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Created February 16, 2019 21:02
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Area of a parallelogram
% convert -delay 200 -loop 0 -dispose previous -density 300 parallelogram.pdf parallelogram.gif
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, calc, through}
main/.style={draw=red, line width=2pt, line join=round},
\node[anchor=south west, inner sep=0] at (0,\ymax) {\begin{tabular}{@{}l}
A wordless proof that the \\
parallelogram defined by \\
vectors $(a,b)$ and $(c,d)$ \\
has area $ad-bc$.
\path[name path=xaxis] (0,0) to (\xmax,0);
\path[name path=yaxis] (0,0) to (0,\ymax);
\node[anchor=east] at (0,\b) {$b$};
\node[anchor=east] at (0,\d) {$d$};
\node[anchor=north] at (\a,0) {$a$};
\node[anchor=north] at (\c,0) {$c$};
\draw[guide, name path=la](\a,0) to (\a,\ymax);
\draw[guide](\c,0) to (\c,\ymax);
\draw[guide](\a+\c,0) to (\a+\c,\ymax);
\draw[guide](0,\b) to (\xmax,\b);
\draw[guide, name path=ld](0,\d) to (\xmax,\d);
\draw[guide](0,\b+\d) to (\xmax,\b+\d);
\coordinate(r1) at (\a-\c,0);
\coordinate(r2) at (0,\d-\b);
\draw[-latex] (0,0) to (\xmax,0);
\draw[-latex] (0,0) to (0,\ymax);
\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=1pt]
\draw[main](0,0) -- (\a,\b) -- (\a+\c,\b+\d) -- (\c,\d) -- cycle;
\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=1pt]
\draw[draw=none, fill=\colorA] (\c,\d) -- (\a+\c,\b+\d) -- (\a,\d) -- cycle;
\draw[draw=none, fill=\colorB] (\a,\b) -- (\a+\c,\b+\d) -- (\a,\d) -- cycle;
\draw[draw=none, fill=\colorA] (r1) -- (\a,\b) -- (0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[draw=none, fill=\colorB] (r2) -- (\c,\d) -- (0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[-latex] (0,0) to (\xmax,0);
\draw[-latex] (0,0) to (0,\ymax);
\draw[main](0,0) -- (\a,\b) -- (\a+\c,\b+\d) -- (\c,\d) -- cycle;
\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=1pt]
\draw[draw=none, fill=\colorA] (\c,\d) -- (\a+\c,\b+\d) -- (\a,\d) -- cycle;
\draw[draw=none, fill=\colorB] (\a,\b) -- (\a+\c,\b+\d) -- (\a,\d) -- cycle;
\draw[draw=none, fill=\colorA] (r1) -- (\a,\b) -- (0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[draw=none, fill=\colorB] (r2) -- (\c,\d) -- (0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[main](0,0) -- (r1) -- (\a,\b) -- (\a,\d) -- (\c,\d) -- (r2) -- cycle;
\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=1pt]
\draw[main](0,0) -- (r1) -- (\a,\b) -- (\a,\d) -- (\c,\d) -- (r2) -- cycle;
\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=1pt]
\draw[draw=none, fill=\colorC] (r2) -- (0,\d) -- (\c,\d) -- cycle;
\draw[draw=none, fill=\colorC] (0,0) -- (0,\b) -- (\c,\b) -- cycle;
\draw[draw=none, fill=\colorD] (0,0) -- (\c,0) -- (\c,\b) -- cycle;
\draw[draw=none, fill=\colorD] (r1) -- (\a,0) -- (\a,\b) -- cycle;
\draw[main](0,0) -- (r1) -- (\a,\b) -- (\a,\d) -- (\c,\d) -- (r2) -- cycle;
\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=1pt]
\draw[draw=none, fill=\colorC] (r2) -- (0,\d) -- (\c,\d) -- cycle;
\draw[draw=none, fill=\colorC] (0,0) -- (0,\b) -- (\c,\b) -- cycle;
\draw[draw=none, fill=\colorD] (0,0) -- (\c,0) -- (\c,\b) -- cycle;
\draw[draw=none, fill=\colorD] (r1) -- (\a,0) -- (\a,\b) -- cycle;
\draw[main](0,\b) -- (\c,\b) -- (\c,0) -- (\a,0) -- (\a,\d) -- (0,\d) -- cycle;
\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=1pt]
\draw[main](0,\b) -- (\c,\b) -- (\c,0) -- (\a,0) -- (\a,\d) -- (0,\d) -- cycle;
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