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Last active July 3, 2021 17:54
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Save johnynek/9426221 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple example of how to write a linked-list in scala that knows its length at compile-time. This allows you to write a zip method that is always exact.
// I was reading through these examples:
// and I thought it would be nice to more quickly get to something useful, to show the power of the techniques.
object SizedListExample {
// Type of all Non-negative integers
sealed trait Nat
// This is zero.
sealed trait _0 extends Nat
// Successor to some non-negative number
sealed trait Succ[N <: Nat] extends Nat
// Convert types into values:
trait Count[N <: Nat] { def toInt: Int }
def toInt[N <: Nat](implicit c: Count[N]): Int = c.toInt
implicit val zCount: Count[_0] = new Count[_0] { def toInt = 0 }
implicit def nCount[N <: Nat](implicit c: Count[N]): Count[Succ[N]] = {
val c_1 = toInt[N]
new Count[Succ[N]] { def toInt = c_1 + 1 }
// Make a very simple sized linked list
sealed trait LList[N<:Nat, +T] {
def fold[U](init: U)(fn: (U, T) => U): U
// map preserves length, not flatMap/filter don't work
def map[U](fn: T => U): LList[N, U]
// Note: zip requires a list of the same length
def zip[U](that: LList[N, U]): LList[N, (T, U)]
// Note: size is one bigger after this
def ::[U>:T](h: U): LList[Succ[N], U]
final case object LNil extends LList[_0, Nothing] {
def fold[U](init: U)(fn: (U, Nothing) => U) = init
def map[U](fn: Nothing => U) = LNil
def zip[U](that: LList[_0, U]) = LNil
def ::[U>:Nothing](h: U) = Cons(h, LNil)
final case class Cons[N<:Nat,+T](head: T, tail: LList[N, T]) extends LList[Succ[N], T] {
def fold[U](init: U)(fn: (U, T) => U) = tail.fold(fn(init, head))(fn)
def map[U](fn: T => U) = Cons(fn(head),
def zip[U](that: LList[Succ[N], U]) = {
// How to remove this? it can never fail, there is only one subclass of LList[Succ[N], U]
val thatC = that.asInstanceOf[Cons[N, U]]
Cons((head, thatC.head),
def ::[U>:T](h: U) = Cons(h, this)
scala> import SizedListExample._
import SizedListExample._
scala> 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: LNil
res19: SizedListExample.Cons[SizedListExample.Succ[SizedListExample.Succ[SizedListExample._0]],Int] = Cons(1,Cons(2,Cons(3,LNil)))
scala> "hey" :: "you" :: LNil
res20: SizedListExample.Cons[SizedListExample.Succ[SizedListExample._0],java.lang.String] = Cons(hey,Cons(you,LNil))
scala> res19 zip res20
<console>:31: error: type mismatch;
found : SizedListExample.Cons[SizedListExample.Succ[SizedListExample._0],java.lang.String]
required: SizedListExample.LList[SizedListExample.Succ[SizedListExample.Succ[SizedListExample.Succ[SizedListExample._0]]],?]
res19 zip res20
scala> res19 zip ("fixed" :: res20)
res22: SizedListExample.Cons[SizedListExample.Succ[SizedListExample.Succ[SizedListExample._0]],(Int, java.lang.String)] = Cons((1,fixed),Cons((2,hey),Cons((3,you),LNil)))
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