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Last active May 7, 2021 09:03
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import numpy as np
import napari
from transformations import re_normalize
def enable_gui_qt():
"""Performs the magic command %gui qt"""
from IPython import get_ipython
ipython = get_ipython()
ipython.magic('gui qt')
class DatasetViewer:
def __init__(self,
self.dataset = dataset
self.index = 0
# napari viewer instance
self.viewer = None
# current image & shape layer
self.image_layer = None
self.label_layer = None
def napari(self):
# IPython magic
# napari
if self.viewer:
del self.viewer
except AttributeError:
self.index = 0
# Init napari instance
self.viewer = napari.Viewer()
# Show current sample
# Key-bindings
# Press 'n' to get the next sample
def next(viewer):
self.increase_index() # Increase the index
self.show_sample() # Show next sample
# Press 'b' to get the previous sample
def prev(viewer):
self.decrease_index() # Decrease the index
self.show_sample() # Show next sample
def increase_index(self):
self.index += 1
if self.index >= len(self.dataset):
self.index = 0
def decrease_index(self):
self.index -= 1
if self.index < 0:
self.index = len(self.dataset) - 1
def show_sample(self):
# Get a sample from the dataset
sample = self.get_sample_dataset(self.index)
x, y = sample
# Get the names from the dataset
names = self.get_names_dataset(self.index)
x_name, y_name = names
x_name, y_name =, # only possible if pathlib.Path
# Transform the sample to numpy, cpu and correct format to visualize
x = self.transform_x(x)
y = self.transform_y(y)
# Create or update image layer
if self.image_layer not in self.viewer.layers:
self.image_layer = self.create_image_layer(x, x_name)
self.update_image_layer(self.image_layer, x, x_name)
# Create or update label layer
if self.label_layer not in self.viewer.layers:
self.label_layer = self.create_label_layer(y, y_name)
self.update_label_layer(self.label_layer, y, y_name)
# Reset view
def create_image_layer(self, x, x_name):
return self.viewer.add_image(x, name=str(x_name))
def update_image_layer(self, image_layer, x, x_name):
"""Replace the data and the name of a given image_layer""" = x = str(x_name)
def create_label_layer(self, y, y_name):
return self.viewer.add_labels(y, name=str(y_name))
def update_label_layer(self, target_layer, y, y_name):
"""Replace the data and the name of a given image_layer""" = y = str(y_name)
def get_sample_dataset(self, index):
return self.dataset[index]
def get_names_dataset(self, index):
return self.dataset.inputs[index], self.dataset.targets[index]
def transform_x(self, x):
# make sure it's a numpy.ndarray on the cpu
x = x.cpu().numpy()
# from [C, H, W] to [H, W, C] - only for RGB images.
if self.check_if_rgb(x):
x = np.moveaxis(x, source=0, destination=-1)
# Re-normalize
x = re_normalize(x)
return x
def transform_y(self, y):
# make sure it's a numpy.ndarray on the cpu
y = y.cpu().numpy()
return y
def check_if_rgb(self, x):
# checks if the shape of the first dim (channel dim) is 3
# TODO: Try other methods as a 3D grayscale input image can have 3 modalities -> 3 channels
# TODO: Also think about RGBA images with 4 channels or a combination of a RGB and a grayscale image -> 4 channels
return True if x.shape[0] == 3 else False
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