;;) {
if (0 === b) {
return c;
var d = yc(a);
d.b[0] = c;
c = d;
b -= 5;
var Cc = function Bc(b, c, d, e) {
var g = new xc(d.m, w(d.b)), h = b.e - 1 >>> c & 31;
5 === c ? g.b[h] = e : (d = d.b[h], b = null != d ? Bc(b, c - 5, d, e) : Ac(null, c - 5, e), g.b[h] = b);
return g;
function Dc(a, b) {
throw Error([v("No item "), v(a), v(" in vector of length "), v(b)].join(""));
function Ec(a, b) {
if (0 <= b && b < a.e) {
if (b >= zc(a)) {
return a.K;
for (var c = a.root, d = a.shift;;) {
if (0 < d) {
var e = d - 5, c = c.b[b >>> d & 31], d = e
} else {
return c.b;
} else {
return Dc(b, a.e);
var Gc = function Fc(b, c, d, e, g) {
var h = new xc(d.m, w(d.b));
if (0 === c) {
h.b[e & 31] = g;
} else {
var l = e >>> c & 31;
b = Fc(b, c - 5, d.b[l], e, g);
h.b[l] = b;
return h;
function W(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
this.g = a;
this.e = b;
this.shift = c;
this.root = d;
this.K = e;
this.h = g;
this.n = 4;
this.f = 167668511;
f = W.prototype; = function() {
return new Hc(this.e, this.shift, Ic.d ? Ic.d(this.root) :, this.root), Jc.d ? Jc.d(this.K) :, this.K));
f.v = function() {
var a = this.h;
return null != a ? a : this.h = a = tb(this);
f.w = function(a, b) {
return z.c(this, b, null);
f.A = function(a, b, c) {
return z.c(this, b, c);
f.oa = function(a, b, c) {
if (0 <= b && b < this.e) {
return zc(this) <= b ? (a = w(this.K), a[b & 31] = c, new W(this.g, this.e, this.shift, this.root, a, null)) : new W(this.g, this.e, this.shift, Gc(this, this.shift, this.root, b, c), this.K, null);
if (b === this.e) {
return ya(this, c);
if (t) {
throw Error([v("Index "), v(b), v(" out of bounds [0,"), v(this.e), v("]")].join(""));
return null;
}; = function() {
var a = null;
return a = function(a, c, d) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return this.Q(null, c);
case 3:
return this.T(null, c, d);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
f.apply = function(a, b) {
return, [this].concat(w(b)));
f.d = function(a) {
return this.Q(null, a);
f.a = function(a, b) {
return this.T(null, a, b);
f.D = function(a, b) {
if (32 > this.e - zc(this)) {
for (var c = this.K.length, d = Array(c + 1), e = 0;;) {
if (e < c) {
d[e] = this.K[e], e += 1;
} else {
d[c] = b;
return new W(this.g, this.e + 1, this.shift, this.root, d, null);
c = (d = this.e >>> 5 > 1 << this.shift) ? this.shift + 5 : this.shift;
d ? (d = yc(null), d.b[0] = this.root, e = Ac(null, this.shift, new xc(null, this.K)), d.b[1] = e) : d = Cc(this, this.shift, this.root, new xc(null, this.K));
return new W(this.g, this.e + 1, c, d, [b], null);
f.$a = function() {
return z.a(this, 0);
f.eb = function() {
return z.a(this, 1);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
f.L = function(a, b) {
return pb.a(this, b);
f.M = function(a, b, c) {
return pb.c(this, b, c);
f.B = function() {
return 0 === this.e ? null : 32 > this.e ? M.d(this.K) : t ? X.c ? X.c(this, 0, 0) :, this, 0, 0) : null;
f.F = function() {
return this.e;
f.ab = function(a, b, c) {
return Fa(this, b, c);
f.t = function(a, b) {
return P(this, b);
f.G = function(a, b) {
return new W(b, this.e, this.shift, this.root, this.K, this.h);
f.I = function() {
return this.g;
f.Q = function(a, b) {
return Ec(this, b)[b & 31];
f.T = function(a, b, c) {
return 0 <= b && b < this.e ? z.a(this, b) : c;
f.H = function() {
return Fb(vc, this.g);
var Kc = new xc(null, [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]), vc = new W(null, 0, 5, Kc, [], 0);
function Lc(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
this.C = a;
this.V = b;
this.j = c;
this.r = d;
this.g = e;
this.h = g;
this.f = 32243948;
this.n = 1536;
f = Lc.prototype;
f.v = function() {
var a = this.h;
return null != a ? a : this.h = a = tb(this);
f.U = function() {
if (this.r + 1 < this.V.length) {
var a = X.l ? X.l(this.C, this.V, this.j, this.r + 1) :, this.C, this.V, this.j, this.r + 1);
return null == a ? null : a;
return ib(this);
f.D = function(a, b) {
return N(b, this);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
f.L = function(a, b) {
return pb.a(Mc.c ? Mc.c(this.C, this.j + this.r, Q(this.C)) :, this.C, this.j + this.r, Q(this.C)), b);
f.M = function(a, b, c) {
return pb.c(Mc.c ? Mc.c(this.C, this.j + this.r, Q(this.C)) :, this.C, this.j + this.r, Q(this.C)), b, c);
f.B = function() {
return this;
f.P = function() {
return this.V[this.r];
f.R = function() {
if (this.r + 1 < this.V.length) {
var a = X.l ? X.l(this.C, this.V, this.j, this.r + 1) :, this.C, this.V, this.j, this.r + 1);
return null == a ? K : a;
return hb(this);
f.Ia = function() {
var a = this.V.length, a = this.j + a < y(this.C) ? X.c ? X.c(this.C, this.j + a, 0) :, this.C, this.j + a, 0) : null;
return null == a ? null : a;
f.t = function(a, b) {
return P(this, b);
f.G = function(a, b) {
return X.O ? X.O(this.C, this.V, this.j, this.r, b) :, this.C, this.V, this.j, this.r, b);
f.H = function() {
return Fb(vc, this.g);
f.Ja = function() {
return fc.a(this.V, this.r);
f.Ka = function() {
var a = this.V.length, a = this.j + a < y(this.C) ? X.c ? X.c(this.C, this.j + a, 0) :, this.C, this.j + a, 0) : null;
return null == a ? K : a;
var X = function() {
function a(a, b, c, d, m) {
return new Lc(a, b, c, d, m, null);
function b(a, b, c, d) {
return new Lc(a, b, c, d, null, null);
function c(a, b, c) {
return new Lc(a, Ec(a, b), b, c, null, null);
var d = null, d = function(d, g, h, l, m) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 3:
return, d, g, h);
case 4:
return, d, g, h, l);
case 5:
return, d, g, h, l, m);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
d.c = c;
d.l = b;
d.O = a;
return d;
function Nc(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.g = a; = b;
this.start = c;
this.end = d;
this.h = e;
this.n = 0;
this.f = 32400159;
f = Nc.prototype;
f.v = function() {
var a = this.h;
return null != a ? a : this.h = a = tb(this);
f.w = function(a, b) {
return z.c(this, b, null);
f.A = function(a, b, c) {
return z.c(this, b, c);
f.oa = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this, e = d.start + b;
return Oc.O ? Oc.O(d.g, Ab.c(, e, c), d.start, function() {
var a = d.end, b = e + 1;
return a > b ? a : b;
}(), null) :, d.g, Ab.c(, e, c), d.start, function() {
var a = d.end, b = e + 1;
return a > b ? a : b;
}(), null);
}; = function() {
var a = null;
return a = function(a, c, d) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return this.Q(null, c);
case 3:
return this.T(null, c, d);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
f.apply = function(a, b) {
return, [this].concat(w(b)));
f.d = function(a) {
return this.Q(null, a);
f.a = function(a, b) {
return this.T(null, a, b);
f.D = function(a, b) {
return Oc.O ? Oc.O(this.g, Na(, this.end, b), this.start, this.end + 1, null) :, this.g, Na(, this.end, b), this.start, this.end + 1, null);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
f.L = function(a, b) {
return pb.a(this, b);
f.M = function(a, b, c) {
return pb.c(this, b, c);
f.B = function() {
var a = this;
return function c(d) {
return d === a.end ? null : N(z.a(, d), new bc(null, function() {
return c(d + 1);
}, null, null));
f.F = function() {
return this.end - this.start;
f.ab = function(a, b, c) {
return Fa(this, b, c);
f.t = function(a, b) {
return P(this, b);
f.G = function(a, b) {
return Oc.O ? Oc.O(b,, this.start, this.end, this.h) :, b,, this.start, this.end, this.h);
f.I = function() {
return this.g;
f.Q = function(a, b) {
return 0 > b || this.end <= this.start + b ? Dc(b, this.end - this.start) : z.a(, this.start + b);
f.T = function(a, b, c) {
return 0 > b || this.end <= this.start + b ? c : z.c(, this.start + b, c);
f.H = function() {
return Fb(vc, this.g);
function Oc(a, b, c, d, e) {
for (;;) {
if (b instanceof Nc) {
c = b.start + c, d = b.start + d, b =;
} else {
var g = Q(b);
if (0 > c || 0 > d || c > g || d > g) {
throw Error("Index out of bounds");
return new Nc(a, b, c, d, e);
var Mc = function() {
function a(a, b, c) {
return Oc(null, a, b, c, null);
function b(a, b) {
return c.c(a, b, Q(a));
var c = null, c = function(c, e, g) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return, c, e);
case 3:
return, c, e, g);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.a = b;
c.c = a;
return c;
function Ic(a) {
return new xc({}, w(a.b));
function Jc(a) {
var b = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null];
Nb(a, 0, b, 0, a.length);
return b;
var Qc = function Pc(b, c, d, e) {
d = b.root.m === d.m ? d : new xc(b.root.m, w(d.b));
var g = b.e - 1 >>> c & 31;
if (5 === c) {
b = e;
} else {
var h = d.b[g];
b = null != h ? Pc(b, c - 5, h, e) : Ac(b.root.m, c - 5, e);
d.b[g] = b;
return d;
function Hc(a, b, c, d) {
this.e = a;
this.shift = b;
this.root = c;
this.K = d;
this.f = 275;
this.n = 88;
f = Hc.prototype; = function() {
var a = null;
return a = function(a, c, d) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return this.w(null, c);
case 3:
return this.A(null, c, d);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
f.apply = function(a, b) {
return, [this].concat(w(b)));
f.d = function(a) {
return this.w(null, a);
f.a = function(a, b) {
return this.A(null, a, b);
f.w = function(a, b) {
return z.c(this, b, null);
f.A = function(a, b, c) {
return z.c(this, b, c);
f.Q = function(a, b) {
if (this.root.m) {
return Ec(this, b)[b & 31];
throw Error("nth after persistent!");
f.T = function(a, b, c) {
return 0 <= b && b < this.e ? z.a(this, b) : c;
f.F = function() {
if (this.root.m) {
return this.e;
throw Error("count after persistent!");
}; = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this;
if (d.root.m) {
if (0 <= b && b < d.e) {
return zc(this) <= b ? d.K[b & 31] = c : (a = function g(a, l) {
var m = d.root.m === l.m ? l : new xc(d.root.m, w(l.b));
if (0 === a) {
m.b[b & 31] = c;
} else {
var p = b >>> a & 31, q = g(a - 5, m.b[p]);
m.b[p] = q;
return m;
}.call(null, d.shift, d.root), d.root = a), this;
if (b === d.e) {
return bb(this, c);
if (t) {
throw Error([v("Index "), v(b), v(" out of bounds for TransientVector of length"), v(d.e)].join(""));
return null;
throw Error("assoc! after persistent!");
f.wa = function(a, b, c) {
return eb(this, b, c);
f.xa = function(a, b) {
if (this.root.m) {
if (32 > this.e - zc(this)) {
this.K[this.e & 31] = b;
} else {
var c = new xc(this.root.m, this.K), d = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null];
d[0] = b;
this.K = d;
if (this.e >>> 5 > 1 << this.shift) {
var d = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], e = this.shift + 5;
d[0] = this.root;
d[1] = Ac(this.root.m, this.shift, c);
this.root = new xc(this.root.m, d);
this.shift = e;
} else {
this.root = Qc(this, this.shift, this.root, c);
this.e += 1;
return this;
throw Error("conj! after persistent!");
f.ya = function() {
if (this.root.m) {
this.root.m = null;
var a = this.e - zc(this), b = Array(a);
Nb(this.K, 0, b, 0, a);
return new W(null, this.e, this.shift, this.root, b, null);
throw Error("persistent! called twice");
function Rc() {
this.n = 0;
this.f = 2097152;
Rc.prototype.t = function() {
var Sc = new Rc;
function Tc(a, b) {
return Ob((null == b ? 0 : b ? b.f & 1024 || b.zb || (b.f ? 0 : r(Ga, b)) : r(Ga, b)) ? Q(a) === Q(b) ? qc(rc, sc.a(function(a) {
return lb.a(yb.c(b, I(a), Sc), I(L(a)));
}, a)) : null : null);
function Uc(a, b) {
var c = a.b;
if (b instanceof V) {
a: {
for (var d = c.length, e =, g = 0;;) {
if (d <= g) {
c = -1;
break a;
var h = c[g];
if (h instanceof V && e === {
c = g;
break a;
if (t) {
g += 2;
} else {
c = null;
break a;
c = void 0;
} else {
if ("string" == typeof b || "number" === typeof b) {
a: {
d = c.length;
for (e = 0;;) {
if (d <= e) {
c = -1;
break a;
if (b === c[e]) {
c = e;
break a;
if (t) {
e += 2;
} else {
c = null;
break a;
c = void 0;
} else {
if (null == b) {
a: {
d = c.length;
for (e = 0;;) {
if (d <= e) {
c = -1;
break a;
if (null == c[e]) {
c = e;
break a;
if (t) {
e += 2;
} else {
c = null;
break a;
c = void 0;
} else {
if (t) {
a: {
d = c.length;
for (e = 0;;) {
if (d <= e) {
c = -1;
break a;
if (lb.a(b, c[e])) {
c = e;
break a;
if (t) {
e += 2;
} else {
c = null;
break a;
c = void 0;
} else {
c = null;
return c;
function Vc(a, b, c) {
this.b = a;
this.j = b;
this.ea = c;
this.n = 0;
this.f = 32374990;
f = Vc.prototype;
f.v = function() {
return tb(this);
f.U = function() {
return this.j < this.b.length - 2 ? new Vc(this.b, this.j + 2, this.ea) : null;
f.D = function(a, b) {
return N(b, this);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
f.L = function(a, b) {
return U.a(b, this);
f.M = function(a, b, c) {
return U.c(b, c, this);
f.B = function() {
return this;
f.F = function() {
return(this.b.length - this.j) / 2;
f.P = function() {
return new W(null, 2, 5, Kc, [this.b[this.j], this.b[this.j + 1]], null);
f.R = function() {
return this.j < this.b.length - 2 ? new Vc(this.b, this.j + 2, this.ea) : K;
f.t = function(a, b) {
return P(this, b);
f.G = function(a, b) {
return new Vc(this.b, this.j, b);
f.I = function() {
return this.ea;
f.H = function() {
return Fb(K, this.ea);
function ja(a, b, c, d) {
this.g = a;
this.e = b;
this.b = c;
this.h = d;
this.n = 4;
this.f = 16123663;
f = ja.prototype; = function() {
return new Wc({}, this.b.length, w(this.b));
f.v = function() {
var a = this.h;
return null != a ? a : this.h = a = Ub(this);
f.w = function(a, b) {
return C.c(this, b, null);
f.A = function(a, b, c) {
a = Uc(this, b);
return-1 === a ? c : this.b[a + 1];
f.oa = function(a, b, c) {
a = Uc(this, b);
if (-1 === a) {
if (this.e < Xc) {
a = this.b;
for (var d = a.length, e = Array(d + 2), g = 0;;) {
if (g < d) {
e[g] = a[g], g += 1;
} else {
e[d] = b;
e[d + 1] = c;
return new ja(this.g, this.e + 1, e, null);
return Ra(Fa(uc(Yc, this), b, c), this.g);
return c === this.b[a + 1] ? this : t ? (b = w(this.b), b[a + 1] = c, new ja(this.g, this.e, b, null)) : null;
f.Ha = function(a, b) {
return-1 !== Uc(this, b);
}; = function() {
var a = null;
return a = function(a, c, d) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return this.w(null, c);
case 3:
return this.A(null, c, d);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
f.apply = function(a, b) {
return, [this].concat(w(b)));
f.d = function(a) {
return this.w(null, a);
f.a = function(a, b) {
return this.A(null, a, b);
f.D = function(a, b) {
return Kb(b) ? Fa(this, z.a(b, 0), z.a(b, 1)) : ta.c(ya, this, b);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
f.B = function() {
return 0 <= this.b.length - 2 ? new Vc(this.b, 0, null) : null;
f.F = function() {
return this.e;
f.t = function(a, b) {
return Tc(this, b);
f.G = function(a, b) {
return new ja(b, this.e, this.b, this.h);
f.I = function() {
return this.g;
f.H = function() {
return Ra(Zc, this.g);
f.Da = function(a, b) {
if (0 <= Uc(this, b)) {
var c = this.b.length, d = c - 2;
if (0 === d) {
return xa(this);
for (var d = Array(d), e = 0, g = 0;;) {
if (e >= c) {
return new ja(this.g, this.e - 1, d, null);
if (lb.a(b, this.b[e])) {
e += 2;
} else {
if (t) {
d[g] = this.b[e], d[g + 1] = this.b[e + 1], g += 2, e += 2;
} else {
return null;
} else {
return this;
var Zc = new ja(null, 0, [], null), Xc = 8;
function Wc(a, b, c) { = a;
this.ha = b;
this.b = c;
this.n = 56;
this.f = 258;
f = Wc.prototype;
f.wa = function(a, b, c) {
if (n( {
a = Uc(this, b);
if (-1 === a) {
if (this.ha + 2 <= 2 * Xc) {
return this.ha += 2, this.b.push(b), this.b.push(c), this;
a = $c.a ? $c.a(this.ha, this.b) : $, this.ha, this.b);
return db(a, b, c);
c !== this.b[a + 1] && (this.b[a + 1] = c);
return this;
throw Error("assoc! after persistent!");
f.xa = function(a, b) {
if (n( {
if (b ? b.f & 2048 || b.ob || (b.f ? 0 : r(Ia, b)) : r(Ia, b)) {
return db(this, Vb.d ? Vb.d(b) :, b), Wb.d ? Wb.d(b) :, b));
for (var c = H(b), d = this;;) {
var e = I(c);
if (n(e)) {
c = L(c), d = db(d, Vb.d ? Vb.d(e) :, e), Wb.d ? Wb.d(e) :, e));
} else {
return d;
} else {
throw Error("conj! after persistent!");
f.ya = function() {
if (n( {
return = !1, new ja(null, Qb((this.ha - this.ha % 2) / 2), this.b, null);
throw Error("persistent! called twice");
f.w = function(a, b) {
return C.c(this, b, null);
f.A = function(a, b, c) {
if (n( {
return a = Uc(this, b), -1 === a ? c : this.b[a + 1];
throw Error("lookup after persistent!");
f.F = function() {
if (n( {
return Qb((this.ha - this.ha % 2) / 2);
throw Error("count after persistent!");
function $c(a, b) {
for (var c = ab(Yc), d = 0;;) {
if (d < a) {
c = db(c, b[d], b[d + 1]), d += 2;
} else {
return c;
function ad() {
this.da = !1;
function bd(a, b) {
return a === b ? !0 : $b(a, b) ? !0 : t ? lb.a(a, b) : null;
var cd = function() {
function a(a, b, c, h, l) {
a = w(a);
a[b] = c;
a[h] = l;
return a;
function b(a, b, c) {
a = w(a);
a[b] = c;
return a;
var c = null, c = function(c, e, g, h, l) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 3:
return, c, e, g);
case 5:
return, c, e, g, h, l);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.c = b;
c.O = a;
return c;
function dd(a, b) {
var c = Array(a.length - 2);
Nb(a, 0, c, 0, 2 * b);
Nb(a, 2 * (b + 1), c, 2 * b, c.length - 2 * b);
return c;
var ed = function() {
function a(a, b, c, h, l, m) {
a = a.ra(b);
a.b[c] = h;
a.b[l] = m;
return a;
function b(a, b, c, h) {
a = a.ra(b);
a.b[c] = h;
return a;
var c = null, c = function(c, e, g, h, l, m) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 4:
return, c, e, g, h);
case 6:
return, c, e, g, h, l, m);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.l = b;
c.fa = a;
return c;
function fd(a, b, c) {
this.m = a;
this.p = b;
this.b = c;
f = fd.prototype;
f.Z = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
var h = 1 << (c >>> b & 31), l = Sb(this.p & h - 1);
if (0 === (this.p & h)) {
var m = Sb(this.p);
if (2 * m < this.b.length) {
a = this.ra(a);
b = a.b;
g.da = !0;
a: {
for (c = 2 * (m - l), g = 2 * l + (c - 1), m = 2 * (l + 1) + (c - 1);;) {
if (0 === c) {
break a;
b[m] = b[g];
m -= 1;
c -= 1;
g -= 1;
b[2 * l] = d;
b[2 * l + 1] = e;
a.p |= h;
return a;
if (16 <= m) {
l = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null];
l[c >>> b & 31] = gd.Z(a, b + 5, c, d, e, g);
for (e = d = 0;;) {
if (32 > d) {
0 !== (this.p >>> d & 1) && (l[d] = null != this.b[e] ? gd.Z(a, b + 5, R(this.b[e]), this.b[e], this.b[e + 1], g) : this.b[e + 1], e += 2), d += 1;
} else {
return new hd(a, m + 1, l);
return t ? (b = Array(2 * (m + 4)), Nb(this.b, 0, b, 0, 2 * l), b[2 * l] = d, b[2 * l + 1] = e, Nb(this.b, 2 * l, b, 2 * (l + 1), 2 * (m - l)), g.da = !0, a = this.ra(a), a.b = b, a.p |= h, a) : null;
m = this.b[2 * l];
h = this.b[2 * l + 1];
return null == m ? (m = h.Z(a, b + 5, c, d, e, g), m === h ? this : ed.l(this, a, 2 * l + 1, m)) : bd(d, m) ? e === h ? this : ed.l(this, a, 2 * l + 1, e) : t ? (g.da = !0, ed.fa(this, a, 2 * l, null, 2 * l + 1, ?, b + 5, m, h, c, d, e) :, a, b + 5, m, h, c, d, e))) : null;
f.Aa = function() {
return jd.d ? jd.d(this.b) :, this.b);
f.ra = function(a) {
if (a === this.m) {
return this;
var b = Sb(this.p), c = Array(0 > b ? 4 : 2 * (b + 1));
Nb(this.b, 0, c, 0, 2 * b);
return new fd(a, this.p, c);
f.Ba = function(a, b, c) {
var d = 1 << (b >>> a & 31);
if (0 === (this.p & d)) {
return this;
var e = Sb(this.p & d - 1), g = this.b[2 * e], h = this.b[2 * e + 1];
return null == g ? (a = h.Ba(a + 5, b, c), a === h ? this : null != a ? new fd(null, this.p, cd.c(this.b, 2 * e + 1, a)) : this.p === d ? null : t ? new fd(null, this.p ^ d, dd(this.b, e)) : null) : bd(c, g) ? new fd(null, this.p ^ d, dd(this.b, e)) : t ? this : null;
f.Y = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
var g = 1 << (b >>> a & 31), h = Sb(this.p & g - 1);
if (0 === (this.p & g)) {
var l = Sb(this.p);
if (16 <= l) {
h = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null];
h[b >>> a & 31] = gd.Y(a + 5, b, c, d, e);
for (d = c = 0;;) {
if (32 > c) {
0 !== (this.p >>> c & 1) && (h[c] = null != this.b[d] ? gd.Y(a + 5, R(this.b[d]), this.b[d], this.b[d + 1], e) : this.b[d + 1], d += 2), c += 1;
} else {
return new hd(null, l + 1, h);
a = Array(2 * (l + 1));
Nb(this.b, 0, a, 0, 2 * h);
a[2 * h] = c;
a[2 * h + 1] = d;
Nb(this.b, 2 * h, a, 2 * (h + 1), 2 * (l - h));
e.da = !0;
return new fd(null, this.p | g, a);
l = this.b[2 * h];
g = this.b[2 * h + 1];
return null == l ? (l = g.Y(a + 5, b, c, d, e), l === g ? this : new fd(null, this.p, cd.c(this.b, 2 * h + 1, l))) : bd(c, l) ? d === g ? this : new fd(null, this.p, cd.c(this.b, 2 * h + 1, d)) : t ? (e.da = !0, new fd(null, this.p, cd.O(this.b, 2 * h, null, 2 * h + 1, id.fa ? id.fa(a + 5, l, g, b, c, d) :, a + 5, l, g, b, c, d)))) : null;
}; = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = 1 << (b >>> a & 31);
if (0 === (this.p & e)) {
return d;
var g = Sb(this.p & e - 1), e = this.b[2 * g], g = this.b[2 * g + 1];
return null == e ? + 5, b, c, d) : bd(c, e) ? g : t ? d : null;
var gd = new fd(null, 0, []);
function hd(a, b, c) {
this.m = a;
this.e = b;
this.b = c;
f = hd.prototype;
f.Z = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
var h = c >>> b & 31, l = this.b[h];
if (null == l) {
return a = ed.l(this, a, h, gd.Z(a, b + 5, c, d, e, g)), a.e += 1, a;
b = l.Z(a, b + 5, c, d, e, g);
return b === l ? this : ed.l(this, a, h, b);
f.Aa = function() {
return kd.d ? kd.d(this.b) :, this.b);
f.ra = function(a) {
return a === this.m ? this : new hd(a, this.e, w(this.b));
f.Ba = function(a, b, c) {
var d = b >>> a & 31, e = this.b[d];
if (null != e) {
a = e.Ba(a + 5, b, c);
if (a === e) {
d = this;
} else {
if (null == a) {
if (8 >= this.e) {
a: {
e = this.b;
a = 2 * (this.e - 1);
b = Array(a);
c = 0;
for (var g = 1, h = 0;;) {
if (c < a) {
c !== d && null != e[c] && (b[g] = e[c], g += 2, h |= 1 << c), c += 1;
} else {
d = new fd(null, h, b);
break a;
d = void 0;
} else {
d = new hd(null, this.e - 1, cd.c(this.b, d, a));
} else {
d = t ? new hd(null, this.e, cd.c(this.b, d, a)) : null;
return d;
return this;
f.Y = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
var g = b >>> a & 31, h = this.b[g];
if (null == h) {
return new hd(null, this.e + 1, cd.c(this.b, g, gd.Y(a + 5, b, c, d, e)));
a = h.Y(a + 5, b, c, d, e);
return a === h ? this : new hd(null, this.e, cd.c(this.b, g, a));
}; = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = this.b[b >>> a & 31];
return null != e ? + 5, b, c, d) : d;
function ld(a, b, c) {
b *= 2;
for (var d = 0;;) {
if (d < b) {
if (bd(c, a[d])) {
return d;
d += 2;
} else {
function md(a, b, c, d) {
this.m = a; = b;
this.e = c;
this.b = d;
f = md.prototype;
f.Z = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
if (c === {
b = ld(this.b, this.e, d);
if (-1 === b) {
if (this.b.length > 2 * this.e) {
return a = ed.fa(this, a, 2 * this.e, d, 2 * this.e + 1, e), g.da = !0, a.e += 1, a;
c = this.b.length;
b = Array(c + 2);
Nb(this.b, 0, b, 0, c);
b[c] = d;
b[c + 1] = e;
g.da = !0;
g = this.e + 1;
a === this.m ? (this.b = b, this.e = g, a = this) : a = new md(this.m,, g, b);
return a;
return this.b[b + 1] === e ? this : ed.l(this, a, b + 1, e);
return(new fd(a, 1 << ( >>> b & 31), [null, this, null, null])).Z(a, b, c, d, e, g);
f.Aa = function() {
return jd.d ? jd.d(this.b) :, this.b);
f.ra = function(a) {
if (a === this.m) {
return this;
var b = Array(2 * (this.e + 1));
Nb(this.b, 0, b, 0, 2 * this.e);
return new md(a,, this.e, b);
f.Ba = function(a, b, c) {
a = ld(this.b, this.e, c);
return-1 === a ? this : 1 === this.e ? null : t ? new md(null,, this.e - 1, dd(this.b, Qb((a - a % 2) / 2))) : null;
f.Y = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
return b === ? (a = ld(this.b, this.e, c), -1 === a ? (a = 2 * this.e, b = Array(a + 2), Nb(this.b, 0, b, 0, a), b[a] = c, b[a + 1] = d, e.da = !0, new md(null,, this.e + 1, b)) : lb.a(this.b[a], d) ? this : new md(null,, this.e, cd.c(this.b, a + 1, d))) : (new fd(null, 1 << ( >>> a & 31), [null, this])).Y(a, b, c, d, e);
}; = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = ld(this.b, this.e, c);
return 0 > a ? d : bd(c, this.b[a]) ? this.b[a + 1] : t ? d : null;
var id = function() {
function a(a, b, c, h, l, m, p) {
var q = R(c);
if (q === l) {
return new md(null, q, 2, [c, h, m, p]);
var s = new ad;
return gd.Z(a, b, q, c, h, s).Z(a, b, l, m, p, s);
function b(a, b, c, h, l, m) {
var p = R(b);
if (p === h) {
return new md(null, p, 2, [b, c, l, m]);
var q = new ad;
return gd.Y(a, p, b, c, q).Y(a, h, l, m, q);
var c = null, c = function(c, e, g, h, l, m, p) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 6:
return, c, e, g, h, l, m);
case 7:
return, c, e, g, h, l, m, p);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.fa = b; = a;
return c;
function nd(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.g = a;
this.$ = b;
this.j = c;
this.q = d;
this.h = e;
this.n = 0;
this.f = 32374860;
f = nd.prototype;
f.v = function() {
var a = this.h;
return null != a ? a : this.h = a = tb(this);
f.D = function(a, b) {
return N(b, this);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
f.L = function(a, b) {
return U.a(b, this);
f.M = function(a, b, c) {
return U.c(b, c, this);
f.B = function() {
return this;
f.P = function() {
return null == this.q ? new W(null, 2, 5, Kc, [this.$[this.j], this.$[this.j + 1]], null) : I(this.q);
f.R = function() {
return null == this.q ? jd.c ? jd.c(this.$, this.j + 2, null) :, this.$, this.j + 2, null) : jd.c ? jd.c(this.$, this.j, L(this.q)) :, this.$, this.j, L(this.q));
f.t = function(a, b) {
return P(this, b);
f.G = function(a, b) {
return new nd(b, this.$, this.j, this.q, this.h);
f.I = function() {
return this.g;
f.H = function() {
return Fb(K, this.g);
var jd = function() {
function a(a, b, c) {
if (null == c) {
for (c = a.length;;) {
if (b < c) {
if (null != a[b]) {
return new nd(null, a, b, null, null);
var h = a[b + 1];
if (n(h) && (h = h.Aa(), n(h))) {
return new nd(null, a, b + 2, h, null);
b += 2;
} else {
return null;
} else {
return new nd(null, a, b, c, null);
function b(a) {
return c.c(a, 0, null);
var c = null, c = function(c, e, g) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 1:
return, c);
case 3:
return, c, e, g);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.d = b;
c.c = a;
return c;
function od(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.g = a;
this.$ = b;
this.j = c;
this.q = d;
this.h = e;
this.n = 0;
this.f = 32374860;
f = od.prototype;
f.v = function() {
var a = this.h;
return null != a ? a : this.h = a = tb(this);
f.D = function(a, b) {
return N(b, this);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
f.L = function(a, b) {
return U.a(b, this);
f.M = function(a, b, c) {
return U.c(b, c, this);
f.B = function() {
return this;
f.P = function() {
return I(this.q);
f.R = function() {
return kd.l ? kd.l(null, this.$, this.j, L(this.q)) :, null, this.$, this.j, L(this.q));
f.t = function(a, b) {
return P(this, b);
f.G = function(a, b) {
return new od(b, this.$, this.j, this.q, this.h);
f.I = function() {
return this.g;
f.H = function() {
return Fb(K, this.g);
var kd = function() {
function a(a, b, c, h) {
if (null == h) {
for (h = b.length;;) {
if (c < h) {
var l = b[c];
if (n(l) && (l = l.Aa(), n(l))) {
return new od(a, b, c + 1, l, null);
c += 1;
} else {
return null;
} else {
return new od(a, b, c, h, null);
function b(a) {
return c.l(null, a, 0, null);
var c = null, c = function(c, e, g, h) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 1:
return, c);
case 4:
return, c, e, g, h);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.d = b;
c.l = a;
return c;
function pd(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
this.g = a;
this.e = b;
this.root = c;
this.N = d;
this.S = e;
this.h = g;
this.n = 4;
this.f = 16123663;
f = pd.prototype; = function() {
return new qd({}, this.root, this.e, this.N, this.S);
f.v = function() {
var a = this.h;
return null != a ? a : this.h = a = Ub(this);
f.w = function(a, b) {
return C.c(this, b, null);
f.A = function(a, b, c) {
return null == b ? this.N ? this.S : c : null == this.root ? c : t ?, R(b), b, c) : null;
f.oa = function(a, b, c) {
if (null == b) {
return this.N && c === this.S ? this : new pd(this.g, this.N ? this.e : this.e + 1, this.root, !0, c, null);
a = new ad;
b = (null == this.root ? gd : this.root).Y(0, R(b), b, c, a);
return b === this.root ? this : new pd(this.g, a.da ? this.e + 1 : this.e, b, this.N, this.S, null);
f.Ha = function(a, b) {
return null == b ? this.N : null == this.root ? !1 : t ?, R(b), b, S) !== S : null;
}; = function() {
var a = null;
return a = function(a, c, d) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return this.w(null, c);
case 3:
return this.A(null, c, d);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
f.apply = function(a, b) {
return, [this].concat(w(b)));
f.d = function(a) {
return this.w(null, a);
f.a = function(a, b) {
return this.A(null, a, b);
f.D = function(a, b) {
return Kb(b) ? Fa(this, z.a(b, 0), z.a(b, 1)) : ta.c(ya, this, b);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
f.B = function() {
if (0 < this.e) {
var a = null != this.root ? this.root.Aa() : null;
return this.N ? N(new W(null, 2, 5, Kc, [null, this.S], null), a) : a;
return null;
f.F = function() {
return this.e;
f.t = function(a, b) {
return Tc(this, b);
f.G = function(a, b) {
return new pd(b, this.e, this.root, this.N, this.S, this.h);
f.I = function() {
return this.g;
f.H = function() {
return Ra(Yc, this.g);
f.Da = function(a, b) {
if (null == b) {
return this.N ? new pd(this.g, this.e - 1, this.root, !1, null, null) : this;
if (null == this.root) {
return this;
if (t) {
var c = this.root.Ba(0, R(b), b);
return c === this.root ? this : new pd(this.g, this.e - 1, c, this.N, this.S, null);
return null;
var Yc = new pd(null, 0, null, !1, null, 0);
function zb(a, b) {
for (var c = a.length, d = 0, e = ab(Yc);;) {
if (d < c) {
var g = d + 1, e = e.wa(null, a[d], b[d]), d = g
} else {
return cb(e);
function qd(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.m = a;
this.root = b;
this.count = c;
this.N = d;
this.S = e;
this.n = 56;
this.f = 258;
f = qd.prototype;
f.wa = function(a, b, c) {
return rd(this, b, c);
f.xa = function(a, b) {
var c;
a: {
if (this.m) {
if (b ? b.f & 2048 || b.ob || (b.f ? 0 : r(Ia, b)) : r(Ia, b)) {
c = rd(this, Vb.d ? Vb.d(b) :, b), Wb.d ? Wb.d(b) :, b));
break a;
c = H(b);
for (var d = this;;) {
var e = I(c);
if (n(e)) {
c = L(c), d = rd(d, Vb.d ? Vb.d(e) :, e), Wb.d ? Wb.d(e) :, e));
} else {
c = d;
break a;
} else {
throw Error("conj! after persistent");
c = void 0;
return c;
f.ya = function() {
var a;
if (this.m) {
this.m = null, a = new pd(null, this.count, this.root, this.N, this.S, null);
} else {
throw Error("persistent! called twice");
return a;
f.w = function(a, b) {
return null == b ? this.N ? this.S : null : null == this.root ? null :, R(b), b);
f.A = function(a, b, c) {
return null == b ? this.N ? this.S : c : null == this.root ? c :, R(b), b, c);
f.F = function() {
if (this.m) {
return this.count;
throw Error("count after persistent!");
function rd(a, b, c) {
if (a.m) {
if (null == b) {
a.S !== c && (a.S = c), a.N || (a.count += 1, a.N = !0);
} else {
var d = new ad;
b = (null == a.root ? gd : a.root).Z(a.m, 0, R(b), b, c, d);
b !== a.root && (a.root = b);
d.da && (a.count += 1);
return a;
throw Error("assoc! after persistent!");
function sd(a, b) { = a;
this.ea = b;
this.n = 0;
this.f = 32374988;
f = sd.prototype;
f.v = function() {
return tb(this);
f.U = function() {
var a =, a = (a ? a.f & 128 || a.fb || (a.f ? 0 : r(Ba, a)) : r(Ba, a)) ? : L(;
return null == a ? null : new sd(a, this.ea);
f.D = function(a, b) {
return N(b, this);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
f.L = function(a, b) {
return U.a(b, this);
f.M = function(a, b, c) {
return U.c(b, c, this);
f.B = function() {
return this;
f.P = function() {
f.R = function() {
var a =, a = (a ? a.f & 128 || a.fb || (a.f ? 0 : r(Ba, a)) : r(Ba, a)) ? : L(;
return null != a ? new sd(a, this.ea) : K;
f.t = function(a, b) {
return P(this, b);
f.G = function(a, b) {
return new sd(, b);
f.I = function() {
return this.ea;
f.H = function() {
return Fb(K, this.ea);
function Vb(a) {
return Ja(a);
function Wb(a) {
return Ka(a);
function td(a, b, c) {
this.g = a;
this.ta = b;
this.h = c;
this.n = 4;
this.f = 15077647;
f = td.prototype; = function() {
return new ud(ab(this.ta));
f.v = function() {
var a = this.h;
if (null != a) {
return a;
a: {
for (var a = 0, b = H(this);;) {
if (b) {
var c = I(b), a = (a + R(c)) % 4503599627370496, b = L(b)
} else {
break a;
a = void 0;
return this.h = a;
f.w = function(a, b) {
return C.c(this, b, null);
f.A = function(a, b, c) {
return Ea(this.ta, b) ? b : c;
}; = function() {
var a = null;
return a = function(a, c, d) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return this.w(null, c);
case 3:
return this.A(null, c, d);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
f.apply = function(a, b) {
return, [this].concat(w(b)));
f.d = function(a) {
return this.w(null, a);
f.a = function(a, b) {
return this.A(null, a, b);
f.D = function(a, b) {
return new td(this.g, Ab.c(this.ta, b, null), null);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
f.B = function() {
var a = H(this.ta);
return a ? new sd(a, null) : null;
f.F = function() {
return y(this.ta);
f.t = function(a, b) {
var c = this;
return(null == b ? !1 : b ? b.f & 4096 || b.Cb ? !0 : b.f ? !1 : r(La, b) : r(La, b)) && Q(c) === Q(b) && qc(function(a) {
return yb.c(c, a, S) === S ? !1 : !0;
}, b);
f.G = function(a, b) {
return new td(b, this.ta, this.h);
f.I = function() {
return this.g;
f.H = function() {
return Fb(vd, this.g);
var vd = new td(null, Zc, 0);
function ud(a) {
this.ja = a;
this.f = 259;
this.n = 136;
f = ud.prototype; = function() {
var a = null;
return a = function(a, c, d) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return C.c(this.ja, c, S) === S ? null : c;
case 3:
return C.c(this.ja, c, S) === S ? d : c;
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
f.apply = function(a, b) {
return, [this].concat(w(b)));
f.d = function(a) {
return C.c(this.ja, a, S) === S ? null : a;
f.a = function(a, b) {
return C.c(this.ja, a, S) === S ? b : a;
f.w = function(a, b) {
return C.c(this, b, null);
f.A = function(a, b, c) {
return C.c(this.ja, b, S) === S ? c : b;
f.F = function() {
return Q(this.ja);
f.xa = function(a, b) {
this.ja = db(this.ja, b, null);
return this;
f.ya = function() {
return new td(null, cb(this.ja), null);
function wd(a) {
if (a && (a.n & 4096 || a.qb)) {
if ("string" === typeof a) {
return a;
throw Error([v("Doesn't support name: "), v(a)].join(""));
function xd(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.g = a;
this.start = b;
this.end = c;
this.step = d;
this.h = e;
this.n = 0;
this.f = 32375006;
f = xd.prototype;
f.v = function() {
var a = this.h;
return null != a ? a : this.h = a = tb(this);
f.U = function() {
return 0 < this.step ? this.start + this.step < this.end ? new xd(this.g, this.start + this.step, this.end, this.step, null) : null : this.start + this.step > this.end ? new xd(this.g, this.start + this.step, this.end, this.step, null) : null;
f.D = function(a, b) {
return N(b, this);
f.toString = function() {
return G(this);
f.L = function(a, b) {
return pb.a(this, b);
f.M = function(a, b, c) {
return pb.c(this, b, c);
f.B = function() {
return 0 < this.step ? this.start < this.end ? this : null : this.start > this.end ? this : null;
f.F = function() {
return qa(Xa(this)) ? 0 : Math.ceil((this.end - this.start) / this.step);
f.P = function() {
return null == Xa(this) ? null : this.start;
f.R = function() {
return null != Xa(this) ? new xd(this.g, this.start + this.step, this.end, this.step, null) : K;
f.t = function(a, b) {
return P(this, b);
f.G = function(a, b) {
return new xd(b, this.start, this.end, this.step, this.h);
f.I = function() {
return this.g;
f.Q = function(a, b) {
if (b < y(this)) {
return this.start + b * this.step;
if (this.start > this.end && 0 === this.step) {
return this.start;
throw Error("Index out of bounds");
f.T = function(a, b, c) {
return b < y(this) ? this.start + b * this.step : this.start > this.end && 0 === this.step ? this.start : c;
f.H = function() {
return Fb(K, this.g);
var yd = function() {
function a(a, b, c) {
return new xd(null, a, b, c, null);
function b(a, b) {
return e.c(a, b, 1);
function c(a) {
return e.c(0, a, 1);
function d() {
return e.c(0, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1);
var e = null, e = function(e, h, l) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
return, e);
case 2:
return, e, h);
case 3:
return, e, h, l);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
e.s = d;
e.d = c;
e.a = b;
e.c = a;
return e;
function Y(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
var l = ha;
try {
ha = null == ha ? null : ha - 1;
if (null != ha && 0 > ha) {
return E(a, "#");
E(a, c);
H(h) && (b.c ? b.c(I(h), a, g) :, I(h), a, g));
for (var m = L(h), p = pa.d(g);m && (null == p || 0 !== p);) {
E(a, d);
b.c ? b.c(I(m), a, g) :, I(m), a, g);
var q = L(m);
c = p - 1;
m = q;
p = c;
n(pa.d(g)) && (E(a, d), b.c ? b.c("...", a, g) :, "...", a, g));
return E(a, e);
} finally {
ha = l;
var zd = function() {
function a(a, d) {
var e = null;
1 < arguments.length && (e = M(, 1), 0));
return, a, e);
function b(a, b) {
for (var e = H(b), g = null, h = 0, l = 0;;) {
if (l < h) {
var m = g.Q(null, l);
E(a, m);
l += 1;
} else {
if (e = H(e)) {
g = e, Lb(g) ? (e = gb(g), h = hb(g), g = e, m = Q(e), e = h, h = m) : (m = I(g), E(a, m), e = L(g), g = null, h = 0), l = 0;
} else {
return null;
a.o = 1;
a.k = function(a) {
var d = I(a);
a = J(a);
return b(d, a);
a.i = b;
return a;
}(), Ad = {'"':'\\"', "\\":"\\\\", "\b":"\\b", "\f":"\\f", "\n":"\\n", "\r":"\\r", "\t":"\\t"};
function Bd(a) {
return[v('"'), v(a.replace(RegExp('[\\\\"\b\f\n\r\t]', "g"), function(a) {
return Ad[a];
})), v('"')].join("");
var Z = function Cd(b, c, d) {
if (null == b) {
return E(c, "nil");
if (void 0 === b) {
return E(c, "#\x3cundefined\x3e");
if (t) {
n(function() {
var c = yb.a(d, na);
return n(c) ? (c = b ? b.f & 131072 || b.pb ? !0 : b.f ? !1 : r(Oa, b) : r(Oa, b)) ? Hb(b) : c : c;
}()) && (E(c, "^"), Cd(Hb(b), c, d), E(c, " "));
if (null == b) {
return E(c, "nil");
if (b.jb) {
if (b && (b.f & 2147483648 || b.J)) {
return b.u(null, c, d);
if (ra(b) === Boolean || "number" === typeof b) {
return E(c, "" + v(b));
if (null != b && b.constructor === Object) {
return E(c, "#js "), Dd.l ? Dd.l(sc.a(function(c) {
return new W(null, 2, 5, Kc, [ac.d(c), b[c]], null);
}, Mb(b)), Cd, c, d) :, sc.a(function(c) {
return new W(null, 2, 5, Kc, [ac.d(c), b[c]], null);
}, Mb(b)), Cd, c, d);
if (b instanceof Array) {
return Y(c, Cd, "#js [", " ", "]", d, b);
if ("string" == typeof b) {
return n(ma.d(d)) ? E(c, Bd(b)) : E(c, b);
if (Cb(b)) {
return zd.i(c, M(["#\x3c", "" + v(b), "\x3e"], 0));
if (b instanceof Date) {
var e = function(b, c) {
for (var d = "" + v(b);;) {
if (Q(d) < c) {
d = [v("0"), v(d)].join("");
} else {
return d;
return zd.i(c, M(['#inst "', "" + v(b.getUTCFullYear()), "-", e(b.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2), "-", e(b.getUTCDate(), 2), "T", e(b.getUTCHours(), 2), ":", e(b.getUTCMinutes(), 2), ":", e(b.getUTCSeconds(), 2), ".", e(b.getUTCMilliseconds(), 3), "-", '00:00"'], 0));
return b instanceof RegExp ? zd.i(c, M(['#"', b.source, '"'], 0)) : (b ? b.f & 2147483648 || b.J || (b.f ? 0 : r(Za, b)) : r(Za, b)) ? $a(b, c, d) : t ? zd.i(c, M(["#\x3c", "" + v(b), "\x3e"], 0)) : null;
return null;
}, $ = function() {
function a(a) {
var d = null;
0 < arguments.length && (d = M(, 0), 0));
return, d);
function b(a) {
var b = Ab.c(ia(), ma, !1);
if (null == a || qa(H(a))) {
b = "";
} else {
var e = v, g = new da;
a: {
var h = new jb(g);
Z(I(a), h, b);
a = H(L(a));
for (var l = null, m = 0, p = 0;;) {
if (p < m) {
var q = l.Q(null, p);
E(h, " ");
Z(q, h, b);
p += 1;
} else {
if (a = H(a)) {
l = a, Lb(l) ? (a = gb(l), m = hb(l), l = a, q = Q(a), a = m, m = q) : (q = I(l), E(h, " "), Z(q, h, b), a = L(l), l = null, m = 0), p = 0;
} else {
break a;
b = "" + e(g);
ga.d ? ga.d(b) :, b);
return null;
a.o = 0;
a.k = function(a) {
a = H(a);
return b(a);
a.i = b;
return a;
function Dd(a, b, c, d) {
return Y(c, function(a, c, d) {
b.c ? b.c(Ja(a), c, d) :, Ja(a), c, d);
E(c, " ");
return b.c ? b.c(Ka(a), c, d) :, Ka(a), c, d);
}, "{", ", ", "}", d, H(a));
sd.prototype.J = !0;
sd.prototype.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Y(b, Z, "(", " ", ")", c, this);
ob.prototype.J = !0;
ob.prototype.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Y(b, Z, "(", " ", ")", c, this);
Nc.prototype.J = !0;
Nc.prototype.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Y(b, Z, "[", " ", "]", c, this);
gc.prototype.J = !0;
gc.prototype.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Y(b, Z, "(", " ", ")", c, this);
ja.prototype.J = !0;
ja.prototype.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Dd(this, Z, b, c);
bc.prototype.J = !0;
bc.prototype.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Y(b, Z, "(", " ", ")", c, this);
nd.prototype.J = !0;
nd.prototype.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Y(b, Z, "(", " ", ")", c, this);
Lc.prototype.J = !0;
Lc.prototype.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Y(b, Z, "(", " ", ")", c, this);
pd.prototype.J = !0;
pd.prototype.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Dd(this, Z, b, c);
td.prototype.J = !0;
td.prototype.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Y(b, Z, "#{", " ", "}", c, this);
W.prototype.J = !0;
W.prototype.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Y(b, Z, "[", " ", "]", c, this);
Xb.prototype.J = !0;
Xb.prototype.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Y(b, Z, "(", " ", ")", c, this);
Vc.prototype.J = !0;
Vc.prototype.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Y(b, Z, "(", " ", ")", c, this);
Yb.prototype.J = !0;
Yb.prototype.u = function(a, b) {
return E(b, "()");
Zb.prototype.J = !0;
Zb.prototype.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Y(b, Z, "(", " ", ")", c, this);
xd.prototype.J = !0;
xd.prototype.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Y(b, Z, "(", " ", ")", c, this);
od.prototype.J = !0;
od.prototype.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Y(b, Z, "(", " ", ")", c, this);
W.prototype.La = !0;
W.prototype.Ma = function(a, b) {
return Pb.a(this, b);
Nc.prototype.La = !0;
Nc.prototype.Ma = function(a, b) {
return Pb.a(this, b);
V.prototype.La = !0;
V.prototype.Ma = function(a, b) {
return kb(this, b);
Rb = function() {
function a(a) {
return(Math.random.s ? Math.random.s() : * a;
function b() {
return c.d(1);
var c = null, c = function(c) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
return, c);
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
c.s = b;
c.d = a;
return c;
var oa = new V(null, "dup", "dup"), nb = new V(null, "default", "default"), Ed = new V(null, "y", "y"), Fd = new V(null, "x", "x"), ka = new V(null, "flush-on-newline", "flush-on-newline"), pa = new V(null, "print-length", "print-length"), t = new V(null, "else", "else"), ma = new V(null, "readably", "readably"), na = new V(null, "meta", "meta");
ga = print;
function Gd(a, b, c, d) {
this.x = a;
this.y = b;
this.ka = c;
this.W = d;
this.n = 0;
this.f = 2229667594;
2 < arguments.length ? (this.ka = c, this.W = d) : this.W = this.ka = null;
f = Gd.prototype;
f.v = function() {
var a = this.h;
return null != a ? a : this.h = a = Ub(this);
f.w = function(a, b) {
return C.c(this, b, null);
f.A = function(a, b, c) {
return $b(b, Fd) ? this.x : $b(b, Ed) ? this.y : t ? yb.c(this.W, b, c) : null;
f.oa = function(a, b, c) {
return n($b.a ? $b.a(Fd, b) : $, Fd, b)) ? new Gd(c, this.y, this.ka, this.W, null) : n($b.a ? $b.a(Ed, b) : $, Ed, b)) ? new Gd(this.x, c, this.ka, this.W, null) : new Gd(this.x, this.y, this.ka, Ab.c(this.W, b, c), null);
f.u = function(a, b, c) {
return Y(b, function(a) {
return Y(b, Z, "", " ", "", c, a);
}, "#cljs.benchmark-runner.XY{", ", ", "}", c, mc.a(new W(null, 2, 5, Kc, [new W(null, 2, 5, Kc, [Fd, this.x], null), new W(null, 2, 5, Kc, [Ed, this.y], null)], null), this.W));
f.D = function(a, b) {
return Kb(b) ? Fa(this, z.a(b, 0), z.a(b, 1)) : ta.c(ya, this, b);
f.B = function() {
return H(mc.a(new W(null, 2, 5, Kc, [new W(null, 2, 5, Kc, [Fd, this.x], null), new W(null, 2, 5, Kc, [Ed, this.y], null)], null), this.W));
f.F = function() {
return 2 + Q(this.W);
f.t = function(a, b) {
return n(n(b) ? this.constructor === b.constructor && Tc(this, b) : b) ? !0 : !1;
f.G = function(a, b) {
return new Gd(this.x, this.y, b, this.W, this.h);
f.I = function() {
return this.ka;
f.Da = function(a, b) {
var c;
if (yb.c(new td(null, new ja(null, 2, [Ed, null, Fd, null], null), null), b, S) !== S) {
c = Bb.a(Fb(uc(Zc, this), this.ka), b);
} else {
c = this.x;
var d = this.y, e = this.ka, g;
g = Bb.a(this.W, b);
g = H(g) ? g : null;
c = new Gd(c, d, e, g, null);
return c;
var Id = ua.d(function Hd(b) {
return new bc(null, function() {
for (;;) {
var c = H(b);
if (c) {
if (Lb(c)) {
var d = gb(c), e = Q(d), g = new dc(Array(e), 0);
return function() {
for (var b = 0;;) {
if (b < e) {
z.a(d, b);
var c = g, m = {};
m.x = Rb.s();
m.y = Rb.s();
b += 1;
} else {
}() ? hc(g.X(), Hd(hb(c))) : hc(g.X(), null);
return N(function() {
var b = {};
b.x = Rb.s();
b.y = Rb.s();
return b;
}(), Hd(J(c)));
return null;
}, null, null);
}(yd.d(1E4))), Jd = wc.a(function(a) {
return zb.a ? zb.a([Fd, Ed], [a.x, a.y]) :, [Fd, Ed], [a.x, a.y]);
}, Id), Kd = wc.a(function(a) {
return uc(Zc, a);
}, Jd), Ld = wc.a(function(a) {
return new Gd(Fd.d(a), Ed.d(a));
}, Jd), Md = ua.d(Ld);
function Nd(a) {
for (var b = 0, c = 0;;) {
if (H(a)) {
var d = I(a), b = b + Fd.d(d), c = c + Ed.d(d);
a = J(a);
} else {
function Od() {
for (var a = function() {
var a = [null];
a[0] = 0;
return a;
}(), b = function() {
var a = [null];
a[0] = 0;
return a;
}(), c = Q(Ld), d = 0;;) {
if (d < c) {
var e = Ld.d ? Ld.d(d) :, d);
a[0] += e.x;
b[0] += e.y;
d += 1;
} else {
function Pd(a) {
for (var b = function() {
var a = [null];
a[0] = 0;
return a;
}(), c = function() {
var a = [null];
a[0] = 0;
return a;
}(), d = a.length, e = 0;;) {
if (e < d) {
var g = a[e];
b[0] += g.x;
c[0] += g.y;
e += 1;
} else {
function Qd() {
ta.c(function(a, b) {
var c = xb.c(a, 0, null), d = xb.c(a, 1, null);
return new W(null, 2, 5, Kc, [c + Fd.d(b), d + Ed.d(b)], null);
}, new W(null, 2, 5, Kc, [0, 0], null), Jd);
var Rd = (new Date).getTime();
a: {
for (var Sd = 0;;) {
if (1E3 > Sd) {
sumXsAndYsJs(Id), Sd += 1;
} else {
break a;
var Td = (new Date).getTime() - Rd;
$.d ? $.d([v("[data array-data]"), v(", "), v("(js/sumXsAndYsJs data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(Td), v(" msecs")].join("")) : $.call(null, [v("[data array-data]"), v(", "), v("(js/sumXsAndYsJs data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(Td), v(" msecs")].join(""));
var Ud = (new Date).getTime();
a: {
for (var Vd = 0;;) {
if (1E3 > Vd) {
Pd(Id), Vd += 1;
} else {
break a;
var Wd = (new Date).getTime() - Ud;
$.d ? $.d([v("[data array-data]"), v(", "), v("(sumsXsAndYsWithDotimesOnArrayNativeFieldAccessAndMutableLocals data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(Wd), v(" msecs")].join("")) : $.call(null, [v("[data array-data]"), v(", "), v("(sumsXsAndYsWithDotimesOnArrayNativeFieldAccessAndMutableLocals data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(Wd), v(" msecs")].join(""));
var Xd = (new Date).getTime();
a: {
for (var Yd = 0;;) {
if (1E3 > Yd) {
Pd(Md), Yd += 1;
} else {
break a;
var Zd = (new Date).getTime() - Xd;
$.d ? $.d([v("[data array-data-records]"), v(", "), v("(sumsXsAndYsWithDotimesOnArrayNativeFieldAccessAndMutableLocals data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(Zd), v(" msecs")].join("")) : $.call(null, [v("[data array-data-records]"), v(", "), v("(sumsXsAndYsWithDotimesOnArrayNativeFieldAccessAndMutableLocals data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(Zd), v(" msecs")].join(""));
var $d = (new Date).getTime();
a: {
for (var ae = 0;;) {
if (1E3 > ae) {
Od(), ae += 1;
} else {
break a;
var be = (new Date).getTime() - $d;
$.d ? $.d([v("[data vec-data-records]"), v(", "), v("(sumsXsAndYsWithDotimesNativeFieldAccessAndMutableLocals data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(be), v(" msecs")].join("")) : $.call(null, [v("[data vec-data-records]"), v(", "), v("(sumsXsAndYsWithDotimesNativeFieldAccessAndMutableLocals data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(be), v(" msecs")].join(""));
var ce = (new Date).getTime();
a: {
for (var de = 0;;) {
if (1E3 > de) {
b: {
for (var ee = Ld;;) {
if (H(ee)) {
I(ee), ee = J(ee);
} else {
break b;
de += 1;
} else {
break a;
var fe = (new Date).getTime() - ce;
$.d ? $.d([v("[data vec-data-records]"), v(", "), v("(sumXsAndYsWithLoopAndNativeFieldAccess data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(fe), v(" msecs")].join("")) : $.call(null, [v("[data vec-data-records]"), v(", "), v("(sumXsAndYsWithLoopAndNativeFieldAccess data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(fe), v(" msecs")].join(""));
var ge = (new Date).getTime();
a: {
for (var he = 0;;) {
if (1E3 > he) {
Nd(Ld), he += 1;
} else {
break a;
var ie = (new Date).getTime() - ge;
$.d ? $.d([v("[data vec-data-records]"), v(", "), v("(sumXsAndYsWithLoop data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(ie), v(" msecs")].join("")) : $.call(null, [v("[data vec-data-records]"), v(", "), v("(sumXsAndYsWithLoop data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(ie), v(" msecs")].join(""));
var je = (new Date).getTime();
a: {
for (var ke = 0;;) {
if (1E3 > ke) {
Nd(Kd), ke += 1;
} else {
break a;
var le = (new Date).getTime() - je;
$.d ? $.d([v("[data vec-data-array-map]"), v(", "), v("(sumXsAndYsWithLoop data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(le), v(" msecs")].join("")) : $.call(null, [v("[data vec-data-array-map]"), v(", "), v("(sumXsAndYsWithLoop data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(le), v(" msecs")].join(""));
var me = (new Date).getTime();
a: {
for (var ne = 0;;) {
if (1E3 > ne) {
Nd(Jd), ne += 1;
} else {
break a;
var oe = (new Date).getTime() - me;
$.d ? $.d([v("[data vec-data]"), v(", "), v("(sumXsAndYsWithLoop data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(oe), v(" msecs")].join("")) : $.call(null, [v("[data vec-data]"), v(", "), v("(sumXsAndYsWithLoop data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(oe), v(" msecs")].join(""));
var pe = (new Date).getTime();
a: {
for (var qe = 0;;) {
if (1E3 > qe) {
Qd(), qe += 1;
} else {
break a;
var re = (new Date).getTime() - pe;
$.d ? $.d([v("[data vec-data]"), v(", "), v("(sumXsAndYsWithReduce data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(re), v(" msecs")].join("")) : $.call(null, [v("[data vec-data]"), v(", "), v("(sumXsAndYsWithReduce data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(re), v(" msecs")].join(""));
var se = (new Date).getTime();
a: {
for (var te = 0;;) {
if (1E3 > te) {
b: {
for (var ue = Jd;;) {
if (H(ue)) {
var ve = I(ue);
var we = Mc.a(ue, 1), ue = we;
} else {
break b;
te += 1;
} else {
break a;
var xe = (new Date).getTime() - se;
$.d ? $.d([v("[data vec-data]"), v(", "), v("(sumXsAndYsWithLoopAndSubvec data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(xe), v(" msecs")].join("")) : $.call(null, [v("[data vec-data]"), v(", "), v("(sumXsAndYsWithLoopAndSubvec data)"), v(", "), v(1E3), v(" runs, "), v(xe), v(" msecs")].join(""));

Using V8, I got the following results when compiling performance.cljs with advanced mode:

[data array-data], (js/sumXsAndYsJs data), 1000 runs, 41 msecs
[data array-data], (sumsXsAndYsWithDotimesOnArrayNativeFieldAccessAndMutableLocals data), 1000 runs, 114 msecs
[data array-data-records], (sumsXsAndYsWithDotimesOnArrayNativeFieldAccessAndMutableLocals data), 1000 runs, 124 msecs
[data vec-data-records], (sumsXsAndYsWithDotimesNativeFieldAccessAndMutableLocals data), 1000 runs, 362 msecs
[data vec-data-records], (sumXsAndYsWithLoopAndNativeFieldAccess data), 1000 runs, 1115 msecs
[data vec-data-records], (sumXsAndYsWithLoop data), 1000 runs, 2065 msecs
[data vec-data-array-map], (sumXsAndYsWithLoop data), 1000 runs, 2530 msecs
[data vec-data], (sumXsAndYsWithLoop data), 1000 runs, 2548 msecs
[data vec-data], (sumXsAndYsWithReduce data), 1000 runs, 3235 msecs
[data vec-data], (sumXsAndYsWithLoopAndSubvec data), 1000 runs, 8228 msecs

Use the performance.js file to run these benchmarks on your own system using the JavaScript engine of your choice.

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