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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Abstracting map/reduce joins.
* @avibryant and I have been interested in extracting as much of scalding out into Algebird,
* so that it is portable across many execution systems, but how to model joins?
* In the FP world, Applicative[M] is a typeclass that gives you both Functor[M] (which provides map)
* and in addition join:
trait Functor[M[_]] {
// law: map(map(a)(f))(g) == map(a)(f.andThen(g))
def map[V,U](init: M[T])(fn: T => U): M[U]
trait Applicative[M[_]] extends Functor[M] {
* I think the laws using join can be written as:
* map(join(apply(a), m)) { case (_, t) => t } == m
* join(join(ma, mb), mc).map { case ((a, b), c) => (a, b, c) } ==
* join(ma, join(mb, mc)).map { case (a, (b, c)) => (a, b, c) }
def apply[A](a: A): M[A]
def join[A, B](a: M[A], b: M[B]): M[(A, B)]
* setting aside apply, let's look at just the join:'
trait Joinable[M[_]] {
def join[A, B](a: M[A], b: M[B]): M[(A, B)]
trait MapJoin[K] extends Joinable[[V] => Map[K, V]] {
def join[A, B](a: Map[K, A], b: Map[K, B]): Map[K, (A, B)] =
(a.keySet & b.keySet).foldLeft(Map.empty[K, (A, B)]) { (m, k) =>
m + (a(k), b(k))
* For databases we normally think of a type where each Key can have multiple values
* unless some other constraint has been made. This is like a Map[K, Iterable[V]] type:
trait TableJoin[K] extends Joinable[[V] => Map[K, Iterable[V]]] {
* here there are perhaps two ways to join the Iterable:
* 1) zip style
* 2) cross product. This is usually what is meant in DB join, and what we use here
def join[A, B](a: Map[K, Iterable[A]], b: Map[K, Iterable[B]]): Map[K, Iterable[(A, B)]] =
(a.keySet & b.keySet).foldLeft(Map.empty[K, Iterable[(A, B)]]) { (m, k) =>
m + (for { ai <- a(k); bi <- b(k) } yield (ai, bi))
* At this point you might notice that join on the map is just doing join on something
* isomorphic to case class Identity[T](get: T) wrapper or
* and [V] => Map[K, Iterable[V]] is doing the same for Iterable[T], so these two implementations
* can be rewritten to be the same.
* This is fine, but it didn't get us much closer to the question of how to extract
* joins from scalding like we did with Aggregator.
* 1) How do we apply the logic independent of the type (in the above Map)?
* 2) How do we do joins other than inner joins (like outer)?
trait GenJoinable[M[_], C[_, _]] {
def join[A, B](ma: M[A], mb: M[B]): M[C[A, B]]
sealed trait TriState[+A, +B]
case class TriLeft[A](left: A) extends TriState[A, Nothing]
case class TriRight[B](right: B) extends TriState[Nothing, B]
case class TriBoth[A, B](left: A, right: B) extends TriState[A, B]
trait InnerJoin[M[_]] extends GenJoinable[M[_], Tuple2]
trait OuterJoin[M[_]] extends GenJoinable[M[_], TriState]
type LeftOrBoth[A, B] = Either[A, (A, B)]
trait LeftJoin[M[_]] extends GenJoinable[M[_], LeftOrBoth]
* Okay, but what does that get us? What are the laws? What are the constraints on the C[_, _] container type?
* I don't know yet.
* Some thoughts:
* - to be interesting on map/reduce we probably need to have some notion of the ability to go through
* an Iterator[(K, V)] => Iterator[(K1, V)]
* Iterator[(K, U)] => Iterator[(K1, U)]
* in an non-keylocal way,
* and then again later in a key-local way: (K1, Iterator[V], Iterator[U]) => Iterator[(K, C[V, U])]
* Does this work:
trait JoinAlgo[K, K1, C[_, _]] {
def prepareLeft[V](left: Iterator[(K, V)]): Iterator[(K1, V)]
def prepareRight[U](right: Iterator[(K, U)]): Iterator[(K1, U)]
def joinGroup[V, U](key: K1, lefts: Iterator[V], right: Iterable[U]): Iterator[(K, C[V, U])]
* It should be obvious to see that this can implement left, right, inner and outer join
* with trivial prepareLeft, prepareRight.
* Let's try block-join that is a simple way of dealing with key skew
trait BlockJoin[K] extends JoinAlgo[K, (Int, Int, K), Tuple2] {
def prepareLeft[V](left: Iterator[(K, V)]) =
left.flatMap { case (k, v) =>
val row = if (v.hashCode % 2 == 0) 0 else 1
Iterator((row, 0, k), v), (row, 1, k), v))
def prepareRight[U](left: Iterator[(K, U)]) =
left.flatMap { case (k, u) =>
val col = if (u.hashCode % 2 == 0) 0 else 1
Iterator((0, col, k), u), (1, col, k), u))
def joinGroup[V, U](subblock: (Int, Int, K), lefts: Iterator[V], rights: Iterable[U]) =
// Just do the cross here
for {
v <- lefts
u <- rights.iterator
} yield (subblock._2, (v, u))
* Okay, but what about bloomjoin, that requires making an aggregated value from one side and sending it to the other?
* I don't know yet.
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I'll propose an alternative solution for maps and joins which has three nice properties:

  • The Map type implements the full Applicative interface
  • The Map type also implements the Alternative interface (which you can think of as a higher-kinded Monoid interface)
  • You can implement all the diverse join operations solely in terms of operations from the Applicative and Alternative interfaces
  • The API generalizes cleanly to joining in multiple sources without nested Maybes

First, I'll begin with the implementation of Map and lookup:

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Prelude hiding (lookup)

newtype Map k v = Map { lookup :: k -> Maybe v }

fromMap :: Ord k => Map.Map k v -> Map k v
fromMap m = Map (\k -> Map.lookup k m)

fromFunction :: (k -> Maybe v) -> Map k v
fromFunction = Map

This new Map type doesn't necessarily have to store a key-value map at all. It just stores some sort of lookup function, which could be implemented in terms of a conventional map or you could just pass a raw user-written function. Here are some examples of building and using this new type of map:

>>> let map1 = fromMap (Map.fromList [(1, "ASDF"), (2, "QWER")]) :: Map Int String
>>> let map2 = fromFunction (Just . show) :: Map Int String
>>> lookup map1 1
Just "ASDF"
>>> lookup map1 3
>>> lookup map2 3  -- map2 is defined for all keys
Just "3"

The category-theory terminology for this trick is a "final encoding" (i.e. you encode a type by blindly translating its specification, which in this case is just the lookup function).

This encoding lets us implement the full Applicative interface:

import Control.Applicative

instance Functor (Map k) where
    fmap k (Map f) = Map (fmap (fmap k) f)

instance Applicative (Map k) where
    pure v = Map (pure (pure v))

    Map f1 <*> Map f2 = Map (liftA2 (<*>) f1 f2)

-- I really wish Haskell had not used `join` for `Monad`s
join :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
join = liftA2 (,)

However, there's another interface that this Map type can also implement: the Alternative type class (which is also provided by Control.Applicative). The definition of the interface is:

-- Defined in `Control.Applicative`
class Applicative f => Alternative f where
    -- | The identity of '<|>'
    empty :: f a
    -- | An associative binary operation
    (<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a

It's basically identical to the Monoid type class, except:

  • it's parametrized over a higher-kinded type, f.
  • it also has an Applicative constraint for f

We can implement Alternative for this Map type, too:

instance Alternative (Map k) where
    empty = Map (pure empty)  -- Map (\_ -> Nothing)
    Map f <|> Map g = Map (liftA2 (<|>) f g)  -- Map (\k -> f k `orElse` g k)

Now we can implement all the join operations in terms of Applicative and Alternative:

leftJoin :: Alternative f => f a -> f b -> f (a, Maybe b)
leftJoin m1 m2 = join m1 (optional m2)

rightJoin :: Alternative f => f a -> f b -> f (Maybe a, b)
rightJoin m1 m2 = join (optional m1) m2

outerJoin :: Alternative f => f a -> f b -> f (Maybe a, Maybe b)
outerJoin m1 m2 = join (optional m1) (optional m2)

Notice how I'm using the optional function, which I didn't even define. That function is provided by Control.Applicative already!

-- Provided by `Control.Applicative`
optional :: Alternative f => f a -> f (Maybe a)
optional v = fmap Just v <|> pure Nothing

None of those operations are Map-specific. They would work on any type that implements Alternative, like Maybe, and they will "do the right thing":

>>> leftJoin Nothing (Just 1)
Just (1,Nothing)
>>> leftJoin (Just 1) Nothing

As a bonus, it's easy to do multiple left-joins using this Alternative API. If you wanted to left join in 3 sources, you would just write:

>>> join m1 (optional m2) (optional m3) (optional m4)

This join + optional API cleanly avoids the issue the old API had where you would get nested Maybes when you left join in multiple sources.

So I propose that Alternative is the clean solution to implementing derived join operations, and it already come with obvious laws: the Monoid laws:

empty <|> m = m

m <|> empty = m

(m1 <|> m2) <|> m3 = m1 <|> (m2 <|> m3)

Finally, note that I'm not necessarily proposing that you need to implement the Map type the same way that I did (as a function). However, I do believe that whatever the final implementation is that it should implement both Applicative and Alternative. The Alternative/optional trick for implementing joins is the meat of my proposal and the encoding-a-Map-as-a-function trick is just a stepping stone for explaining the Alternative idea.

Also, some minor nitpicks. There's one more functor law:

map(a) { x => x } = a

... and one more applicative law:

map(join(m, apply(a))) { case (t, _) => t } == m

I need more time to think about TableJoin. I'm still not sure what is the most elegant API for that just yet.

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One error, which is that the last example should be:

>>> let join4 = liftA4 (,,,)
>>> join4 m1 (optional m2) (optional m3) (optional m4)

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johnynek commented Dec 8, 2014

@Gabriel439 this is really interesting and I appreciate you expanding on it so much. Also, I like the trick you did (in your follow up blog post) to make a Map that is applicative. I overlooked that All | Some (Set k) trick. Nice.

That said: the main goal we are interested in is not modeling joins conceptually, but implementing things like bloomJoin/sketchJoin/blockJoin etc... in a way that does not depend on scalding and could be reused from many map/reduce-like systems. If we are going to do that, we need an abstraction of what a Join is, so that it can be applied without knowledge of how it works.

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