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Last active April 30, 2019 18:03
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type Legislator {
bioguideID: String!
birthday: String!
currentParty: String!
district: String
fecIDs: String!
firstName: String!
gender: String!
govtrackID: String!
lastName: String!
party: String!
religion: String
thomasID: String
type: String!
represents: [State] @relation(name: "REPRESENTS", direction: "OUT")
is_member_of: [Party] @relation(name: "IS_MEMBER_OF", direction: "OUT")
elected_to: [Body] @relation(name: "ELECTED_TO", direction: "OUT")
bills: [Bill] @relation(name: "SPONSORED_BY", direction: "IN")
type State {
code: String!
legislators: [Legislator] @relation(name: "REPRESENTS", direction: "IN")
type Party {
name: String!
legislators: [Legislator] @relation(name: "IS_MEMBER_OF", direction: "IN")
type Body {
type: String!
legislators: [Legislator] @relation(name: "ELECTED_TO", direction: "IN")
type Bill {
active: String!
billID: String!
enacted: String!
officialTitle: String!
popularTitle: String
vetoed: String!
proposed_during: [Congress] @relation(name: "PROPOSED_DURING", direction: "OUT")
referred_to: [Committee] @relation(name: "REFERRED_TO", direction: "OUT")
deals_with: [Subject] @relation(name: "DEALS_WITH", direction: "OUT")
legislators: [Legislator] @relation(name: "VOTED_ON", direction: "IN")
type Subject {
title: String!
bills: [Bill] @relation(name: "DEALS_WITH", direction: "IN")
type Committee {
jurisdiction: String
name: String!
thomasID: String!
type: String!
url: String!
bills: [Bill] @relation(name: "REFERRED_TO", direction: "IN")
legislators: [Legislator] @relation(name: "SERVES_ON", direction: "IN")
type Congress {
number: String!
bills: [Bill] @relation(name: "PROPOSED_DURING", direction: "IN")
type SPONSORED_BY @relation(name: "SPONSORED_BY") {
from: Bill!
to: Legislator!
cosponsor: Boolean!
type VOTED_ON @relation(name: "VOTED_ON") {
from: Legislator!
to: Bill!
vote: String!
type SERVES_ON @relation(name: "SERVES_ON") {
from: Legislator!
to: Committee!
rank: Int!
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