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Created February 10, 2014 03:57
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Big Theta
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# GistID: 8910125
from numpy import array, log, linspace
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# # noqa
n = linspace(1, 100)
fn = log(n) / log(5) # log_5(n)
gn = log(n) / log(3) # log_3(n)
k1 = log(3) / log(5) * 0.9 # clearly less than fn
k2 = log(3) / log(5) * 1.1 # clearly less than fn
data = array([gn * k2, fn, gn * k1])
column = ('gn * k2', 'fn', 'gn * k1')
plt.plot(n, data[0], label=column[0])
plt.plot(n, data[1], label=column[1])
plt.plot(n, data[2], label=column[2])
plt.title("$f(n) = \Theta(g(n))$")
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