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Created May 17, 2015 04:57
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rudimentary alert-window blackjack (dealer goes first..?)
var API_URL = "";
var API_PROXY = "";
var game;
// to start off the game, make a new game object (with attributes that will preserve the game's state, ie, who has what cards) and then
// ask the API for a deck ID to assign to the game object's deck (we need to use it for subsequent calls to the API, when we ask it for cards from
// our deck).
// We can't do anything until we have that deck ID, but the program would happily continue on prior to actually loading the object that contains the
// deck ID. So we need a way to make it wait until that object has successfully loaded-- we do so by making the next step in the program, which
// is the dealer's initial turn, fire as part of the setDeckID function's callback function. That way it won't happen until it has the requisite data.
function startGame() {
game = new Game();
// setting up a game object to preserve the game's state. This is a constructor function that is invoked above via "game = new Game();" to
// generate a game object with all of the attributes listed below.
function Game() {
this.deck_id = "";
this.dealer_cards = [];
this.player_cards = [];
this.playertotal = 0;
this.dealertotal = 0;
this.dealerFirstTurn = true;
// set the the game object's deck_id by calling the API and looking at the deck_id attribute of the response it gives us.
// After the data has loaded (and written to the game object), our callback function fires off, which we've set up to be whatever function we pass in.
// We pass in dealerInitialTurn (line 15) so that the game starts.
function setDeckId(callback) {
$.get(API_PROXY + API_URL + "/shuffle/?deck_count=6", function(obj){
game.deck_id = obj.deck_id;
}, 'json');
// specify "player" or "dealer" and how many cards. Their array will be populated with the cards (via array concatenation)
// and the total updated (will make Aces worth
// 1 instead of 11 if it will prevent busting; see subsequent functions for details on how this happens.
// shows what the response object looks like; check under "draw a card".
function dealCards(towhom, num, callback) {
var get_url = API_PROXY + API_URL + "/draw/" + game.deck_id + "/?count=" + num;
$.get(get_url, function(obj){
if (towhom.toLowerCase() === "player") {
game.player_cards = game.player_cards.concat(;
else {
game.dealer_cards = game.dealer_cards.concat(;
}, 'json');
// enter "player" or "dealer". It will sum up the total of the cards,
// with aces moved to the back so that the computer can decide to count them as
// 1 if it will prevent busting. The new total is written to the game object. This doesn't modify the original
// card order; don't want to do that, because we want to keep the order for display purposes.
// so doing .slice() on the card arrays will let us make the acesToBack-ed arrays from copies.
function updateTotal(whom) {
var cards = whom.toLowerCase() === "player" ? game.player_cards.slice() : game.dealer_cards.slice();
var total =
acesToBack(cards).reduce(function(acc, card) {
if (card.value === "KING" || card.value === "QUEEN" || card.value === "JACK") {
return acc + 10;
else if (card.value === "ACE") {
if (acc + 11 < 22) {return acc + 11}
else {return acc + 1}
else {return acc + parseInt(card.value)}
}, 0)
whom.toLowerCase() === "player" ? (game.playertotal = total) : (game.dealertotal = total);
// aces to back of array for summation purposes.
// Look at all cards; ace? If so move it to the back. Not ace? Move it to the front.
function acesToBack(arr) {
var return_arr = [];
arr.forEach(function(card) {
if (card.value === "ACE") {return_arr.push(card)}
else {return_arr.unshift(card)}
return return_arr;
// First turn. Deal 2 cards to the dealer, and after the data is loaded, invoke dealerLoop as the callback function.
function dealerInitialTurn() {
dealCards("dealer", 2, dealerLoop);
// Tell player what the dealer's first card is (only on the first time, otherwise it's annoying).
// Have the dealer keep hitting (by calling this function again) until he reaches 17 or more; once he does,
// see where he/she stands.
function dealerLoop() {
if (game.dealerFirstTurn){
alert("Dealer's first card : " + game.dealer_cards[0].value + " of " + game.dealer_cards[0].suit);
game.dealerFirstTurn = false;
if (game.dealertotal < 17) {
dealCards("dealer", 1, dealerLoop);
} else {
// turn the card array into something we can display (by during each card object into a string including its value and suit).
// Then display the appropriate message.
function dealerTurnResult() {
var dealer_hand = {
return " " + card.value + " of " + card.suit;
if (game.dealertotal === 21) {
alert("Dealer's hand: " + dealer_hand + "\n\nBlackjack! Dealer wins!");
else if (game.dealertotal > 21) {
alert("Dealer's hand: " + dealer_hand + "\n\nDealer busts! So you win!");
} else {
alert("player's turn")
// p. much the same thing for the player, except it's up to him/her whether or not to hit.
function playerInitialTurn() {
dealCards("player", 2, playerLoop);
function playerLoop() {
var player_hand = {
return " " + card.value + " of " + card.suit;
alert("Your hand: " + player_hand);
if (game.playertotal === 21) {
alert("blackjack! You win!");
} else if (game.playertotal > 21) {
alert("You busted! You lose!");
} else {
var choice = confirm("Your total: " + game.playertotal + ". Hit?");
if (choice === true) {
dealCards("player", 1, playerLoop);
} else {
// if the neither the dealer nor the player won outright or busted during their respective turns, we need to compare the totals
// to see who won.
function finalReckoning() {
alert("Dealer's total: " + game.dealertotal + "\n\nYour total: " + game.playertotal);
if (game.playertotal > game.dealertotal) {
alert("You win!");
} else if (game.playertotal === game.dealertotal) {
alert("OMFG it's a tie!");
} else {
alert("You lose!");
function newGamePrompt() {
var choice = confirm("New game?");
if (choice === true) {
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