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Created October 25, 2014 14:12
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Puzzle solver accompanying
(ns triangle.puzzle)
;; In part 1, we discussed the relationship between Ring Ideals and
;; the triangle peg puzzle, and showed that there was an isomorphism
;; between F4 and Z_2[x][y].
;; So, we should define our board like this:
(def board [:o
:l :l
:l :l :l
:l :l :l :l
:l :l :l :l :l])
;; Well, we'd like to be generate successors to the board. One
;; possible successor would be:
;; [:l
;; :o :l
;; :o :l :l
;; :l :l :l :l
;; :l :l :l :l :l]
;; And the other would be:
;; [:l
;; :l :o
;; :l :l :o
;; :l :l :l :l
;; :l :l :l :l :l]
;; There are no other successors for this board. Certainly a
;; backtracking problem. We need functions that describe coordinates
;; of moves.
;; Vertical moves starting from pegs at various positions should be:
;; 0 -> [0 1 3]
;; 1 -> [1 3 6]
;; 2 -> [2 4 7]
;; ...
;; 8 -> nil
(defn next-vertical [i]
(nil? i) nil
(= 0 i) (inc i)
(>= 2 i) (+ 2 i)
(>= 5 i) (+ 3 i)
(>= 9 i) (+ 4 i)
:else nil))
;; And finally we can grab the next three indices:
(defn vertical-indices [i]
(let [r (vec (take 3 (iterate next-vertical i)))]
(when (every? integer? r) r)))
;; which seems right.
;; We'll do something similar for horizontal.
;; 0
;; 1 2
;; 3 4 5
;; 6 7 8 9
;; 10 11 12 13 14
(defn horizontal-indices [i]
(when (or (= 3 i)
(<= 6 i 7)
(<= 10 i 12))
(vec (take 3 (iterate inc i)))))
;; OK, and finally lets do the diagonal move. We'll reuse the vertical
;; indices function.
(defn diagonal-indices [i]
(when-let [r (vertical-indices i)]
(vec (map-indexed + r))))
;; There's still some work left. We have functions that generate indices
;; from which moves might be performed. But the board will never
;; change. Therefore, the possible positions that a move *could* occur
;; from is bounded by a constant. So we will generate them all ahead
;; of time. We will define a var that stores all indices.
(def all-moves
(vec (for [i (range 15)
[direction f] [[:horizontal horizontal-indices]
[:vertical vertical-indices]
[:diagonal diagonal-indices]]
:let [res (f i)]
:when (some? res)]
{:direction direction
:indices res})))
(defn next-entries [board indices]
(let [entries (mapv #(nth board %) indices)]
(case entries
[:l :l :o] [:o :o :l]
[:o :l :l] [:l :o :o]
(defn assoc-next-entries [board move]
(assoc move :entries (next-entries board (:indices move))))
(defn apply-move [{:keys [entries indices]} board]
(apply assoc board (interleave indices entries)))
(defn get-valid-moves [board]
(->> all-moves
(map (partial assoc-next-entries board))
(filter :entries)))
(defn solve
"Return a solution for a board if it exists, and nil otherwise."
(assert (= 15 (count board)) "Board must have 15 entries")
(loop [board-stack [board]
move-stack []
possible-moves [(vec (get-valid-moves board))]]
(cond (= (count board-stack) 14) board-stack
(empty? (peek possible-moves)) (recur (pop board-stack) (pop move-stack) (pop possible-moves))
:else (let [our-move (peek (peek possible-moves))
next-board (apply-move our-move (peek board-stack))]
(recur (conj board-stack next-board)
(conj move-stack our-move)
(conj (conj (pop possible-moves)
(pop (peek possible-moves)))
(vec (get-valid-moves next-board))))))))
(def puzzle-format (apply str
(map #(apply str (interpose " " (repeat % "%s")))
[1 2 3 4 5])
(repeat "\n"))))
(defn format-puzzle [v]
(apply format
(map name v)))
(defn print-solution [solution]
(doseq [board solution]
(println (format-puzzle board))))
(def one-solution (solve board))
(print-solution one-solution)
(def board2 [:l
:l :l
:l :o :l
:l :l :l :l
:l :l :l :l :l])
(def second-solution (solve board2))
(print-solution second-solution)
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