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Last active December 16, 2018 16:39
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Implementation of code from "Build Systems a la Carte", see:
package org.bykn.buildcart
import cats.{Alternative, Applicative, Id, Eq, Monad, Order, Traverse}
import{Chain, Const, State}
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet
import cats.implicits._
object BuildCart {
trait Hash[A]
* In a real system this will probably be
* the outer most effect monad, which includes
* all effects possible while completing a task
trait MonadState[M[_], S] {
def monad: Monad[M]
def update[A](fn: S => M[(S, A)]): M[A]
def get: M[S] =
update { s => monad.pure((s, s)) }
def put(s: S): M[Unit] =
update { _ => monad.pure((s, ())) }
object MonadState {
implicit def forCatsState[S]: MonadState[State[S, ?], S] =
new MonadState[State[S, ?], S] {
def monad = Monad[State[S, ?]]
def update[A](fn: S => State[S, (S, A)]): State[S, A] =
trait Hashable[A] {
def hash(a: A): Hash[A]
trait Store[I, K, V] {
def getInfo: I
def putInfo(i: I): Store[I, K, V]
def getValue(k: K)(implicit eqK: Eq[K]): V
def putValue(k: K, v: V)(implicit eqK: Eq[K]): Store[I, K, V]
def getHash(k: K)(implicit HV: Hashable[V], EK: Eq[K]): Hash[V]
object Store {
def init[I, K, V](i: I)(fn: K => V): Store[I, K, V] = ???
trait FunctionKK[A[_[_]], B[_[_]]] {
def apply[F[_]](a: A[F]): B[F]
* This is a kind of continuation that is generic
* on the return value
* These are the "targets" or "rules" of your build
* system
trait Task[-Ctx[_[_]], +K, V] { self =>
def run[F[_]](build: K => F[V])(implicit c: Ctx[F]): F[V]
def map[K1](fn: K => K1): Task[Ctx, K1, V] =
new Task[Ctx, K1, V] {
def run[F[_]](build: K1 => F[V])(implicit c: Ctx[F]): F[V] =
object Task {
type StateTask[IR, K, V] = Task[({type MS[M[_]] = MonadState[M, IR]})#MS, K, V]
* This builds a given key, not very useful except for defining a Monad on Task
def key[Ctx[_[_]], K, V](k: K): Task[Ctx, K, V] =
new Task[Ctx, K, V] {
def run[F[_]](build: K => F[V])(implicit c: Ctx[F]): F[V] = build(k)
def value[V](value: => V): Task[Applicative, Nothing, V] =
new Task[Applicative, Nothing, V] {
def run[F[_]](build: Nothing => F[V])(implicit c: Applicative[F]): F[V] =
implicit def taskMonad[Ctx[_[_]], V]: Monad[Task[Ctx, ?, V]] =
new Monad[Task[Ctx, ?, V]] {
def pure[A](a: A) = Task.key(a)
override def map[A, B](fa: Task[Ctx, A, V])(fn: A => B): Task[Ctx, B, V] =
override def product[A, B](fa: Task[Ctx, A, V], fb: Task[Ctx, B, V]): Task[Ctx, (A, B), V] =
override def ap[A, B](fab: Task[Ctx, A => B, V])(fb: Task[Ctx, A, V]): Task[Ctx, B, V] =
product(fab, fb).map { case (f, b) => f(b) }
def flatMap[A, B](fa: Task[Ctx, A, V])(fn: A => Task[Ctx, B, V]): Task[Ctx, B, V] =
def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(fn: A => Task[Ctx, Either[A, B], V]): Task[Ctx, B, V] =
new Task[Ctx, B, V] {
def run[F[_]](build: B => F[V])(implicit c: Ctx[F]): F[V] = {
// TODO: this is not really stack safe.
// if we had Ctx is Monad or Defer, I think we are
// okay here.
def go(a: A): F[V] =
fn(a).run {
case Left(a) => go(a)
case Right(b) => build(b)
implicit class InvariantTask[Ctx[_[_]], K, V](val task: Task[Ctx, K, V]) extends AnyVal {
def reconstrain[Ctx2[_[_]]](fn: FunctionKK[Ctx2, Ctx]): Task[Ctx2, K, V] =
new Task[Ctx2, K, V] {
def run[F[_]](build: K => F[V])(implicit c: Ctx2[F]): F[V] =
def flatMap[K1](fn: K => Task[Ctx, K1, V]): Task[Ctx, K1, V] =
new Task[Ctx, K1, V] {
def run[F[_]](build: K1 => F[V])(implicit c: Ctx[F]): F[V] = { k =>
type MapRes[F[_]] = (F[V], Ctx[F])
type IdK[F[_]] = F[V]
def mapResult(fn: FunctionKK[MapRes, IdK]): Task[Ctx, K, V] =
new Task[Ctx, K, V] {
def run[F[_]](build: K => F[V])(implicit c: Ctx[F]): F[V] = { k =>
val fv = build(k)
fn((fv, c))
def product[K1](that: Task[Ctx, K1, V]): Task[Ctx, (K, K1), V] =
new Task[Ctx, (K, K1), V] {
def run[F[_]](build: ((K, K1)) => F[V])(implicit c: Ctx[F]): F[V] = { a => { b =>
build((a, b))
implicit class ApplicativeTask[K, V](val task: Task[Applicative, K, V]) extends AnyVal {
// Get the list of dependencies for a given K
// I think this also works for Alternative
def dependencies: List[K] =[Const[Chain[K], ?]] { k => Const( }
implicit class MonadTask[K, V](val task: Task[Monad, K, V]) extends AnyVal {
// Run without attempting to update any dependencies
def compute[I](store: Store[I, K, V])(implicit EK: Eq[K]): V =[Id] { k => store.getValue(k) }
def traverse[T[_]: Traverse, K, V](tasks: T[K])(fn: T[V] => V): Task[Applicative, K, V] =
new Task[Applicative, K, V] {
def run[F[_]](build: K => F[V])(implicit ctx: Applicative[F]): F[V] =
val foldTask: Task[Alternative, String, String] =
new Task[Alternative, String, String] {
def run[F[_]](build: String => F[String])(implicit ctx: Alternative[F]): F[String] =
ctx.combineK(build("foo"), build("bar"))
val fooTask = value("foo")
val barTask = value("bar")
sealed trait Tasks[Ctx[_[_]], K, V] {
def get(k: K): Option[Task[Ctx, K, V]]
def ++(that: Tasks[Ctx, K, V]): Tasks[Ctx, K, V]
object Tasks {
private case class TaskMap[Ctx[_[_]], K, V](toMap: Map[K, Task[Ctx, K, V]]) extends Tasks[Ctx, K, V] {
def get(k: K) = toMap.get(k)
def ++(that: Tasks[Ctx, K, V]): Tasks[Ctx, K, V] =
that match {
case TaskMap(m2) => TaskMap(toMap ++ m2)
def one[Ctx[_[_]], K, V](k: K, t: Task[Ctx, K, V]): Tasks[Ctx, K, V] =
TaskMap(Map((k, t)))
def apply[Ctx[_[_]], K, V](tasks: (K, Task[Ctx, K, V])*): Tasks[Ctx, K, V] =
TaskMap(Map(tasks: _*))
trait Build[Ctx[_[_]], I, K, V] {
def update(tsks: Tasks[Ctx, K, V], key: K, store: Store[I, K, V]): Store[I, K, V]
object Build {
* A naive applicative builder that rebuilds each time an item is needed
def busy[K: Eq, V]: Build[Applicative, Unit, K, V] =
new Build[Applicative, Unit, K, V] {
def update(tsks: Tasks[Applicative, K, V], key: K, store: Store[Unit, K, V]): Store[Unit, K, V] = {
def fetch(k: K): State[Store[Unit, K, V], V] =
tsks.get(k) match {
case None => State.get[Store[Unit, K, V]].map(_.getValue(k))
case Some(t) =>
for {
v <-
_ <- State.modify[Store[Unit, K, V]](_.putValue(k, v))
} yield v
trait Rebuilder[Ctx[_[_]], IR, K, V] {
def apply(k: K, v: V, task: Task[Ctx, K, V]): Task.StateTask[IR, K, V]
object Rebuilder {
def dirtyBit[K, V]: Rebuilder[Monad, K => Boolean, K, V] =
new Rebuilder[Monad, K => Boolean, K, V] {
def apply(k: K, v: V, task: Task[Monad, K, V]): Task.StateTask[K => Boolean, K, V] =
new Task.StateTask[K => Boolean, K, V] {
def run[F[_]](build: K => F[V])(implicit c: MonadState[F, K => Boolean]): F[V] =
c.monad.flatMap(c.get) { isDirty =>
if (isDirty(k))
else c.monad.pure(v)
trait Scheduler[Ctx[_[_]], I, IR, K, V] {
def apply(r: Rebuilder[Ctx, IR, K, V]): Build[Ctx, I, K, V]
object Scheduler {
def suspending[I, K: Order, V]: Scheduler[Monad, I, I, K, V] =
new Scheduler[Monad, I, I, K, V] {
def apply(r: Rebuilder[Monad, I, K, V]): Build[Monad, I, K, V] =
new Build[Monad, I, K, V] {
type S = (Store[I, K, V], SortedSet[K])
val monadState: MonadState[State[S, ?], I] =
new MonadState[State[S, ?], I] {
def monad = Monad[State[S, ?]]
def update[A](fn: I => State[S, (I, A)]): State[S, A] =
for {
sd <- State.get[S]
(store, _) = sd
ia <- fn(store.getInfo)
(newI, a) = ia
_ <- State.modify[S] { case (store, d) => (store.putInfo(newI), d) }
} yield a
def update(tsks: Tasks[Monad, K, V], key: K, store: Store[I, K, V]): Store[I, K, V] = {
def run(t: Task.StateTask[I, K, V], fn: K => State[S, V]): State[S, V] =
def fetch(key: K): State[S, V] =
.flatMap { case (store, done) =>
val value = store.getValue(key)
tsks.get(key) match {
case Some(task) if !done(key) =>
// we need to run
val newTask = r(key, value, task)
for {
newValue <- run(newTask, fetch(_))
_ <- State.modify[S] { case (str, set) =>
(str.putValue(key, newValue), set + key)
} yield newValue
case _ =>
fetch(key).run((store, SortedSet.empty[K](Order[K].toOrdering))).value._1._1
case class Trace[+K, V, +R](key: K, depends: List[(K, Hash[V])], result: R)
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