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Created August 14, 2021 00:30
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John Harmony update


  • Owner: john
  • Week 2: 08/09-08/15
  • Total: 15 hours
  • Overtime: 0 hours

Time Table

date start time end time duration note
08/09 00:00 00:00 0 Deployed Kanga Finance on Harmony Testnet see additional development
08/10 11:00 17:00 5 Worked on Ecosystem and Dao Tooling Research
08/11 11:00 17:00 5 Updated Hackathon with projects discussed cross chain api and dao tooling
08/12 00:00 00:00 0 Worked on Cross chain API see additional development
08/13 11:00 17:00 5 Published Deployed Contracts and Harmony Stack and Projects
08/14 00:00 23:30 0
08/15 00:00 00:00 0
Additional Development
    johnlaptop sushiswap (canary) $ npx hardhat --network harmony-testnet deploy
(node:90492) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'VERSION' of module exports inside circular dependency
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
Nothing to compile
Creating Typechain artifacts in directory types for target ethers-v5
Successfully generated Typechain artifacts!
reusing "UniswapV2Factory" at 0x80a000F9D85cFB9a426065189b7FeEE868A8a41C
reusing "UniswapV2Router02" at 0x4DED055AD5a6734286d5Cc6855311aAcb6E1e1C8
reusing "SushiToken" at 0x1428261e49E2C1554438eDB657915436c05d134E
reusing "MasterChef" at 0x5F61Eb3C0022B509c5f8BD5326a1b36FF3DAA143
reusing "MiniChefV2" at 0x1cac14BdE3EdE36818eb5E093516176E2b07aAAe
reusing "Multicall2" at 0x7D979d3ec1594Db739e7536C54cc14C4975f19EA
reusing "SushiBar" at 0x36A920e061A733a7Ba8dB1fdE01bE308e240fff1
deploying "SushiMaker" (tx: 0x546580eb6f0bbb1c8dde4733bab2d1873b8d5522137723f76325a171f3ef6371)...: deployed at 0x1388ae7AE05CEf9283b6f673853b015415079EaF with 1302089 gas
Setting maker owner
deploying "SushiRoll" (tx: 0x58523509905124cb42d78a18d27af630fd8f9d3bb3e8419ce12639ce852b817e)...: deployed at 0x6BAaE86C4970a1BDFf437246a2A336BF82502263 with 1028565 gas
Reference Material
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