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Created October 27, 2013 17:02
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(ns ieee2013.icecream)
(require 'clojure.set)
(defn- dfs
[graph goal]
(fn search
[path visited]
(let [current (peek path)]
(if (= goal current)
(->> current
(remove visited)
(mapcat #(search (conj path %) (conj visited %))))))))
(defn findpath
[graph start goal]
((dfs graph goal) [start] #{start}))
(defn read-in []
(->> (for [line (line-seq ( *in*))
:while (not= line "A A")] (str line " "))
(apply str)))
(defn prstrln [& x]
(println (apply str x)))
(defn problem []
(let [input (read-in)
inputlist (->> (clojure.string/split input #"\s")
(filter (complement empty?))
(map keyword))
target (first inputlist)
undirected-edges1 (partition 2 (rest inputlist))
undirected-edges2 (map reverse undirected-edges1)
bidirectional-edges (into undirected-edges1 undirected-edges2)
edges (->> bidirectional-edges
(map #(hash-map (first %1) #{(second %1)})))
graph (reduce #(merge-with clojure.set/union %1 %2) {} edges)
res (findpath graph :F target)
shortest-length (reduce #(min %1 (count %2)) 50000 res)]
(if (empty? res)
(prstrln "No Route Available from F to " (name target))
(prstrln "Total Routes: " (count res))
(prstrln "Shortest Route Length: " shortest-length)
(let [shortest-paths (filter #(= (count %1) shortest-length) res)
shortest-alphabetical (-> (map #(clojure.string/join " " (map name %1)) shortest-paths)
(println (str "Shortest Route after Sorting of Routes of length " shortest-length ": " shortest-alphabetical)))))))
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